Program Overview
Work Program and Schedule
Application Information

Program Overview

The Graduate Library Preprofessional (GLP) Program, administered by The Catholic University of America Libraries with the cooperation of the Department of Information Sciences, has a twofold purpose: providing selected new students in the Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MSLIS) programs with preprofessional work experience in the University Libraries, thus establishing a foundation for their first professional positions; and providing the University Libraries with a cadre of highly motivated and dedicated employees.

The University Libraries has several GLP positions, any of which may become available in the Spring, Summer, or Fall semesters, as those holding the positions complete their degree programs. A scholarship of over $15,000.00 per year is applied to the tuition of each GLP student.

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Work Program and Schedule

GLP positions are designed to give the student full-time exposure to the activities and responsibilities of preprofessional librarians and opportunities to develop professional competencies and skills. Duties include a range of operational tasks that are basic to all university libraries as well as duties of a professional character. GLPs work under the supervision of experienced librarians or archivists whose on-the-job instruction is intended to give them insights into the workings of a university library and the needs of its clientele. Other opportunities for growth and development are provided during the course of the program.

Graduate Library Preprofessionals work in the University Libraries for 35 hours per week. They are subject to the same personnel regulations as other library employees. Work schedules, which may include some evening and weekend hours, are arranged to permit the students to attend classes at whatever times they are offered. By taking course loads of six hours during regular Fall and Spring semesters and six hours during the Summer sessions, GLPs finish their degree requirements within a two-year period. The employment period is two years and may be extended only for students in joint-degree programs established by the Department of Information Sciences or in other degree programs approved by a GLP's academic advisor and the University Librarian. The joint JD (Law)-MSLIS program is not included in the GLP program.

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Beginning with the first semester of employment and each semester thereafter, GLPs are entitled to six credit hours of free non-taxable tuition while they are working in the libraries, given in the form of a Graduate Library Preprofessional Scholarship. The scholarship includes up to a maximum of eighteen credits per year.

Administrative leave is given for one day of the final comprehensive examination. Time off for attendance at professional meetings or conventions may be authorized. Five hours per week of administrative leave are provided during each Summer semester while the GLP is enrolled in classes.

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Application Information

Candidates for GLP positions are new students in an MSLIS program of the department of information sciences who have been officially admitted. Provisional or probationary admission does not qualify an applicant for a GLP position. A copy of the acceptance letter must be submitted with the application package. Selection is made by the librarians or archivists designated as supervisors of the GLP positions. GLPs must be eligible for full-time employment in the United States.

Please apply online

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