• Borrowing from University Libraries

  • Borrowing from Other Libraries

  • Renewals

    You may renew:

    Most items may be renewed three times.

    Recalled items may not be renewed.

    Inter-Library Loan (ILL) renewals are an exception. Request a renewal by:

    • In-person, bringing the item to ILL staff at Mullen Library Circulation Desk
    • Email ILL Staff at Mullen Library lib-ill@cua.edu
    • Phone: ILL Staff at Mullen Library 202-319-5063 before the due date

    One-time renewals are made at the discretion of the lending library. A tentative due date is assigned until the renewal is approved.

  • Returns

    Library users are responsible for returning all materials on time. Due dates are acknowledged even when the Library is closed. If the Library is closed, items can be returned to the 24-hour Book Drop box located at the back entrance of Mullen Library.

    Media items, such as DVDs and CDs, can not be returned to the Book Drop box.

  • Fines and Fees

    Library users are responsible for all materials charged to their library account. Fines are assessed for overdue items and replacement fees are charged for lost items, including equipment.

    When you accrue $25 in fines, your borrowing privileges are suspended. When your fines and fees exceed $106, a Hold will be placed on your account in Cardinal Station and you will be unable to register for the new semester or obtain transcripts.

    All fines and fees -- either for Catholic University items or other WRLC libraries' items -- may be paid at Mullen Library using credit card or exact cash, when Mullen Library is open. Fines can also be paid over the phone with your credit card when the circulation desk is open.

    Item Fine Maximum Fine Limit
    Popular Reading $0.25 per day $10.00
    CUA DVDs $1.00 per day $25.00
    WRLC Media $5.00 per day $25.00
    Music Short Loan (Scores, CDs) $0.25 per day $10.00
    ILL $1.00 per day $25.00
    Equipment $0.60 per hour $25.00
    Reserve 2 hr. $0.60 per hour $25.00
    Reserve Overnight $1.00 per hour $25.00
    Reserve 3 day $1.00 per day $25.00
    Reserve 7 day $1.00 per day $25.00
    Recall $1.00 per day $25.00
    ILL Recall $1.00 per day Recall fee is determined by the lending library
    Student Lockers $25.00 $25.00

    If you need to dispute the fine/fee or visit another WRLC library to pay, please see WRLC Payment Contact Information for more details.

  • Lost and Damaged Books and Materials

    If you lose a Catholic University library book, the following fines will appear on your account:

    Lost Item Replacement Fee $80.00
    Lost Item Processing Fee $30.00

    If you find and return the lost item to the library, the following fines are amended:

    Lost Item Replacement Fee WAIVED
    Lost Item Processing Fee WAIVED

    Replacement copies of lost books are not accepted.

  • Lost and Damaged Equipment

    Lost Item Replacement Fee
    *Adjustments may be made for depreciation
    Laptop Locks $25.00
    Headphones $15.00
    Lost Item Processing Fee $30.00
    Overdue Fee $10.00
  • Search Request

    If a library user believes that they have returned a lost book to the library, they may submit a Search Request at the Mullen Circulation Desk. The library staff will search for the book for six weeks.

    If the book is found in those six weeks:

    Lost Item Replacement Fee WAIVED
    Lost Item Processing Fee WAIVED
    Overdue Fee WAIVED
    If the book is not found after six weeks of searching, the library user you will be responsible for all fines associated with the lost item ($120.00 total).

    Lost Item Replacement Fee $80.00
    Lost Item Processing Fee $30.00
    Overdue Fee $10.00

    Procedures for Submitting a Search Request:

    You may request a Search Request by one of these methods:

    • In-person at all University Libraries
    • Email: Circulation Desk at Mullen Library lib-circulation@cua.edu
    • Phone: Circulation Desk at Mullen Library (202) 319-5060

    A notice will be mailed in one to six weeks indicating that:

    1. The book has been found and is being held, or
    2. the book is missing from the collection and your library account will be charged for the item's replacement fee, lost processing fee and overdue fine

    If you lose a book that you have borrowed from one of the Washington Research Library Consortium Libraries (WRLC), you must contact the lending library directly with any questions or concerns regarding the book or the associated fines.

  • Book Pickup and Recalls

    Book Pickup is a request initiated by a Catholic University library user for a book that is not currently on loan and is available in Mullen Library. Once a Book Pickup has been placed, the library staff will pull the book for the user from Stacks and hold it at the circulation desk for the user to pick up. A Book Pickup may not be placed on a Reserve item or Reference item.

    Recall is a request initiated by a Catholic University library user for a book that is currently on loan to another user. Any Catholic University current faculty, student or staff member may initiate a Recall from a circulating item in the Catholic University Library. Once a Recall has been placed, the current borrower will need to return the book within 15 days to avoid a recall fine. A Recall may not be placed on a Reserve item.

    The Book Pickup or Recall will be held for the requestor at the circulation desk for 10 days, after which it will be returned to the shelf.

    Any Catholic University current faculty, student or staff member may initiate a Book Pickup or Recall for an item from the University Libraries.

    To place a Book Pickup or Recall, please use SearchBox to find the book you want to pickup or recall, then log into your account and click on the link "Book Pickup/Recall CU's Copy".
  • Proxy Borrowing

    CU faculty may designate another faculty, student or staff as a proxy who is authorized to borrow materials from the University Libraries on their behalf. A faculty member is entitled to one proxy.

    Materials borrowed by the proxy are charged to the faculty member's account and the faculty member is responsible for all materials borrowed, including losses or damages and any fines or fees that may result. Overdue notices and other communications are sent to the faculty borrower and that individual's account may be blocked if materials are not returned.

    Faculty members may authorize a proxy for a single semester or up to a full academic year by completing and submitting a Proxy Borrowing Form.