• Any patron of The Catholic University of America Libraries who has privileges but is not a faculty member, staff, or a student of the University
  • Special Borrower classification includes:
    • Alumnus of the University
    • Post-doctoral Auditor
    • Non-Catholic University of America member of the OCLC Faculty Reciprocal Borrowing program
    • Washington Theological Consortium (WTC)*
      • *WTC members: Capital Bible Seminary; Dominican House of Studies; Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences; Howard School of Divinity; Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg; Museum of the Bible; School of Theology at Virginia Union University; The John Leland Center; Virginia Theological Seminary; Washington Theological Union; Wesley Theological Seminary; Woodstock Theological Center
Loan Period Renewal Permitted Maximum Quantity Fine Maximum Fine Lost Fee
Books 6 wks x3* 25 ** $10 $110
Bound Periodicals -- -- -- -- -- --
Reserves -- -- -- -- -- --
Electronic Equipment -- -- -- -- -- --
CUA DVDs 7 days x3* 3 $1.00/day $25 $110
Music Short Loan (Scores, CDs) $0.25/day $10
WRLC Items -- -- -- -- -- --
WRLC Media -- -- -- -- -- --
ILL -- -- -- -- -- --
E-Resource Access on site only

* Items that are recalled may not be renewed.
** $10.00 applied if thirty days overdue.