A non-degree student is any individual attending classes at The Catholic University of America but not actively working towards a degree from Catholic University.

Loan Period Renewal Permitted Maximum Quantity Fine Maximum Fine Lost Fee
Books 6 wks x3* 250 ** $10 $110
Popular Reading $0.25/day $10
Bound Periodicals -- -- -- -- -- --

2 hours

3 days

7 days





2 hours
3 days
7 days





Electronic Equipment 4 hours no -- $0.60/hour $25 market price
CUA DVDs 7 days no 3 $1.00/day $25 $110
Music Short Loan (Scores, CDs) $0.25/day $10
WRLC Items 6 wks x3* 250 ** $10 $110
WRLC Media 7 days no -- $5.00/day $25 $110
ILL determined by lending library determined by lending library 3 requests/day $1.00/day $25 determined by lending library
Lockers end of day no 1 $25 after the due date $25 $25
E-Resource Access on and off site access
* Items that are recalled may not be renewed.
** $10.00 applied if thirty days overdue.