University Archives

The University Archives contains official records of various schools such as Music, Drama, and Art and Nursing, departments like History and Sociology, administrative offices such as the President and Provost, and governing bodies like the Board of Trustees and Academic Senate. Records of all offices of The Catholic University of America for all years are open to administrators of that office, designated staff, and the university president's office. Records created by University offices in the last fifty (50) years will be available to researchers only when they can obtain permission of the current administrator of the office in question. Researchers may seek permission by writing to the University Archivist, who will forward the request to the appropriate office.
Records created by University offices fifty (50) years ago or earlier are open to researchers at the discretion of the University Archivist. Official personnel and student records are held at the offices of Human Resources and the Registrar, respectively, and are closed to researchers. There are also official and unofficial university publications and photographs in the Archives that are accessible and can be duplicated either by photocopy or scanning. University Archives material, as the copy of record, do not circulate and must be examined on site. Printed materials of the university, such as university newspapers, yearbooks/annuals, bulletins, and catalogs are open to researchers without permission, unless specified otherwise.
Manuscript Collections
Manuscript collections are often subject to the access rules set by individual donors. The head archivist may limit use of some collections because they are not arranged, are in the process of being arranged, or are too fragile to be handled at the current time.