Aiken, Charles Francis. Papers. 1886-1924. 3 feet; 7 document cases.
A finding aid to the Charles Francis Aiken papers
Primarily lecture notes but also includes sermons, correspondence, articles, addresses, and a seminary diary focusing on Aiken's years as a Catholic University student and faculty member. Aiken was born in Boston on April 8, 1863 and died there on July 8, 1925. He attended grammar and high school in Sommerville and higher education brought him to Harvard, St. John's Seminary (Brighton, Mass.), and Catholic University. He taught Classics at the Heathcote School of Buffalo, 1884-1886, and was ordained a priest in 1890. He began a teaching career at Catholic University in 1897 where he served as an instructor, 1897-1900, assistant professor, 1900-1906, and ordinary professor of apologetics, 1906-1924. He became dean of the faculty of theology, 1909-1913, and contributed to many scholarly journals including American Ecclesiastical Review,American Catholic Quarterly Review, and Catholic World.
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Allen, H.G. Papers. 1860. 2 volumes.
A Jesuit missionary, Allen worked among the Potawatomie Indians in the American Midwest. Present are two bound manuscript volumes, one containing vocabulary and expressions from the Potawatomie language, the other a Potawatomie Catechism with English translation.
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American Catholic Historical Association. Records. 1917-2024. 139 feet; 111 boxes. Donor: ACHA.
The ACHA was organized primarily by Peter Guilday in Cleveland in 1919 and incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia. Its main objectives have been to promote a deeper knowledge of the history of the Catholic Church and the advancement of historical scholarship in all fields among American Catholics by rendering them various services, opportunities, and awards. In relation to non-Catholics the Association's task has been to defend the Church's past against falsehoods and misinterpretations and to foster a better appreciation of the debt modern civilization owes to Christianity.
The Association has enjoyed the support of Catholic universities, colleges, and seminaries but membership is open to those interested in the objectives of the Association regardless of religion or nationality. Annual meetings are held each December in a different city but always together with the American Historical Association and other historical societies. Notable past presidents include Lawrence F. Flick, Leo F. Stock, Carlos E. Castaneda and Martin McQuire. Three prizes are awarded annually. The John Gilmary Shea Prize goes to the best book on the history of the Catholic Church. The Howard R. Marraro Prize goes to the best book on Italian or Italo-American history. Finally, the Peter Guilday Prize goes to the best article in the Catholic Historical Review by someone not previously published.
The Association adopted as its official organ the Catholic Historical Review, which has been published since 1915. This journal carries scholarly articles and book reviews not only about the Roman Catholic Church but topics remotely related to Christian religion and culture. In addition, the Association has sponsored the publication of United States Ministers to the Papal States: Instructions and Despatches (1933), Consular Relations Between the United States and the Papal States(1945), and the edited papers of John Carroll, first bishop and archbishop of Baltimore and father of the American episcopate (1976).
Material related both to the American Catholic Historical Association in general and its journal, Catholic Historical Review,in particular. The former consists of general correspondence (1919-1995), subject files (1924-1995) which cover the annual meeting and the prize awards, and printed material (1919-1996) including proceedings and directories. There are also financial records (1928-1984) which include ledgers, advertisements, and membership cards and files. Catholic Historical Review records (1917-1994) entail mostly editorial correspondence with contributors and potential contributors.
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American Citizenship, Commission on. Collection. 1938-1970. 8 feet; 13 boxes. Donors: Various, 1970-2015.
A finding aid to the Commission on American Citizenship Collection
Founded at The Catholic University of America in 1938, with a papal mandate, to influence the American Catholic education system. Objectives were to produce a social program for American Catholic Schools based on the encyclical letters, prepare courses that defined democracy in regard to Catholic traditions, and write comprehensive text books for all educational levels. Collection include correspondence and textbooks like the Faith and Freedom Readers (1942-1962). There also color anti Communism by George Pflaum posters from 1961.
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American Hierarchy Annual Meetings. Collection. 1890-1969. 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donors: John Tracy Ellis, J.M. O'Toole, 1984, 1988, 1991.
The founding of the American Catholic hierarchy dates from the appointment in 1789 of John Carroll as first Bishop (later Archbishop) of Baltimore, which was coterminous with the United States of that time. Over the next sixty year there were seven Provincial Councils of Baltimore that became increasingly national in scope as additional metropolitan provinces were added. Hereafter followed the First, Second, and Third Plenary Councils, convoked in 1852, 1866, and 1884, respectively. In 1889, upon the occasion of the centennial of the establishment of the American hierarchy, it was decided that there should be annual meetings thereafter. The bishops did meet from 1890 onward but since these meetings had no canonical status they did not issue pastorals. The American Church retained mission status from Rome until 1908 and official meetings of the American bishops with canonical status only began in 1919 in the wake of the establishment of the National Catholic War Council in 1917 and the Bishops' Program of Social Reconstruction in 1919 as well as the Pastoral Letter of 1919.
Printed and typescript copies of minutes, programs, and reports of the annual meetings of the American Catholic Hierarchy for 1890 to 1969 largely compiled and collected by Msgr. John Tracy Ellis. The Pastoral Letter of 1919 and the 1917 Code of Canon Law are included.
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Americanist Controversy Scrapbook. 1898-1899. 1 volume.
Containing American, French, Belgian, and Italian pamphlets, and clippings from French and Belgian newspapers relating to the controversy which developed at the end of the nineteenth century over the group of ideas termed "Americanism." This controversy was fueled in Europe when certain French writers, impressed by the progress of the American Catholic Church, advocated adoption of features of the American situation, such as separation of Church and State. In doing so, they angered conservative French churchmen who proceeded to vehemently attack the ideas of Americans such as Isaac Hecker (founder of the Paulists), John Ireland (Archbishop of St. Paul, Minnesota), John Keane (first Rector of Catholic University, 1888-1896), and Denis J. O'Connell (Rector of the American College in Rome, 1884-1895). Most of the material in this volume concerns the widely read French translation of Walter Elliot's biography of Hecker. Rather freely and inaccurately translated, this biography was delegated to the Roman Index by Charles Maignen, a French priest.
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Anti-Catholic Literature. 1925, 1928. .7 feet, 1 box. Donor: Democratic National Committee, 1929.
A finding aid to the Anti-Catholic Literature Collection
Mounted photostats plus a few originals of pamphlets, cartoons and posters, some of a sensational nature, distributed by various anti-Catholic groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, during the 1928 presidential campaign for the purpose of undermining the Democratic candidate, Alfred E. Smith. Also present, a 1925 petition and letters concerning the appointment of a Catholic teacher by the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia.
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Archdiocese for the Military Services USA. Collection. 1889(1983-2021)n.d. 9 linear feet; 6 boxes. Donors: Various, 2005-2021.
A finding aid to the Archdiocese for the Military Service USA Collection
The Archdiocese for the Military Services USA Collection consists of publications related to the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, including newspapers, magazines, prayer materials, worship aids, Archbishops' travel schedules and destinations, administrative information, books, pamphlets, and video recordings.
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Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU). Records. 1909-2022. 78 feet, 62 boxes. Donors: NCEA, ACCU 1993-2024.
A finding aid to Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) records
The Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU) was founded independently in 1899 and shortly thereafter became a constitutive member of the Catholic Education Association (now known as the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)). On July 1, 2000 the ACCU became an independently incorporated 501(c3) organization though remaining an affiliate of the NCEA. Records include correspondence and membership forms as well as general information about member colleges and universities. Additionally, there is correspondence between college/university presidents and the ACCU and files from the board of directors meetings. See also NCEA records for additional pre-2000 ACCU related material.
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Autographes des cardinaux des XVII, XVIII, et XIX siecles. Collection. 1653-1879, 2.5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Arthur T. Connoly.
A finding aid to the Autographes des cardinaux des XVII, XVIII, et XIX siecles collection
Primarily a compilation of the correspondence of Roman Catholic cardinals bound in a leather tome. Also contained in the collection are a small number of prints of portraits of the cardinals, newspaper clippings, and certificates. All of the materials are written in Italian, French, or Latin. The majority of the correspondence is written in Italian. Connolly, a Boston priest (1853-1933), was a trustee of Boston Public Library and a noted collector of books who was a major donor of volumes to Catholic University's library.
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Baldus, Simon Alexander. Papers. 1907-1956, n.d. 1.5 feet; 3 boxes. Donor: Unknown ca. 1960, P. Davis 2004.
A finding aid to Simon Alexander Baldus papers
Baldus was born 1872 in Cincinnati in a German speaking community and educated at St. Xavier's College. He worked as a reporter for a Cincinnati newspaper and wrote book reviews for the Catholic Telegraph. He organized a stock company to publish a Catholic home journal titled Men and Women, 1902-1905. He was friends with Rev. Francis Clement Kelly, and together they started the Catholic Church Extension Society in 1905. Baldus became managing editor of Extension magazine in 1907 and wrote the editorials after 1928. He retired in 1951. The Papers include correspondence primarily related to Extension magazine and the Catholic Church Extension Society. There is also some printed material, such as pamphlets about efforts to achieve world peace, and a few photographs.
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Ball, William Bentley. Papers. 1712(1922-2020)n.d. 27 feet; 25 boxes. Donors: Various, 2017-2022.
A finding aid to the William Bentley Ball papers
Ball (1916-1999) attended Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve University), where he served as the President of the Young Americanist League, opposing communist, fascist, and socialist groups. After graduation, he served in the 107th Cavalry Regiment of the Ohio National Guard, as well as joining the US Navy in World War II, serving aboard the USS Quincy. After the war, he studied law at the University of Notre Dame. He went on to teach constitutional law at Villanova University and then served as general counsel for the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference. In 1967, Ball worked on his first Supreme Court case, Loving v. Virginia, entering a brief on behalf of 25 Catholic bishops on the unconstitutionality of anti-miscegenation laws. Ball was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court in 1969. He argued 9 cases and assisted with 25 others Supreme court cases as well as giving his testimony during the debate of numerous state and federal bills concerning the 1st Amendment. He went to the forefront of Church-State issues, writing over 200 articles and books on the subject. In 1974, he visited the Vatican where he was made a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. In 1986, Ball was one of many considered for the Associate Justice seat that went to Antonin Scalia. When not practicing law, Ball would teach and serve as a guest lecturer and commencement speaker throughout the country, receiving seven honorary degrees from various institutions. The Ball papers contain publications, case files, correspondence, personal effects, and photographs largely documenting his legal career. Additionally, there are research materials assembled by authors Bruce Dierenfield and David Gerber for their 2020 book Disability Rights and Religious Liberty in Education: The Story behind Zobrest v. Catalina Foothills School District.
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Baltimore Archdiocese History and Baronius' Annales Ecclesiastici Collection. ca. 1828. 4 items. Donor: Henri Hyvernat, ?1931.
Found in Catholic University's Mullen Library in a volume of Cesare Baronius' Annales Ecclesiastici that bore the bookplate of Ambrose Marechal, 3rd Archbishop of Baltimore (1817-1828). The collection consists of manuscript fragments, including a synopsis of various chapters of the Annales and notes made by an unidentified author with the stated intention of providing a "brief review of the churches and pious institutes of Baltimore [so that] the reader may form an idea of the state of religion in this metropolis." These notes describe the following churches: St. Patrick's, St. John's, St. Peter's, St. Mary's Seminary Church, and St. Mary's Cathedral. This fact provides a rough guide to the time of writing, since the churches listed above were the only Catholic churches in the city of Baltimore in 1828 when James Whitfield succeeded Marechal as Archbishop. Among the pious institutes described are: the Baltimore Infirmary, founded in 1822 as an auxiliary to the University of Maryland's Medical School, St. Mary's Female Orphan Asylum, chartered in 1819 as a subsidiary of the Cathedral, the Boys Free School, and the Oblate Sisters of Providence. Also present is the draft of a speech, apparently given at the laying of the cornerstone for St. Mary's Female Orphan Asylum in 1828. Since this ceremony was presided over by James Whitfield, the speech may have been his. A description of the ceremony is written on the verso of this draft.
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Baraga, Frederic Iraneous. Papers. 1954. .5 feet, 1 box, mimeograph copies. Donor: Historical Commission of the Bishop Baraga Association, 1955.
Papers, 1831-1896, assembled and circulated by the Association to promote the cause of his beatification. Mainly letters from Baraga, they concern his work in Upper Michigan among the Chippewa/Ojibwa tribe, as a missionary and later as Bishop of Saulte Sainte Marie. Reflective of the rigors of missionary life, many also describe Native American lifestyles.
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Bassett, William, Vatican Council II Collection. 1963, 1971, .5 feet; 1 box. Donor: W. Bassett, 1971.
A finding aid to the William Bassett Collection
Bassett was born in 1932 and was ordained a priest of Peoria, Illinois. He served as facilitator for Senior Archbishops in the Basilica under Council Secretariat, Archbishop Pericle Felici, at the third and fourth sessions of the Second Vatican Council. He received his J.C.D. from the Gregorian University in Rome in 1965 and taught at Catholic University's School of Canon Law, 1967-1973. He also obtained his J.D. from the Catholic University of America in 1972 and resigned in 1973 to get married. He began teaching at the University of San Francisco in August 1974 and retired in June, 2008. This small collection contains three bound volumes from his time at the Council, as well as a book that he wrote concerning the appointment of bishops.
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Binz, Leo, Vatican Council II Collection 1961-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Binz, 1971.
A finding aid to Archbishop Leo Binz - Vatican Council II Collection
Archbishop Leo Binz (1900-1979), a native of Illinois, earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts from St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, then went on to study at the Sulpician Seminary in Washington and then the Pontifical North American College in Rome. In 1924, he was ordained a priest for the diocese of Rockford. He also earned a Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the Propaganda University in 1924 and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University in 1926. Binz served as Archbishop of Dubuque from 1954 until 1961. At that point, he was reassigned to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul (which expanded to include Minneapolis in 1966). Archbishop Binz was a participant in the Second Session of the Second Vatican Council, and, most notably, was part of the 60th General Congregation on November 5, 1963: the Commission for Bishops and the Government of Diocese. The collection contains published and non-published documents associated with his involvement in the Second Vatican Council, particularly in association with the Commission for Bishops and the Government of Dioceses, of which he was a member.
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Blake, Peter Jost. 1949-1987. 6.25 linear feet, 5 boxes. Donor: Adnan Morshed, 2013.
A finding aid to the Peter Jost Blake Papers
Born Peter Jost Blach in Berlin in 1920, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen and changed his name to Blake in 1944. He moved to Connecticut after retirement, writing articles and books as well as a regular column for both New York magazine and Interior Design, until his death in 2006. The collection documents his early years as a professor in and later chairman of the then Department of Architecture and Planning at The Catholic University of America, 1979-1991. Records include correspondence; inter-departmental, school, and university documents; conferences and professional organizations Blake attended, was part of, or received information from during this time period; and oversize materials in the form of educational degrees and professional certificates/licenses.
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Bland, Joseph Marion Andrew P. IV. Scrapbook. 1937-1941. 1 volume. Donor: J.M.A.P. Bland IV, 1943.
Compiled by the donor, who was born in Louisville, Kentucky, this mainly contains rough and incomplete notes on his family's genealogy, beginning in twelfth century England. Most of the notes relate to the American branch of the family, which appears to have settled in Virginia in the seventeenth century, spreading from there to Tennessee and Kentucky. Jottings suggest that some family members were part of Sir Walter Raleigh's colony on Roanoke Island, set up in 1585 under the command of Sir Ralph Lane, and that another, Richard Bland, was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1745 until the revolution. Also included are notes and correspondence relating to the family's coat of arms.
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Bouquillon, Thomas. Papers. 1864-1904. 1 ft.; 2 boxes.
A finding aid to the papers of Thomas Bouquillon
Rev. Thomas Bouquillon was born at Warenton, Belgium on May 16, 1842. He studied philosophy and theology at Roulers and Bruges. In 1865 he was ordained in Rome. Two years later, Bouquillon received his doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University. In that same year he was appointed Professor of Moral Theology in the Seminary of Bruges. Bouquillon was appointed to the Catholic University of Lille, France in 1877 and remained there for the next decade. He came to The Catholic University of America as one of the original faculty members. From 1889 until 1902, the year of his death, he served as Professor of Moral Theology.
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Borgolte, Augustin. Letter. n.d. 1 item, xerox copy. Donor: Marie Wilson.
In German, reporting on the bombing of a church and convent on the island of Wangerooge in the North Sea off the coast of Germany. Borgolte, who signs himself "priest of St. Willehad Church," wrote the original of the letter in May 1945.
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Broderick, Francis Lyons. Research Notes. ca. 1963. 1 volume.
Loose-leaf binder of approximately 380 pages, containing handwritten notes made by Broderick, apparently in preparation for his book, Right Reverend New Dealer: John A. Ryan (1963). Many of the notes are made from primary sources housed in Catholic University's Department of Archives and Manuscripts. Ryan, 1869-1945, was a domestic prelate, moral theologian, and Catholic pioneer for American social reform. The author, an educator in the field of history, was chancellor of the University of Massachusetts, Boston, 1968-1972, and was awarded the National Catholic Book Award in 1964 for The Life of James Cardinal Gibbons (1963).
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Brookland Citizens' Association. Papers. 1928-1956. 4 1/2 inches.
Mainly incoming correspondence, minutes, press clippings and pamphlets reflecting the association's activities in the Northeast quadrant of Washington, DC. Areas of concern include civil defense, public health, housing, integration, and fluoridation of the water supply.
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Brooks-Queen Family. Papers. 1773 - 1979. 1.5 feet; 3 boxes. Donors: Anne Elizabeth Brooks Stock, Sally Stock Murray, Elizabeth Stock Hardy, Agnes Stock Scanlon, Margaret Bartley, and Laura Anthony, 1955, 1981, 1982, 1987.
A finding aid to the Brooks - Queen Papers
The Brooks-Queen Family Papers document the activities of members of two Washington families of the nineteenth century. The Brooks and Queens families united in 1828, when Jehiel Brooks and Margaret Queen, the daughter of Nicholas Louis Queen, married. The papers of these two men constitute the bulk of the collection. Jehiel Brooks came to the District to secure political appointment, but with the exception of an appointment in the Red River Indian Agency in Louisiana during the administration of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), Brooks had little luck. Instead, he assumed the role of the gentleman farmer on a tract of land adjacent to property that later became part of The Catholic University of America. One of the largest holders of real estate in the District, Nicholas Queen ran the Queen's Hotel near the Capitol until his death in 1850. The collection also includes the papers of Brooks' and Queen's descendants, including John Henry Brooks, who sold his parents' real estate to early twentieth century developers of the Brookland neighborhood. These papers offer a view into the agrarian past of the District of Columbia, the lives of nineteenth century property holders, political patronage during the mid-nineteenth century, and the work of federal agents among Native Americans as well as slavery and the Civil War.
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Brophy, John. Papers. 1918-1963. 33.5 feet; 55 boxes; 6 oversized boxes. Donors: Howard Holman, Philip and Jacqueline Brophy, 1963, 1967, 1991.
A finding aid to the papers of John Brophy
Born in northern England in 1883, Brophy emigrated to America with his parents in 1892, settling in Pennsylvania where he started working in the coal mines in 1894. He joined the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) in 1899, rising to become president of District 2, Central Pennsylvania, 1916-1926. He challenged John L. Lewis for the UMWA Presidency in 1926 and was not only defeated but expelled from the union shortly thereafter. Reconciled to Lewis in 1933, Brophy rejoined the UMWA and served as assistant to Lewis and union organizer. He was deeply embroiled in the industrial union controversy which resulted in the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in 1935. After several years of organizing union councils throughout the country, Brophy was made a member of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Fair Employment Practices Committee. He also served on the War Labor Board and in 1945 founded the Anti Communist International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, an organization which opposed the Communist influence in American unions. During the last years of his life he was active in the National Council of Senior Citizens and the Family Services Association. Despite a lack of formal education, Brophy was a tireless reader who remained fascinated with philosophy and economics throughout his life.
Private and official correspondence, diaries, speeches, UMWA and CIO convention proceedings (many bearing annotations in Brophy's hand), memoranda, articles, labor pamphlets, photographs, and scrapbooks. In addition, there is an unpublished history entitled The American Coal Miner, an unpublished autobiography entitled Twenty Years with the CIO,and his published autobiography, entitled A Miner's Life (including a manuscript copy, and oral history transcripts for the work). These materials reflect Brophy's involvement in and contribution to the American labor movement, particularly the UMWA and the CIO. The course of the Lewis-Brophy power struggle as well as the formative years of the CIO can be traced in these papers. In addition, much of the correspondence, diaries, and expense books document his extensive travels, both in the United States and abroad, on behalf of the labor movement.
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Brune, Clarance Marion. Papers. ca. 1895-1935. 2 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Minna T. Brune, 1943.
A finding aid to the Clarance Marion Brune paper
Born 1864, Bruce earned numerous degrees at universities such as Harvard, Illinois Wesleyan, King's (Nova Scotia), Laval (Quebec), and Catholic University. In addition, he received a degree from the Chicago Law School, was admitted to the bar in 1894, and practiced law for a number of years in Chicago and San Francisco. He was a legal and business representative for several American corporations in England, attorney and counsel for the US War Department, and Special Attorney in charge of the Spanish-American War Loan for the Secretary of the Treasury. He also served as an officer with the American Expeditionary Force in France during the First World War.
Printed copies and rough drafts of essays, plays, and criticisms written by Brune. Topics include the Romantic Movement, Modern Theater, Greek Tragedy, and English poets such as Milton and Coleridge. There is no correspondence or biographical material and few dated items.
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Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. Records (Microfilm Only). 411 reels of microfilm. Donor: Marquette University.
Established in 1874 to protect, promote, and administer Catholic Native American mission interests in the United States, the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions united with the Commission for the Catholic Missions among the Colored People and the Indians in 1884 and the Negro-American Mission Board in 1980. Although the microfilm copies of this collection are available to CUA, they are restricted and only archivists at Marquette University have the authority to grant access to the BCIM records. For further information on this collection, check the entry for BCIM prepared by archivists at Marquette University.
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Byron, Joseph. Humanae Vitae Controversy. Collection. 1968-1977, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes. Donor: Paul Byron, 2005.
A finding aid to the Joseph Byron collection
Byron was a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington in the late 1960s. During the Humanae Vitae episode, when many diocesan priests left or were disciplined by Cardinal Patrick O'Boyle, Father Byron took the cause to Rome on behalf of the priests. The collection consists of correspondence, meeting notes, reports, press releases, newspaper clippings, transcripts of interviews, and a publication file.
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Byron, William James. Papers. 1977-1992. 9 feet; 7 boxes. Donor: Vincent Walter 1993.
The 12th president of The Catholic University of America (CUA) 1982-1992, Father Byron is a native of Pittsburgh who grew up in Philadelphia. After service in the U.S. Army's 508th Parachute Infantry, he attended St. Joseph's College and joined the Jesuit Order in 1950. He earned degrees in philosophy and economics from St. Louis University, two theology degrees from Woodstock and a doctorate in economics from the University of Maryland. He taught at Loyola of Baltimore, Woodstock College, and Fordham University. Before coming to CUA, he had a deanship at Loyola University of New Orleans and was president of the University of Scranton. He is the author of Toward Stewardship and has published scores of articles dealing with economics, social ethics, and educational issues.
The collection consists of plaques, awards, medals, diplomas, and regalia dating from Byron's presidencies of the University of Scranton and CUA. There are also photographs from his CUA years, especially a 1985 trip to Taiwan.
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Callahan, Patrick Henry. Papers. 1911-1940. 2 feet, 4 boxes. Donor: Rev. James J. Higgins, C.SS.R, 1952.
A finding aid to the papers of Patrick Henry Callahan
Born in 1865, Callahan was educated at St. John's High School and the Spencerian Business College in Cleveland, Ohio. After a brief baseball career with the Chicago White Stockings, Callahan married Julia Cahill. The couple moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where Callahan became manager and later president of the Louisville Varnish Company. While with the company Callahan and Rev. John A. Ryan formulated a profit sharing program between stockholders and workers. Callahan was active in the church, serving as chairman of the Knights of Columbus Commission on Religious Prejudices (1914-16), founder of the Catholic Laymen's Association of Georgia (1916), chairman of the Knights of Columbus Committee on War Activities (1917-18), a director of the Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems (1923), and a founding member of the Catholic Association for International Peace. A fervent believer in Prohibition, Callahan served as general secretary of the Association of Catholics Favoring Prohibition and chaired the Central Prohibition Commission. During the Great Depression, Callahan became a supporter of New Deal programs, and served as a trustee of the National Child Labor Commission and vice president of the Kentucky Interracial Commission.
The collection includes correspondence on his various activities, both received and sent, typed or handwritten, on regular and mimeographed paper. Also included are newspaper clippings, publications, and certificates.
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Campbell, James Marshall. Papers. 1905(1931-1976)n.d.. 10 feet; 8 boxes. Donor: J.A. Feeley, 1975, Little Sisters of the Poor, 1977.
A finding aid to the papers of James Marshall Campbell
Born 1895 in Warsaw, New York, Msgr. Campbell was educated at Hamilton College, Princeton University, and The Catholic University of America. He received an MA in 1920 and Ph.D. in 1923 from CUA and prepared for the priesthood, 1922-1926, at the Sulpician Seminary, now Theological College. His academic career was spent entirely at Catholic University. In 1921 he joined the faculty of the Department of Greek and Latin and served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 1934 until retirement in 1966 when he became Emeritus Professor. He also served as Director of the Pacific Coast Branch of the Summer Session, 1932-1970, and as Associate Editor of the series 'Patristic Studies.' He was a member of the American Philological Association and the Medieval Academy of America. Msgr. Campbell exercised his ministry in chaplaincies at Holy Cross Academy and Dunbarton College, where he resided until 1973. He was named a Domestic Prelate in 1959 and died in 1977 at the St. Joseph's Home of the Little Sisters of the Poor. The collection includes research notes on cards and papers, sermons and homilies, lecture notes, articles, course outlines, tests, a bibliography, photographs, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. In addition, there are budgets, reports, and statements of the College of Arts and Sciences.
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Carbone, Jerry. Collection. 1955-1960, .25 feet: 1 box. Donor: J. Carbone, 2009.
A finding aid to the Jerry Carbone Collection
Jerry Louis Carbone, Jr. was born and raised in New York City. He attended the Catholic University of America between 1955 and 1959, earning a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering. He was active in many organizations such as the Clipper and Italian clubs as well as playing sports like baseball and basketball. The collection contains correspondence, a scrapbook, Catholic University and non-Catholic University publications, and memorabilia.
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Carini, Dominic J. Alumni Memorabilia and Photograph Collection. 1946-1951. , 0.5 feet; 1 box. Donor: D. J. Carini, 2011.
A finding aid to the Dominic J. Carini Collection
Carini, a native of Ridgefield, Connecticut, attended The Catholic University of America from 1946 to1950 and majored in Electrical Engineering. He was active with the student chapters of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), and WGIB, an informal student radio station held in Catholic University's Gibbons Hall. The collection consists of memorabilia and photographs taken by the alumnus. The images are of Catholic University's students, faculty, and buildings.
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Caporale, Rocco-Vatican Council II. Collection. n.d.(1963-1965)2003, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Melissa Wilde, 2001.
A finding aid to the Rocco Caporale-Vatican Council II Collection
Rocco Caporale was born in Santa Caterina dello Ionio, Italy in 1927. He spoke nine languages and was professor emeritus and former chair of the department of Sociology and Anthropology at St. John's University in New York and taught there for thirty years. He also held teaching positions at Manhattanville College in New York, Columbia University, the University of California at Berkeley, and Pitzer College in Claremont, California. The Rocco Caporale - Vatican Council II Collection consists of Caporale's research for his sociology dissertation on community at the Second Vatican Council: "The Dynamics of Hierocracy: A Study of Continuity-in-Change of a Religious System. The Second Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church." Caporale interviewed many participants of the Council from a variety of areas. The typed notes from these interviews, along with his research, and dissertation, are included within the collection.
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Carroll, John. Papers. 1755-1815. 6 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: John Carroll Society and the Archdiocese of New York, 1959.
Carroll, the first Roman Catholic bishop of the United States and first Archbishop of Baltimore, was born 8 January 1735 in Upper Marlborough, Maryland, to Daniel and Eleanor Carroll. He was educated at Saint Omer's in Flanders as a Jesuit and returned to Maryland in 1774 where he resided until his death in 1815. He served for twenty five years as bishop and archbishop and contributed greatly to the growth of the American church. During his reign the clergy more than doubled its numbers and three seminaries were founded for their education. In addition, Catholic colleges for men were founded in Maryland at Georgetown (1788), Baltimore (Saint Mary's, 1799), and at Emmitsburg (Mount Saint Mary's, 1808). Academies for girls were begun at Georgetown (Visitation, 1799), Emmitsburg (Saint Joseph's, 1809), and Bardstown, Kentucky (Nazareth, 1814). Carroll left a legacy of religious tolerance and political loyalty to the state which clearly demonstrated the compatibility of Catholicism and human freedom in a democracy.
Collection consists of Photostat copies and typewritten transcripts, with translation into English where needed, of correspondence and sermons which reflect the broad spectrum of his interests and influence. In addition, the Carroll vestments are on permanent display in the Chapel of Caldwell Hall on the campus of The Catholic University of America. For original Carroll documents as well as additional research material see the archives of the Vatican; the Society of Jesus (Jesuits); the Archdiocese of Baltimore; Mount Saint Vincent in New York; Mount Saint Mary and Saint Joseph Central House, both in Emmitsburg, MD; and the universities of Georgetown and Notre Dame.
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Casey, Sophie Pearse. Collection. ca. 1908-1940. 4 1/2 inches.
Casey, a Washington, DC. resident, was a traveler and lecturer. The collection, reflecting her interest in anthropology and archeology, mainly comprises postcards, photographs, cards, clippings, and pamphlets relating to Native American culture in the American Southwest. Also present are: postcards from Mexico, Guatemala, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Sudan, the Belgian Congo (Zaire), Uganda, Kenya, Zanzibar, Rhodesia, and South Africa; and several articles and photographs relating to Catholic missions in California.
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Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC. Records. 1825-1970. 34 feet: 49 boxes. Donor: Associated Catholic Charities, 1979.
A finding aid to Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC.
This collection contains records of the now defunct St. Joseph's Home and School for Boys, St. Vincent's Home and School (for girls), and St. Rose's Technical School (also for girls). Access to these sensitive records is restricted. Permission must be received in writing by the Catholic University Archivist from the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC, to authorize the Catholic University Archives staff to search for and extract information to communicate to the person(s) seeking information.
St. Joseph's Male Orphan Asylum was founded in 1855 and administered by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. It changed its name in 1925 to St. Joseph's Home and School for Boys and closed in 1967. Records include sacramental and administrative registers, minutes of the Board of Managers and Board of Trustees, and financial account books.
St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, later renamed St. Vincent's Home and School ( for girls), was founded in 1825, administered by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and closed in 1967. Records include registers, reports, financial ledgers, and some photographs.
St. Rose's Industrial School, later renamed St. Rose's Technical School, was an institution for high school age girls founded in 1868 and closed in 1947. Records include several registers as well as photographs and news clippings.
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Catholic Charities USA. Records. 1881 (1920-2015) 2015. 375 feet; 302 boxes. Donor: National Office, others 1977-2017.
A finding aid to Catholic Charities USA
After 1820, as the result of a flood of Catholic immigrants, parishes in the ethnic neighborhoods of the newly burgeoning cities became centers of spiritual activities and charitable works. A number of Catholic charitable institutions, both religious and lay, served as places of refuge for children and the aged. Religious orders including the Jesuits, Franciscans, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, and the Sisters of the Holy Family were especially active. Among the lay organizations, The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, The Ladies of Charity, and The Christ Child Society were most influential. The 1891 papal encyclical on social reform, Rerum Novarum, provided considerable inspiration and motivation. The Vincentians especially desired to not only deal with the effects of poverty, but to search out and destroy its root causes.
In 1909, Brother Barnabus, a Christian Brother and native New Yorker, suggested to Bishop Thomas J. Shahan, Rector of The Catholic University of America, the establishment of a "National Conference of Catholic Charities" to coordinate charitable activities on a national level. The inspiration of three Vincentians, Thomas Mulry and Edmund Butler of New York and Robert Biggs of Baltimore, provided impetus towards the establishment of the conference shortly thereafter. The founding and first general meeting occurred at Catholic University in September 1910. Bishop Shahan was elected first president, serving until 1929, and Monsignor William J. Kerby, a highly esteemed Catholic University professor of sociology, served as Secretary until succeeded in 1920 by Monsignor John O'Grady.
Early NCCC endeavors included the organization of Catholic Charities at the diocesan level, the establishment of Catholic schools of social work, and the formal integration of social institutions managed by religious sisters. During Monsignor O'Grady's tenure, 1920-1961, NCCC became a major advocate for progressive social legislation regarding immigration, housing, child care, and family assistance. Major activities included refugee settlement, health care, juvenile delinquency, and work with unmarried mothers. More recent efforts have targeted food and shelter services, drug and alcohol abuse, community self-help programs, and counseling for the terminally ill. The name was changed in 1986 to Catholic Charities USA to demonstrate that the organization, now a centralized and professional network of over 600 agencies and affiliated institutions, was still dedicated to service.
This expansive and diverse assemblage of records displays nearly a century of national Catholic commitment to social thought and activism and consists of correspondence, minutes of the board of directors, committee and legislative files, surveys and studies, photographs and publications. Please note that this collection stored off site, so it may take up to 72 hours to retreive boxes.
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Catholic Climate Covenant. Records. 1939(1989-2016)n.d. 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: CCC, 2016.
A finding aid to Catholic Climate Covenant.
In 2006 the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) helped form Catholic Climate Covenant, a non-profit based in Washington, D.C. to address ecological awareness and the need to implement Catholic social teaching on ecology. They developed the “St. Francis Pledge,” which pledges commitment to the words of St. Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’ on caring for creation and the poor. A variety of Catholic organizations, universities, Dioceses, religious communities, and individuals have signed the pledge. The collection consists largely of published and printed material, much of it issued by the Catholic Climate Covenant. It includes booklets, magazines, newspapers and newspaper clippings, programs, correspondence, grant applications, meeting agendas, and marketing materials. There are also photographs, DVDs of conferences, a t-shirt and banner.
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Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (CCICA). Collection. 1946-1997. 29 Boxes; 36 Feet. Donors: C.J. Nuesse, Bruce Miller, Paul Nelligan , George Dennis O'Brien, David J. O'Brien, 1988-2007.
Association founded in 1946, and now defunct, to promote national and international Catholic intellectual and cultural cooperation, consciousness and interchange of ideas, and to focus on the problems these elements present to Catholics. Annual meetings on a national basis and regional meeting were conducted, numerous studies undertaken, and a register of American Catholic Scholars maintained. Prominent members included C. Joseph Nuesse, Rev. Paul Hanly Furfey, Rev. Stephen Kuttner, and Msgr. George G. Higgins.
Collection consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, membership files, constitutions, directories, papers (many mimeographed), and publications such as the CCICA Annual (1982-1997). Please not that this collection is stored off site, so it may take up to 72 hours to retrieve boxes.
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Catholic Committee of the South. Collection. 1953, 1970s-2008, 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Sister Mary Prinski, 2009, 2017.
A finding aid to Catholic Committee of the South Collection
The Catholic Committee of the South was a network of bishops, church workers, Catholic laypeople and grassroots organizations working for social justice in the South. Originally founded by layman Paul D. Williams in 1939, it went into a period of dormancy starting in 1956. This collection consists mainly of materials of the CCS since its revitalization in 1981 until 2008, including memos, correspondence, incorparation, newsletters, reports and photographs. The collection also contains similar materials from the CCS's African American Caucus, organized in 1991, and the affiliated Connective Ministries.
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Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Papers. 1903-2003, 136 feet; 109 boxes. Donor: CDA, 1998-2004.
A finding aid to Catholic Daughters of the America Records
Charitable organization of women founded by the Knights of Columbus in Utica, NY, in 1903. Originally known as the Daughters of Isabella, it was re-named the Catholic Daughters of America in 1921, and, since 1978, has been known as the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. It's Motto is 'Unity and Charity' and Share magazine has been the official publication since 1970. Organization includes a supreme directorate consisting of 5 officers and 9 board members elected by the membership at the biennial conventions. The officers are the National Regent, First Vice National Regent, Second Vice National Regent, Third Vice National Regent, and the National Secretary-Treasurer. There is also a National Chaplain. Local units are known as courts and by 1970 there were over 1,500 nationwide and in Latin America.
The Catholic Daughters have worked with physically and mentally handicapped children and orphanages, served in veteran's hospitals and homes for the aged, helped with immigrants and foreign visitors, and have provided scholarships and disaster relief. Specific programs include Health and Life, Apostleship of the Sea, Handclasp, Morality in Media, the Eucharistic Congress, the House of Ruth, Covenant House and the Catholic Communication Foundation. Three of their largest and most significant financial commitments, located in the nation's capital, are the building of five altars at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the construction of the new headquarters of the United States Catholic Conference/National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the endowment of the Chair in Catholic Church History at The Catholic University of America. Overseas, they have participated in the Madonna Plan, Feed-a-Family program, and Mother Teresa's charities.
This initial deposit of material reflects nearly a century of the history and activities of the Catholic Daughters. Records include national board and convention minutes, constitutions and by-laws, disbanded court charters and books, correspondence, legal files, statistical reports, photographs, and reel to reel films. In addition, there are record copies of the official publications: The Herald (1904-1930),Women's Voice (1930-1948), News and Views (1952-1966), and Share (1970 to the present). Please note that this collection is stored off site, so that it may take up to 72 hours to retrieve boxes.
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Catholic Daughters of the Americas - District of Columbia Court. Papers. 1913-1999. 32 feet; 24 boxes. Donor: Virginia Borkenhagen, 1998-2000.
Established in 1913, the DC Court of CDA, number 212, is the oldest one. Membership is small though they do meet on a monthly basis and publish a Calendar of Events. Records on deposit include administrative files, 1913-1990; scrapbook of clippings and photos from the 1978 convention; cloth banners of the DC Court, n.d.; and a 1998 paper blessing. Please note that this collection stored off site, so it may take up to 72 hours to retreive boxes.
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Catholic Educational Exhibit, World's Colombian Exposition, Chicago, IL. Photograph Scrapbook. 1893. 1 volume. Donor: Kelly Fitzpatrick, 1995.
A finding aid to Catholic Educational Exhibit
A scrapbook containing photographs, mostly 8" x 10", reflecting the sites and scenes of the 1893 World's Colombian Exposition in Chicago. The focus is the educational exhibits representing Catholic universities, colleges, academies, and industrial and parish schools from across the nation.
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Catholic Education Press. Collection. 1911-1962. 14 feet; 9 boxes. Donor: Unknown.
A finding aid to Catholic Education Press
The Catholic Education Press was a company from Catholic University that produced textbooks for Catholic schools from 1911-1961. This particular collection consists of seven boxes of four boxes of textbooks and three boxes of financial ledgers. The first box contains copies of the Madonna Speller from grades three-eight and an earlier collection from 1939-1948 known as The Capitol Speller. There are also multiple copies of Civilization for Modern Times. This is a world history textbook produced from 1953-1962 as well as booklets for tests and quizzes. Another set is on lessons on Hebrew from 1915 and several editions of Religion Outlines for College. There are also several books written by CUA faculty such as Charles McCarthy’s 1914 edition of Civil Government in the United States and Patrick McCormick’s History of Education, 1911, 1922-1946.
The third and fourth boxes contain several books on history and children religious music from Justine Ward. The most important collection of history is Nicholas A. Weber’s The Christian Era which is a two volume set on the history of the Church. There are six sets of this collection from 1922-1946. The Justine Ward music books are mainly children psalm books from 1932-1957. The fifth and six boxes contain religion primers for grade school students ranging from 1908-1917, as well as college religion text books. Also, these boxes contain some Latin textbooks such as Catholic University Classical Series, 1926 and Catholic University Classical Series “First Latin Book”, 1921. Lastly, there are five copies of Lessons in Logic from 1911 and a copy from 1935. The last three boxes are ledgers of cash receipts for the Catholic Education press. There are five ledgers that cover receipts from 1925-1947. The other two ledgers are a blank ledger entitled "List of Students Divinity College" and the Board of Directors and Shareholders Reports for 1910-1947. Overall, these nine boxes provide an insight to texts written by Catholic University faculty during the early part of the twentieth century and a collection of children's education textbooks, as well as the financial records of this organization.
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Catholic Heroes of the World War. Scrapbook and Related Materials. Collection. 1928-1933, n.d., 1.25 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: USCCB.
A finding aid to Catholic Heroes of the World War
Contents of a scrapbook detailing the weekly newspaper column,' Catholic Heroes of the World War,' 1928-1933, written by Daniel J. Ryan, highlighting Catholics who had won medals for service in World War I. Ryan began in December 1928 to write and supply to the feature service of the National Catholic News Service a weekly column profiling men, and some women, who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor (CMH), the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC), and/or the Distinguished Service Medal (DSM). There were about 250 stories in all, covering persons from all 48 states and the majority of American Catholic dioceses.
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Catholic Interracial Council of New York, Inc. (CICNY) Records. 1921-1998. 57 feet; 88 boxes. Donor: CICNY, 1977, and John Jay College, 2008.
A finding aid to Catholic Interracial Council of New York
Building upon the anti-racist efforts of the black-dominated Federation of Colored Catholics (FCC) and assisted by editor George Hunton, Jesuit father John LaFarge determined to establish an interracial group to promote mutual understanding and cooperation based upon Christian principles and dedicated to the establishment of social justice. The result was the Catholic Interracial Council of New York which was established on June 6, 1934. It immediately responded to requests for information and held regular meetings. Through the 1940s, the CICNY addressed issues such as the Scottsboro Boys, lynching, communism, and the effort to open the defense industry to black workers. The idea of interracial councils led to their formation in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, and Washington, DC. By 1954, 24 Catholic Interracial Councils had been created.
Following the landmark civil rights decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the struggle to eliminate "separate but equal" provisions projected new types and levels of activism. In 1958, the various councils formed the National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice (NCCIJ) as its voice to draw the attention of all Catholics. As the civil rights struggle intensified in the South during the 1960s and the national dominance of the NCCIJ increased, the CICNY decided to devote its expertise to the local scene. The NCCIJ, originally headquartered in Chicago, later moved to Washington and were well-represented during the 1963 "March on Washington" and Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech. The CICNY Records contains correspondence, pamphlets, meeting minutes, article drafts, reports, photographs, ephemera, and clippings. The materials from 1921 to 1933 relate to the Cardinal Gibbons Institute and the materials from 1934 to 1998 document CICNY offices and activities. The photographs include council members and there is a set of the Interracial Review, the journal of the CICNY which reflected the opinion of the Council on a wide range of civil rights issues. Several civil rights leaders, including A. Philip Randolph and Roy Wilkins, contributed to the journal.
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Catholic Serials of the 19th century in the United States. Records. 1949-1984. 5 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Unknown.
Bibliographic research in card form, related correspondence, and print copies of Catholic Serials of the Nineteenth Century in the United States, A Descriptive Bibliography and Union List compiled by Eugene P. Willging and Mrs. Herta Hatzfeld. The printed work was published by the Catholic University of America Press, 1959-1968. The collection consists of 5 x 8 inch cards; correspondence relating to the project; print copies of the various volumes; one photostat of The Angel Gabrielserial (in mailing case); fifteen issues of Records of the American Society of Philadelphia; and seven issues of Polish American Studies (four complete, three incomplete). The cards are arranged by 1) state; 2) cities; 3) by titles under the city. For each state a historical background is given; description of publication published in the state; special bibliography; list of letters of information; statistical conclusions; and chronological titles. For each title the following information is given: title, place of publication, language, frequency, size, pagination, dates of existence, library holdings, and degree of Catholicity.
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Catholic Theological Society of America. Records. 1946-2023. 32 boxes, 34 feet. Donors: Various officers, 1977-2024.
A finding aid to the Catholic Theological Society of America
Formed in 1946 at a meeting in New York City, the society is a professional organization of both Catholic and non-Catholic clergy, religious, and lay men and women including professors, teachers, and scholars that meets every June at an annual convention. Its purpose is to promote education and scholarship in relation to current problems by providing a forum to further the cause of unity among Christians and all people through a better understanding and appreciation of the role of critical religious faith in church and society. The society is non-profit and legally incorporated in the State of New York.
Archival material encompasses correspondence and reports, minutes and proceedings, publications and photographs, financial and membership records generated by the Board of Directors, Executive officers, sundry committees, annual conventions, membership applications, and regional meetings. Some material in electronic format.
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Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill. Records. Ca. 1973-2000. 7 feet; 6 boxes. Donor: Sisters of Life, 2022.
A finding aid for the Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill
The Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill Inc. (CRTI) was a non-profit organization that was active from 1985 to 2004. It was founded in Montana by like minded pro-life advocates, Julie Grimstad and Annabelle Lincoln. The organization’s mission was heavily centered around right to life issues. This collection consists of CRTI newsletters, publications, news clippings, legal documents, books, and cassette tapes.
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Century of Catholic Life in Minnesota. Scrapbook. 1950-1951. 1 volume.
Containing a series of thirty-six articles from a Minnesota newspaper, The Wanderer. Written by Joseph Matt, the paper's editor, these mainly examine the Nationality Conflict (particularly the "German Question") and the related doctrines of Cahenslyism and Americanism, which caused turmoil within the US Catholic Church in the last decades of the nineteenth century. The role of John Ireland, Archbishop of St. Paul, Minnesota, 1888-1918, and a prominent member of the progressive wing of the US hierarchy at that time, is discussed. Considered with reference to Americanism are the early life of Fr. Isaac Hecker, the Parliament of Religions, 1893, and Modernism.
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Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults Project. Collection. 2008. Digital. Donor: Anthony Pogorelc, 2014.
A finding aid for the Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults Project
The Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults (Changing SEA) Project Collection was the final project initiated by Catholic University of America sociologist Dr. Dean R. Hoge (1937-2008). It was conceived as a project to study the “spiritual hunger” of young adult Americans, with the purpose of providing information to religious leaders on how to better minister to the needs of this age group. The project consisted of a series of 15 essays written by scholars on different aspects in the lives of emerging adults, including finances, spirituality, and politics; case studies conducted at various religious institutions that have successfully maintained and added to their emerging adult membership; and surveys of emerging adults on social influences that have
molded their attitudes and practice. This collection consists of the fifteen original essays, written circa 2008; four commentaries written by religious and secular authors on the essays and their possible effects on the programs with which they are involved; and nine case studies of religious institutions that have been successful in the area of emerging adult ministry.
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Chinese Government Tokens of Friendship to the Catholic University of America. ca. 1938.
2 items.
Sent to Catholic University, apparently to express appreciation for the University's treatment of Chinese students, these consist of a photograph and handwritten Chinese inscription signed by Chen Li-Fu, a close associate of Chiang Kai-Shek, who became China's minister of education in 1938. The inscription translates as follows: In appreciation and in token of friendship, to maintain righteousness and justice, in order to reach universal peace.
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Chinese New Year Collection. 1929. 2 items. Donor: Henri Hyvernat, 1936.
Letter from the Rev. H.G.C. Hallock in Shanghai, China, describing customs surrounding the celebration of the Chinese New Year there. He notes unsuccessful attempts to curtail this celebration on the part of the government which was controlled by the Kuomintang (KMT), a nationalist party led by Chiang Kai-Shek. Enclosed is a colored print (12.5 x 7 inches) which represents a kitchen-god. Hallock explains the traditions associated with this paper god, how it is kept in the kitchen of a Chinese home for twelve months, then burned at the end of the old year, and how this burning is believed to transport it to an upper-god to whom it recounts events observed in the course of the year.
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Christ Child Society Records. 1880-1999. 45 feet; 76 boxes. Donors: The National Christ Child Society; The Christ Child Society, Washington Chapter, 1978-1994.
A finding aid for the Christ Child Society Records
The Records of the Christ Child Society document the activities of a Catholic welfare organization inspired by the tenets of Catholicism, particularly teachings regarding the life of Christ, and the settlement house movement led predominantly by Protestant women. Founded in Washington in 1887, the Christ Child Society expanded rapidly, establishing chapters in other cities by 1905.
In 1887, Mary Virginia Merrick founded the Christ Child Society in Washington. Confined to her bed because of a childhood accident, Mary Merrick began to sew clothes for infants and children. Several women joined her in making layettes. In 1887, the Christ Child Society was formally established and subsequently grew quickly. By 1905, the CCS had established a fresh air farm for children, visiting committees whose members interviewed candidates for relief, and settlement houses in Washington. That same year, CCS began this work in other cities and established the National Christ Child Society with its own Board of Directors. The national organization established the principles guiding CCS chapters, but the local chapters governed themselves and developed their own programs. Merrick remained president of the national organization until 1948 and of the local chapter until her death in 1955. Because of the philanthropic environment, the Washington chapter has closed its settlement house and health institute for children, but still maintains its Opportunity Shop, a fresh air camp, and a school counseling program. Most chapters experienced similar cutbacks. Nonetheless on its 100th anniversary, CCS worked in 35 cities, with the Washington chapter maintaining the largest membership.
During Merrick's lifetime, the Christ Child Society was a leader among Catholic welfare organizations with an especially strong relationship with the National Catholic Welfare Council, the National Conference of Catholic Women, the Saint Vincent de Paul Society (Archdiocese of Washington), and National Conference of Catholic Charities. Merrick and thereby the Society maintained friendships with many of the most prominent Catholics of her day, including Mary Graham Hawks (a president of NCCW), John Burke (General Secretary of NCWC), and Mother Helen Lynch (a leader of the retreat movement). As a Catholic organization, the Christ Child Society used devotional imagery to attract support, maintain loyalty, and teach children the basic tenets of Catholicism.
Merrick's aims were similar to the leaders of the settlement house movement. As such, these records shed light upon the history of philanthropy in general and the role of women within it. Because of the extent of the Washington records, they provide rich materials for the examination of not only charity work but also aspects of Washington society, including the administration of relief, the Italian community and its Americanization, segregation, and the activities of youth.
The Christ Child Society Records consist of three record groups: the personal papers of Mary Virginia Merrick 1880(1900-1955)1964; the records of the Washington chapter 1884(1905-1979)1999; and the records of the national organization 1908(1948-1984)1988. Most of Mary Merrick's personal papers consist of correspondence with her friends, including Hawks, Burke, and members of the CUA faculty, such as Monsignor William Kerby and Fr. Keane. Merrick's writings on Catholic spirituality for children and adults as well as her autobiography and diary are held within this part of the collection. The organizational papers of the Washington chapter of CCS include correspondence, writings, minutes, financial publications, articles, newsclips, scrapbooks, and photographs for the chapter's Board of Directors, the departments, and committees. The papers of the National Christ Child Society include records of its conventions, the correspondence of its presidents, and reports of the chapters.
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Clemens, Alphonse H. Papers. 1936-1975, n.d. 8 feet; 12 boxes. Donor: John Clemens, 1978.
A finding aid to the Alphonse H. Clemens papers
Alphonse Henry Clemens was born to James and Mary (Wolff) March 26, 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri. Educated at St. Louis University, he received his A.B. in 1926, an A.M. in 1936 and a Ph.D. in 1940. He married Bess Wulfers on June 4, 1936 and had two children, Mary and John. He held several academic positions throughout his career including ones at Fontbonne College, head of the economics and sociology departments, 1936-1946; St. Louis University, lecturer in economics, 1939-1946; and The Catholic University of America, professor of sociology, 1946-1970. Clemens was a member of the American Economic Society, the Catholic Economic Society and the American Catholic Sociological Society for which he served as president, 1945-1946. In addition, he was involved in the National Catholic Family Life Conference, 1943-1945, the Advisory Council of the National Conference on Family Life, 1945-1947, and in the 1930's edited the journal Holy Family (New Orleans) and was a member of the editorial staff of The Catholic Herald (St. Louis). The Clemens Papers consist of correspondence, lecture and research notes, student papers and clippings that focus on the subjects of marriage and counseling.
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Clements-Gray Family Memorabilia Collection. 1902-1961. 16 items. Donor: Helena E. Wright, 1992.
Three generations of a Washington, DC Catholic family's devotional photographs, leaflets, prayer cards, and catalogs of local Catholic institutions such as The Catholic University of America, St. John's College High School, Immaculate Conception Academy, and Shrine of the Sacred Heart.
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Cline, Catherine Ann. Papers. n.d.(1946-2003)2007. 10 feet; 16 boxes. Donor: Cline Estate, 2006.
A finding aid for the Catherine Ann Cline papers
Catherine Ann Cline was born on July 27, 1927 in West Springfield, Massachusetts, to Daniel E. Cline and Agnes Howard. She received her B.A. from Smith College in 1948, her M.A. from Columbia University in 1950, and her Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College in 1957. She became an historian and a writer, as well as, a professor. She taught at a number of universities between 1953 and 1968: Smith College, St. Mary's College of Indiana, and Notre Dame College of Staten Island. In 1968, Cline became an associate professor of history at The Catholic University of America (CUA) and rose to full Professor in 1974. She served as Chair of the History Department from 1973 to 1976 and again from 1979 to 1982. She was the author of the books Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party, 1914-1931. (1963) and E.D. Morel, 1873-1924: The Strategies of Protest. (1981) and wrote numerous articles and book reviews for journals such as Albion, American Historical Review, Catholic Historical Review, Church History, and the Journal of Modern History. In recognition of her long service to CUA she was awarded the Benemerenti Medal in 1995 and continued teaching at CUA until her death in 2006.
The Cline papers contain editorial correspondence, letters of recommendation, research note cards, unpublished draft manuscripts, journal tear sheets of articles and book reviews, course descriptions, and publications. In addition, there are two oversize framed items, one a book jacket of her 1980 book on E. D. Morel and the other of a 1918 newspaper clipping of the U.S. Army's so called 'Lost Battalion' of World War I (her father was supposedly a member of this unit). Two other oversize items consist of photocopies of British archival documents. There are also some packets of regular sized British archival documents.
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College Theology Society (CTS). Records. 1953-2025. 27 Boxes: 34 Feet. Donor: CTS 2000-2025.
A finding aid to the College Theology Society records
Founded in 1954 as a Roman Catholic organization and professional association of college and university professors. Membership is open to those who teach and hold degrees in theology and religious studies and includes persons from the United States, Canada, and Europe. The annual convention, held every June, provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on a national level. Awards are made for the best books and articles by CTS members and for the best student essay. Publications include the CTS journal Horizons which publishes articles and book reviews and the Annual Volume which focuses on the themes of the annual convention. Subscription to both is included in the membership dues. Records include files of Michale Barnes, Charles Brannen, William Cenker, Gary Macy, Miriam Ward, Francis Buckley, and Dennis Doyle including Board of Directors' Minutes and related material, general correspondence, constitutions and by-laws, membership and convention material, and various publications and related correspondence.
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Collins, Richard E. Photographs. ca. 1960. 17 items.
Photographs of buildings in Maryland and Virginia, including churches, offices, apartment complexes, schools and a motel, designed by the Maryland-based architectural firm of Collins-Kronstadt and Associates. Collins, senior partner of this firm, taught in Catholic University's School of Architecture, 1946-1969. The photographs appear to have been submitted in support of his successful application for academic promotion to full professorship in 1962.
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Committee for Revision of the New Testament. Collection. 1936 - 1944. 19 folders; 2 boxes. Donor: Msgr. William L. Newton.
A finding aid to the records of the Committee for Revision of the New Testament
In January of 1936 the Episcopal Committee on the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), under the direction of Bishop Edwin V. O'Hara, met with biblical scholars at the Sulpician Seminary in Washington, DC ( later Theological College) to talk about a revision of the New Testament based on the Challoner-Rheims Edition. There was also a proposal, made by Romain Butin, for the formation of an association of Catholic biblical scholars (later Catholic Biblical Association ). Twenty revisers were nominated by the CCD along with an editorial board. In April of the same year, work began at the first meeting where an editorial board of ten members was organized. The project was completed in 1941 and was published by St. Anthony Guild Press, Patterson, New Jersey.
The papers for the Committee for Revision of the New Testament (1936-1944) contain correspondence and the edited manuscripts of the books of the New Testament. Of special note are the responses and criticisms given by the laity and clergy regarding the revision.
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Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). Records. 1934-1958. 59 feet; 117 boxes. Donors: American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1976, 2022.
A finding aid to the records of the Congress of Industrial Organizations
Founded in 1935, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) sought to organize the unskilled workers of mass industry and thereby offered an alternative to the American Federation of Labor (AFL) unions whose members practiced skilled trades. John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) and vice president of the AFL, and several other AFL officers, led in the formation of the CIO. The CIO's attempts to reach all workers--regardless of level of skill, race, or creed--broadened the base of the union movement. Despite numerous and significant victories, the CIO often experienced bitter defeats and lost many members to the AFL before the unions merged as the AFL-CIO in 1955.
The enactment of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933 stimulated union organization across many sectors of the labor movement, including unskilled and skilled workers. Traditionally, the AFL did not organize unskilled workers and instead organized skilled workers who practiced a craft. After considerable debate, the AFL did not change its craft union structure so that John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) and vice president of the AFL, led in the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Several other major AFL unions -- including the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, and International Typographical Union -- abandoned the AFL and embraced industrial unionism.
During its early years, the CIO scored some impressive organizing victories. In 1936, the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC) led by Philip Murray launched a campaign to organize industrial steel workers. By the end of that year, SWOC claimed more than one hundred locals and 100,000 workers and won the recognition of unions at U.S. Steel and its subsidiaries. Shortly after the capitulation of U.S. Steel, the United Automobile Workers (UAW) organized a sit-down strike against General Motors and subsequently won recognition. Numerous other unions employed the sit-down tactic to secure concessions from their employers. Despite these victories, the CIO had numerous defeats before 1940, including campaigns against "Little Steel" companies and the Ford Motor Company.
Soon after the founding of the CIO, the AFL began to compete for unskilled workers. To some extent, the efforts of the CIO convinced AFL leadership of the feasibility of industrial unionism, but economic and political changes left the AFL with few other options. The shift to mass production during the Depression forced many skilled workers, including AFL members, into unskilled positions. In addition to changes in the membership base of many unions, the National Labor Relations Act required many workers to elect a single union to represent their grievances so that many AFL unions, otherwise resistant to change, organized unskilled workers. As a result, the AFL and CIO fiercely competed for members.
Distinctions between the two labor federations remained, however. The CIO Constitution required racial and religious tolerance among its member unions. This provision enabled black, Jewish, and Catholic workers shunned from AFL unions to organize their own unions and to join established unions. If barred from membership by a CIO union, these workers could petition for admission to the Executive Board. The CIO did not eschew political action as the AFL, but worked in tandem with the Labor Non-Partisan League (LNPL) and Political Action Committees (PACs) to support a political agenda favorable to its members.
Because of its toleration for all workers and political agenda, the CIO attracted Communists so that the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, which barred Communist-led unions from NLRB recognition, threatened the stability of many CIO unions. The AFL took the opportunity to raid several CIO unions. In the meantime, CIO leaders required its leaders to take loyalty oaths but could not recover lost ground. Considerably weakened by the purges of its Communist leadership, the CIO ended its divisive rivalry with the AFL by merging in 1955.
The organization of the CIO reflected its goal of openness. The CIO encouraged as many workers as possible to join large unions -- nationals, internationals, and organizing committees -- but also developed structures -- Local Industrial Unions (LIUs) -- to facilitate union organization among small or isolated industries. The locals of the larger unions and the LIUs joined Industrial Union Councils (IUCs) organized by state and city.
The records of the Nationals, Internationals, and Organizing Committees (1935-1956); Industrial Union Councils (1939-1952); Local Industrial Councils (1937-1955); and Local Industrial Unions (1937-1955) consist largely of charter files. The CIO Constitution authorized the CIO Executive Board to grant charters to unions meeting the criteria for membership and revoke charters when a union disregards union rules. As a result, the Board reviewed violations to CIO rules. Occasions where the Board examined racial discrimination and communist infiltration within unions are recorded within these files. The Board also required payment of per capita tax by unions, with the exception of those on strike. Unions frequently sent in reports of strike activities to justify their non-payment of the tax. In addition, the Executive Board determined when LIUs should be merged into a national, international, or organizing committee so that the files often contain information about jurisdictional disputes within the CIO. Researchers should beware that these files are not complete, suggesting problems in both the enforcement of CIO rules and record-keeping.
The Central Office Files (1937-1941) consist of routine business correspondence, including letters of appreciation and criticism. The papers of the Labor Non-Partisan League (1936-1941) include some papers from the CIO central office and thereby address more than the concerns of the CIO's political arm.
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Connolly, Arthur Theodore. Papers. 1878 1914. 5 inches; 1 box.
Connolly (1853-1933) was a Boston priest, a noted book collector, and trustee of Boston Public Library who donated many volumes to the Library at Catholic University. Mainly incoming correspondence from friends and admirers requesting Connolly's aid in obtaining copies of rare books, soliciting articles from him, or commenting on his writings. Around one quarter of the letters come from John Dawson Gilmary Shea, historian. In letters written just before his death in 1892, Shea comments on the progress of his four-volume work, History of the Catholic Church in the U.S (1886-1892). Other correspondents of note include: William H. O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston; and William Byrne, educator and author. Of interest is a 1909 letter from Frederick A. Murphy, a missionary operating in southeast and central China, in which he relates the many arduous and frustrating aspects of his work.
Besides his papers, the Museum Collection holds many items donated by Connolly. Please see the Museum Collection Homepage for more information.
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Connolly, Cornelius Joseph. Papers. 1932-1958. 1.5 inches; 1 box.
Letters, book reviews, and articles mainly relating to the scientific work of Connolly, professor of comparative psychology and physical anthropology, and head of the Department of Anthropology at Catholic University. Particularly noted for his research and publications on the morphology of the primate brain, the bulk of his papers consists of correspondence from scientific colleagues and admirers. Several post-1950 letters from Fulton J. Sheen concern Connolly's desire to establish an Institute of Missiology at CUA.
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Cooke, Paul Philips. Papers. 1884(1950-1995)2000. 3 feet; 6 boxes. Donor: P.P. Cooke, 2000, 2002.
A finding aid to the Paul Philips Cooke Papers
Educator and activist, Paul Philips Cooke, has lived most of his long life in the District of Columbia as a member of Sacred Heart Parish. A graduate of Dunbar High School, he earned an English degree from Miner's Teachers College (later District of Columbia Teachers College and then the University of the District of Columbia) in 1937, a master's degree in higher education from New York University in 1941, a master's degree from The Catholic University of America in English literature in 1942, and a doctorate in education from Columbia University in 1947. He taught high school in the District of Columbia prior to teaching at the District of Columbia Teachers College (DCTC) where he later served as president from 1966 to 1974. He has been an active member of the Catholic Interracial Council of the District of Columbia (CIC DC) for over 50 years. Among its activities, the CIC DC sought to foster the integration of the Catholic Church and public spaces in DC, initiated the Faith of Millions radio program on WOOK in 1952, and studied the working conditions and employment practices in diocesan churches and of the textbooks used in Catholic schools in DC. In 1976, CIC DC founder Justine Ward created a scholarship fund to provided tuition assistance to needy students at Sacred Heart and St. Augustine's. In 1994, Dr. Cooke helped organize the CIC DC's 50th anniversary celebration.
The collection is composed of correspondence, clippings, reports, meeting minutes, photos, pamphlets, and publications. The Cooke Papers are divided into three Series: Catholic Interracial Council of the District of Columbia, 1884(1950-1995)2000; Sacred Heart, 1966-1992; and Photographs, 1940-1994. The Catholic Interracial Council of the District of Columbia Series includes material documenting CIC DC activities, like the Ward scholarship fund and the Faith of Millions radio program, as well as clippings and publications on African-American Catholics in DC. The Sacred Heart Series is comprised of material related to Dr. Cooke's activities in the Parish and the Photograph Series includes a few photos used to promote CIC DC events and photos of residents of the Blessed Martin House of Hospitality in DC.
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Cooper, John Montgomery. Collection. 1898-1962. 38 feet; 72 boxes. Donor: Regina Flannery Herzfeld, ca. 1950, 1967, 1970.
A finding aid to the John Montgomery Cooper Papers
Born in Rockville, Maryland in 1881, John Montgomery Cooper achieved distinction as a priest and scientist. Educated at Saint Charles College in Ellicott City, Maryland, and the North American College of Rome, Cooper was ordained in 1905 and became a noted religious educator. He also became a leader within the field of anthropology, a fledgling profession during the 1920s. In Europe, Cooper developed an interest in archaeology which he pursued upon his return for his first assignment in Washington. During his tenure as an assistant pastor at Saint Matthew's Church between 1905 and 1918, Cooper worked with anthropologists at the Bureau of American Ethnology at the Smithsonian Institution. By 1914, Cooper published his first anthropological study, Analytical and Critical Bibliography of the Tribes of Tierra del Fuego. From that time on, Cooper wore the hats of anthropologist, sociologist, religious educator, and sacred theologian.
Cooper's intellectual range and organizational abilities attracted the attention of John Burke and members of the Catholic University faculty. From 1909, Cooper taught courses in Sacred Theology at Catholic University. Between 1918 and 1920, Cooper worked as both director of camp and community activities and Secretary of the Committee on Women's Activities for the National Catholic War Council (see also: National Catholic Welfare Council/United States Catholic Conference). After completing his work with the NCWC, Catholic University invited him to teach in the Department of Sacred Theology. By 1923, Cooper began teaching in the sociology department where he taught not only courses in sociology but also introduced anthropology to the curriculum as well.
Trained as a moral apologist, Cooper transformed his religion courses by incorporating insights from his anthropological studies, in particular, the religious practices of non-literate peoples. Until that time, most religion courses at Catholic University were steeped in moral theology. Ultimately, Cooper led in the establishment of the Department of Religious Education in 1929, the first in the country to grant graduate degrees in this subject. Cooper chaired this department until 1938. By the mid-1920s, Cooper decided to concentrate his energies upon anthropology. In 1928, Catholic University recognized the importance of Cooper's work by establishing the Department of Anthropology and appointing him professor and chair of anthropology. Between 1925 and 1940, Cooper took thirteen field trips to study the Cree, Tetes de Boules, and Montagnais tribes in the northern part of Ontario in Canada. During this time, Cooper developed an especially close collaboration with one of his students who later worked as a professor, Regina Flannery Herzfeld. Even after suffering a major heart attack in 1941, Cooper discontinued his field studies and dedicated himself to the anthropology department which he chaired until his death in 1949.
In 1926, he founded the Catholic Anthropological Conference (CAC) to promote anthropology among Catholic missionaries who, in turn, collected ethnological objects for him. He edited its publications including the serial Primitive Man and special reports. He received an especially large number of objects and manuscripts from Fathers Frances Lambrecht and Morice VanOverbergh, missionaries who worked among the Ifugao, Negrito, and Isneg peoples of the Philippines. Cooper published extensively and achieved recognition for his work as an anthropologist. His publications included a four volume series designed for Religious Education entitled Religious Outlines; several articles in Primitive Man; and other articles in sociology, apologetics, religious studies, and anthropology. In 1940, the American Anthropological Association elected Cooper its president, and the Pope named him a domestic prelate. One year later, Villanova University awarded Cooper the Mendel Medal for his contributions to science and religion.
These papers contain sermons; articles in anthropology, sociology, sacred theology, and religious studies; correspondence arranged by subject and correspondent; and personal correspondence. Sermons include addresses to Saint Matthew's Church between 1907-1918. The correspondence includes some of his letters written as a student to his parents, missionaries, contacts who facilitated field trips, professional organizations, and leaders of the Catholic Church. Subjects addressed within these letters include several folders on Il Poverello House, a settlement house organized by Paul Furfey and Mary Walsh. These papers support the museum collection of anthropological objects (Please see the Museum Collection Homepage for more information) collected by Cooper during his field trips and missionaries participating in the Catholic Anthropological Conference.
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Cooper, John Montgomery and Regina Flannery Herzfeld Ethnographic Field Notes. Collection. 1924-2006. 47 linear feet; 66 boxes. Donor: Catholic University Anthropology Department, 2006, 2015.
Born in Rockville, Maryland in 1881, John Montgomery Cooper distinguished himself as a professor, administrator, theologian, and anthropologist. He was ordained in 1905, named domestic prelate in 1940, and died in 1949.Regina Flannery Herzfeld, noted anthropologist, was born in Washington, DC in 1904 and passed in 2004.Herzfeld graduated from the Academy of Holy Cross and earned her Bachelor's degree from Trinity College, Washington, DC. She was soon hired as a research assistant by John M. Cooper, and assisted him with research on, among other subjects, childcare institutions. During her time with Cooper, inspired by scholars such as Alfred V. Kidder, Herzfeld obtained a Master's degree in Anthropology from Catholic University in 1931, followed by Ph.D (also from Catholic University) in 1938. This collection contains the field notes of Catholic University anthropologists John Montgomery Cooper and Regina Flannery Herzfeld taken primarily during their ethnographic studies of the James Bay Cree of Ontario, Canada in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. These notes, both handwritten and typed, are comprised of a series of 3 x 5 index cards and depict observations on the traditions, culture, language, and territories of the Cree and additional tribes. The collection also contains museum objects, teaching notes, student-faculty correspondence, published material, and chapter and article drafts by both Cooper and Herzfeld.
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Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Collection. 1911 - 1976. 65 folders; 2 boxes. Donor: Rev. Patrick Skehan.
A finding aid to the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium Collection
The Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium (C.S.C.O.) was started in 1903 by Dr. J.B. Chabot, an eminent Syriacist. With Dr. Chabot, four other Orientalist scholars participated in the early work and publication of the C.S.C.O.: Baron Carra de Vaux, Fr. Cheikho, S.J, Dr. Ignazio Guidi, and Dr. Henri Hyvernat. In 1912 Dr. Henri Hyvernat drafted a proposal stating that The Catholic University of America and Catholic University of Louvain should assume responsibility for publishing. It was approved that same year by the Rectors of both the universities.
Within the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum collection there are three series of documents: (1) General Documents, (2) Administration of Corpus and (3) Correspondence. Also included is the correspondence of Hyvernat which was incorporated to this series in 1945 by Rev. Patrick Skehan. Of special note are the letters of the Bishops in response to the transfer of C.S.C.O to the two universities.
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Corrigan, Joseph Moran. Collection. 1901, 1933-1942. .5 foot; 1 box.
A finding aid to the Joseph Moran Corrigan Collection
Correspondence, Catholic University press releases, pamphlets, speeches, clippings, and photographs relating to the career, death and funeral of Corrigan, the sixth rector of Catholic University, 1936-1942, who was consecrated titular Bishop of Bilta, 1940. The correspondence mainly consists of expressions of condolence sent to Catholic University after Corrigan's death in office. A little of his personal correspondence is present, including copies of a 1933 letter to Cardinal Lorenzo Lauri, the Grand Penitentiary in Rome, in which Corrigan defends himself against suggestions of disloyalty to his Bishop and to the Holy See.
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Cort, John. Papers. 1913-2006, 18.5 feet; 37 boxes. Donor: John and Helen Cort, 2004-2007.
A finding aid to the John Cort Papers
John C. Cort (1913-2006), was born an Episcopalian but converted to Catholicism after attending Harvard. He went to New York after graduating in 1935, where he was introduced to Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in the Catholic Worker Movement. He lived in their New York City Hospitality House for the homeless, and wrote articles for the Catholic Worker publication. He went on to become more active with the labor movement in the late 1930s and 1940s, helping create the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (ACTU), and as a business agent for the Boston local of the Newspaper Guild Union. He also worked with The Labor Leader, The International Ladies Garment Union, Commonweal, and the Tablet. In 1961, he administered a Peace Corps program in the Philippines, moving there for three and a half years with his wife Helen and their nine children. After returning to the United States he administered a number of Great Society social programs in Massachusetts, including the Lynn Model Cities Program. He moved his family into a house in Roxbury, a poor section of Boston, out of solidarity with the poor and disenfranchised blacks in the area. He left the Model Cities program in 1973 to focus more on writing and public speaking. He became a committed socialist in the early 1970s and was active in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for over thirty years. He also played an important role as the DSA's liaison to The International League of Religious Socialists (ILRS) and was well known for editing the DSA's newsletter, Religious Socialism, for much of its 27 year existence. In addition to writing scores of articles for Catholic magazines and journals, he authored Christian Socialism in 1988, a book compiling a history of the philosophy, and an autobiography, Dreadful Conversions, in 2003. The collection consists of correspondence, clippings, writings, book drafts, publications, and photographs reflecting his career as a labor leader, writer, and activist.
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Cowan, Clyde Lorrain. Papers. 1939-1974. 10 linear feet; 18 boxes. Donor: Betty Cowan, 1975.
A finding aid to the Clyde Lorrain Cowan Papers
Cowan, 1919-1974, a physicist and educator, took his doctorate at Washington University in St. Louis in 1949. From 1949 to 1957 he was a physicist at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, where he became a group leader in the nuclear weapons test division. He joined the Physics faculty at The Catholic University of America as an ordinary professor in 1958. A co-discoverer of the neutrino in 1956, he was a pioneer in the technique of particle detection used in elementary particle physics, the monitoring of low levels of radioactivity, and the medical uses of radioactive isotopes. Internationally recognized for his scientific attainments, he was a recipient of many honors. He was a fellow of the American Physical Society, a Guggenheim Fellow, an honorary Sc.D. of the University of Dallas and the University of Missouri. He served as consultant to the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory and the Smithsonian Institution.
Correspondence, Research Notes, Published Articles, Public Lecture Slides, and Blueprints relating to both his work at Los Alamos and Catholic University. Additional Catholic University material includes Student Examinations, Dissertation Research, Class Notes, and Computer Readouts.
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Co-Workers of Mother Teresa in America. Records. 1954-2000. 27 feet; 41 boxes. Donors: Various, 1996-2002.
A finding aid to the Co-Workers of Mother Teresa in America records
Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity was founded in 1948 to work to alleviate the abject poverty of the poor of Calcutta, India. Influenced and inspired by this, the American Co-Workers were inaugurated in New York City in 1971 as an affiliate to the Missionaries. Representatives from four states and Washington, DC were present. Mrs. Warren Kump was named National Chairman and Vi Collins, one of Mother Teresa's original Co-Workers in Calcutta, was named Chairman of the Washington area. Membership was ecumenical and efforts focused on administering to the poor in areas where the Missionaries of Charity were not present. Prayer, visitation, and a helpful hand were the emphasis and a series of regional and national links were established and maintained with other contemplative orders. Records at CUA are those of Vi Collins while serving as Regional Link, a National Link, and International Speaker/Councillor of the Co-Workers to the Missionaries of Charity. They consist of correspondence, notebooks, the Co-Worker Newsletter, newspaper clippings, photographs, and audio tapes and cassettes accumulated during her forty year association with Mother Teresa, canonized in 2016, and the Missionaries of Charity.
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Cudmore, Patrick. Papers. Ca. 1871, 5 inches; 1 box. Donor Unknown.
Patrick Cudmore was born in 1831 in Ireland. He came to the United States in 1846. He settled in Minnestoa, in 1856, where he practiced law. Cudmore enlisted in 1862 and served as a soldier in the Civil War till 1865. He became county attorney of Le Sueur county, Minnesota. In 1872, he petitioned for a canal through Nicaragua long before the Panama Canal was built. An author and teacher, Cudmore wrote a several books on political science, and one on Ireland. He donated a number his books to the Catholic University of America in the 1890s. He died in 1916. Collection consists of handwritten notes and manuscript drafts from Cudmore's Books, mostly from his book on the history of Ireland called, "The Republic of Ireland."
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Currier, Charles Warren. Papers. 1856-1918, 8 feet; 16 boxes. Donor: F.J. Kirby, 1955.
A finding aid to Bishop Charles Warren Currier papers
Charles Currier Warren was born in 1857 on the Island of St. Thomas. He attended the College of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Alphonsus Seminary in Limburg Holland. Ordained in 1880, he worked as a missionary in Dutch Guiana from 1881-1892. From 1894 to 1913, he worked in the missions of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. In 1913, he became bishop of Matanzas in Cuba, a position he held until 1915. He died traveling to Baltimore, Maryland in 1918. Currier was a polymath with an international reputation as a scholar and orator. His papers contain correspondence, certificates, lectures and addresses, legal documents, manuscripts, photographs and prints, poems, publications, scrapbooks, sermons, and pamphlets, manuals, and programs from various Catholic organizations.
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Daughters of Isabella. Records. 1897(1903-2006)2006. 86 boxes; 118 feet. Donor: The Daughters of Isabella, 2005-2024. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
A finding aid to the Daughters of Isabella Records
The Daughters of Isabella is a charitable organization of Catholic women with a membership of over 60,000 from both the United States and Canada. The first circle was established in 1897 as an auxiliary to a Knights of Columbus council in New Haven, Connecticut, but the Daughters of Isabella organized itself as a National Circle a few years later, independently of the Knights. The organization has several levels of activities. First, the International Circle serves as the main governing body whose members meet in biennial conventions to elect officers who make up the Administrative Board. Second, the National Circle meets to elect the International Board, including the International Regent, Vice-Regent, Secretary, and Treasurer and it also votes on constitutional, ceremonial, and policy issues. Third, the State Circles that also meet biennially for the election of officers and implementation of projects and programs. Fourth, the Local Circles which meet monthly and whose members undertake various charitable programs.
Records at CUA include Foundation documents; Legal and court proceedings; Board of Directors' minutes; Convention minutes, workbooks, programs; Subject envelopes/files; Publications; English Constitutions; French Constitutions; 'English Ceromonials' ; 'French Ceremonials' ; Photographs, slides, and scrapbooks; Audio-Visual materials including videos, one each in French and English depicting their scope and mission; Financial records; Disbanded circle records; and Artifacts, including badges, pennants, and garments.
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Davis, Cyprian (Clarence John). Papers. 1927-2015, n.d. 47.5 feet; 38 boxes. Donor: St. Meinrad Seminary, 2015-2016.
A finding aid to the Cyprian Davis, O.S.B. Papers
Cyprian Davis, born Clarence John Davis (1930-2015), was an historian and archivist. He began his academic career in 1948, studying at The Catholic University of America (CUA), and ultimately receiving a Licentiate of Sacred Theology in 1957. Davis then studied church history abroad at The Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, where he obtained a licentiate in 1963. He taught church history at St. Meinrad before returning to Louvain to obtain a doctorate degree in 1977. He authored and co-authored several monographs, including "Christ's image in Black: the Black Catholic Community before the Civil War" and "The History of Black Catholics in the United States." Davis’s papers include many unpublished manuscripts on black history and black Catholic history. He was an archivist for Saint Meinrad Archabbey, a Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation, and the National Black Catholic Clergy Conference. He also authored two Pastoral letters. The first, in 1979, was The US Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Racism, titled “Brothers and Sisters to Us”; the second, in 1984, titled “What We Have Seen and Heard” was on behalf of the Black Catholic Bishops of the United States. The Davis Papers include correspondence, academic papers, printed material, audiovisual records, ephemera, and awards and honors
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Deer, A. Brian. Bibliographies. 1974. 2 volumes, printed. Donor: Toby Ornstein, 1975.
Two bibliographies, one concerning the Cree, Montagnais, and Naskapi tribes and the other the history of relations between the James Bay people and the Cree people, compiled by Deer at the request of Cree Way Project, a curriculum development project run by the Cree people of James Bay, Quebec.
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Deferrari, Roy J. Papers. 1925-1966. 11.6 linear feet; 29 boxes. Donor: Deferrari Family, 1969.
A finding aid to the Papers of Roy J. Deferrari
Born on June 1, 1890 in Stoneham, Massachusetts, Dr. Deferrari began studying Latin and Greek while attending Melrose High School and continued his education at Dartmouth College, where he specialized in Greek and Latin Literature. After graduating with an A.B. in 1912, he continued his education at Princeton University, earning a M.A. in 1913 and a Ph.D. in 1915. Deferrari began his teaching career at Princeton as an instructor of Classics. Dr. Deferrari's began his career at The Catholic University of America as a Professor of Greek and Latin in 1918. He taught as an associate professor of Classics until 1922 when he was promoted to the rank of Professor of Greek and Latin. In 1929, Monsignor Ryan appointed Deferrari the Director of the Summer Session. As Director, Deferrari reformed the summer session, increasing enrollment from 350 students to over 4,000 students. In 1930, Dr. Deferrari was appointed to the position of Acting Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. He held this position in addition to continuing as Director of the Summer Session and a full Professor of Greek and Latin. In 1960, upon reaching the university's compulsory retirement age of 70, Dr. Deferrari retired and continued to serve as the Director of the Program of Affiliation until 1968. Dr. Deferrari died in 1969 at the age of seventy nine.
The Roy J. Deferrari Papers consist of correspondence with professional organizations, published and unpublished drafts of articles, speeches, notes related to Dr. Deferrrari's published writings, classroom notes and student papers. While some of his classroom notes date to the 1920s and some of his personal papers date to the 1930s, the majority of the items within this collection fall within the range of 1950 -1966.
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De Segur, Gaston. Letters. 1872-1882. 30 items. Donor: Thomas B. Brumbaugh, 1973.
De Segur, a Paris-born priest, was also a widely-read spiritual and apologetic writer. Serving as auditor in the Roman Rota, 1852-1856, he returned to Paris after losing his sight and was made a canon of the first order of the Chapter of St. Denys. The letters, all in French, appear to be in the hand of Abbe Diringer, De Segur's secretary, for more than twenty years. The majority, signed by De Segur, were presumably dictated by him to Diringer. A few, written after De Segur's death, are signed by Diringer.
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Deverall, Richard Lawrence Grace. Papers. ca. 1920-1959. 15 feet; 30 boxes. Donors: R.L.G. and George G. Deverall, 1959-1974.
A finding aid to the papers of Richard L.G. Deverall
Deverall was born in Brooklyn, New York, on September 20, 1911, the eldest son of George Lawrence and Josephine Grace Deverall. He went to work as a machinist apprentice at age fourteen, continued his education at night school, and later worked his way through college. He was educated at Newark Institute of Technology in 1930; at Columbia University, 1931-34; and at Villanova College (earning a B.S. in sociology), 1935-1938. From 1935 to 1937, he taught socio-economics at Villanova as a graduate assistant. In 1936, he became co-editor, along with Norman C. McKenna, of The Christian Front, a Christian radical monthly that later became Christian Social Action. Subsequently, he moved to Detroit and became the first Executive Secretary of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists while teaching labor history and socio-economics at Assumption College in Ontario, Canada. In 1940 he joined the staff of the United Auto Workers, CIO, Detroit, and shortly became Chief of the Labor Education Department of that union. Deverall next went to Washington, DC, joined the Office of War Information as a labor analyst, and later played a role in the Coal Strike of 1943, as a special advisor to Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior. He said he resigned his post "in disgust" and entered the Army as a private in mid-1943.
Deverall was eventually commissioned a second lieutenant, and at the end of the war he was stationed in Japan as a military government officer. First assigned as a MP to the 11th Airborne Division in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, he was transferred to Nara, and then stationed with the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Tokyo where he became Chief of the Labor Education Branch, Labor Division, Economic and Science Section, GHO. He designed and supervised a labor education program for the workers, employers, and government of Japan. Deverall resigned his post in Tokyo in August 1948, he claimed, because of a leftist/anti-Communist fight inside SCAP. In 1949 he became an Asia representative of the A.F. of L. Free Trade Union Committee and was stationed in India until June 1952. From July 1952 to 1955 he had the same responsibility in Tokyo. Later he became Special Assistant to the Assistant General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and worked in Brussels, Belgium.
Among the collections of papers related broadly to national and international labor history, social welfare in America, and immigration and ethnic studies, those of Deverall are a resource of interest to scholars in East Asian studies, especially those who are concerned with the labor movement in Japan during the Occupation and the period immediately thereafter. The papers were restricted until Deverall's death on December 28, 1980, but are now available for public use.The collection of Deverall papers can be divided roughly into five periods and designated as follows: 1) Pre-Japan (before 1945); 2) Occupation period (1946-1948); 3) India period (1949-1952); 4) Post-Occupation period in Japan (1952-1955); and 5) ICFTU period (1956-1959). Deverall's papers from the early years of the Occupation, 1946-1948, deal with Army life in Japan, life in Japan, notes on the labor movement, and many trade union pamphlets that were published in English and translated into Japanese and Korean. Deverall wrote numerous reports, kept field notes, and corresponded with many friends.
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Doherty, Edward Woods. Papers. 1970. 2 1/2 inches. Donor: Edward W. Doherty, 1977.
Relating to the Consultation on Christian Concern for Peace, held in Baden, Austria, April 3-9, 1970, and sponsored by the Committee on Society, Development and Peace (SODEPAX). Established in 1968 by the World Council of Churches and the Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace, SODEPAX was conceived as an instrument for ecumenical collaboration in the promotion of international social justice. Present are mimeograph copies of papers presented by consultation delegates, working committee reports, and press releases. Doherty, then Consul General at the American Consulate in Munich, Germany, was an invited participant and contributed the section on "Nuclear Weapons" in Peace--The Desperate Imperative, the final SODEPAX report on the consultation, an issue of which is also present. In 1975 he became an advisor on international relations for the United States Catholic Conference's Department of Social Development.
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Dolan, Luis, C.P., Papers. 1921(1960-2000)n.d., 117 feet; 210 boxes. Donor: Various, 2004, 2013, 2023. Collection stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
A finding aid to the Fr. Luis Dolan's papers
The Father Luis M. Dolan Papers span the life of this Passionist priest, from the 1920’s (his report cards and birth certificate) to 2000. His life in the international interfaith community started when he was called into service with the Movement for a Better World by Fr. Riccardo Lombardi, who remained a guidepost for much of Fr. Dolan’s career. The bulk of the papers relate to his professional life as an interfaith and human rights advocate in addition to his representing multiple international organizations, primarily religious non- governmental organizations (RNGOs), at the United Nations. Although the bulk of the papers and materials deal with his professional calling, a small subset of his papers illustrates his personal and priestly life. Little material exists of his early professional life, primarily due to the peripatetic nature of his work at that time. The majority of the material is collected into subject files that Fr. Dolan collected for the better part of his professional life when stationed in New York.
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Dolores Brian - Leo Dolenski. Correspondence. 1965-1974. 1.25 feet; 1 box. Donor: Mary Ann Holthaus, 2022.
A finding aid to the Dolores Brien - Leo Dolenski correspondence.
Brooklyn native Dolores Brien attended Catholic schools and St. Joseph's College and was also involved with the Grail, a Catholic Women's Movement. She held several Grail leadership positions before leaving them. Thereafter, she earned a Doctorate in American Studies at Brown University and then taught English at a college in Massachusetts, was Dean at Wydner College in Pennsylvania, and Director of Career Planning at Bryn Mawr. Canadian Leo Dolenski joined a religious order and became a priest. He taught Sociology at St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and was at this college when he responded to an article by Dolores in the National Catholic Reporter. initiating their long correspondence, and leading to their eventual marriage. The Dolores Brien-Leo Dolenski Collection contains their correspondence, dealing with their concerns about the Church, ideas and concerns about their professions, and topics on contemporary issues. Articles from magazines, current books by theologians and comics are also in the collection. There are also two individual photographs of Dolores and Leo.
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Dorsey, Anna Hanson McKenney. Papers. n.d. 2 items. Donor: Helen Lorraine, 1973.
Handwritten copy of a newspaper article about Anna Hanson (McKenney) Dorsey, a nineteenth century Catholic novelist, and of a letter written by her in 1882. The article, an extended genealogical and literary note by Gilberta S. Whittle, was published in an unidentified issue of the Philadelphia Sunday Times, presumably not long after Dorsey's death in 1896. The letter, addressed to a Josephine Ridue, contains Dorsey's comments on the history of the Loraine [sic] branch of the McKenney family, as well as brief remarks about her mother's family, the Hansons, who had originated in Sweden. The copies were made by the donor's mother, who, we can speculate, given her family name, may have been related to Dorsey.
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Dorsey, Catherine Kegler. Scrapbook. 1931 1939. 1 volume. Donor: Catherine K. Dorsey, 1972.
Compiled by Dorsey, who worked in Catholic University's Library, 1931-1943, this contains invitations, commencement announcements, clippings and pamphlets pertaining to events and personalities connected with Catholic University for the period 1931-1939. A number of items concern the University's Golden Jubilee in 1939. Found at the end of the volume are programs from concerts and theater productions in the Washington, DC area.
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DuBourg, Louis William Valentine. Letter. 1817. 1 item. Donor: Carolyn Lee, 1991.
A handwritten letter from DuBourg, Catholic bishop of Louisiana, president of Georgetown University, and founder of St. Mary's College in Baltimore. Said letter is addressed to an unknown correspondent, presumably a superior, and intends to confirm DuBourg's private ownership of certain vestments, paintings, books and plates.
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Dubois, Leon L. World War I Collection. 1909, 1916-1918. 2 boxes, plus oversize items; 5.5 feet. Donor: Leon L. Dubois, 1919-1921.
A finding aid to the Leon L. Dubois collection
Assembled by the Rev. L.L. Dubois, S.M., who appears to have been a French army chaplain during World War I, the memorabilia mainly consists of French army maps, 1916-1918, many depicting the Western Front during the Spring and Summer of 1918. Also present: photographs of allied tanks and observation balloons; aerial reconnaissance shots; French army intelligence reports; a spotter guide to allied and enemy aircraft; documents relating to war bonds; postcards, a German New Testament; a humorous notice of the "death" of Wilhelm II; and unused message papers for carrier pigeons. Items are in French, German, and English.
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Ducibella, Joseph William. Papers. ca. 1933 1941. 4 1/2 inches. Donor: Lillian Ducibella, 1977.
Mainly clippings from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Washington Star on French and Italian literature, music, art, history, and politics. Also, several student papers and outlines. Ducibella, a modern language student at Catholic University, received his Ph.D. in 1934.
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Eberts, Bernard L. Scrapbooks. 1920-1940. 2 volumes. Donor: Bernard L. Eberts, 1976.
Containing press clippings, programs and photographs relating to the Catholic University football, basketball and baseball varsity squads, 1920-1924, of which Bernard "Dutch" Eberts was a member. Elected football captain for 1923, he graduated in 1924 with an A.B. in Commerce. Post-1924 items reflect his activities as a football and basketball official.
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Ellis, John Tracy. Papers. 1896(1920-1992)2003. 58 feet; 46 boxes. Donor: Monsignor John Tracy Ellis, 1957-1992 and T. M. Duffy, 2020.
A finding aid to the papers of John Tracy Ellis
Born 30 July 1905 in Illinois, Monsignor Ellis received his A.B. from St. Viator College in 1927 and his A.M. and Ph.D. from the Catholic University of America in 1928 and 1930 respectively. He taught at St. Viator, 1930-1932, and the College of St. Theresa, 1932-1934, before returning to Catholic University to enter the Sulpician Seminary. Ordained a priest in 1938, he also became an Instructor in the Catholic University history department. In 1947 he became ordinary professor of church history. In addition to teaching, in 1941 he became managing editor of the Catholic Historical Review as well as secretary (later president) of the American Catholic Historical Association. Beginning in 1964, he taught at San Francisco, Brown, and Notre Dame universities; the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley; and the Gregorian and Angelicum universities in Rome. Returning to Catholic University in 1976, he taught in both the theology and church history departments until suffering a stroke in 1989.
His many published works include the Life of James Cardinal Gibbons, American Catholicism, Catholics in Colonial America, and The Formative Years of the Catholic University of America. In 1955, in a seminal speech and essay entitled "American Catholics and the Intellectual Life," he attacked the academic quality of Catholic seminaries, colleges, and universities whose shortcomings resulted from a "self imposed ghetto mentality." Some officials and educators were offended but Ellis was later credited for the resulting upgrade of Catholic scholarship. He also advocated more active roles for parishioners in church affairs and he called for greater acknowledgment of church transgressions such as the Inquisition. He received numerous honorary degrees as well as the John Gilmary Shea Prize and the Laetare Medal. Pope Pius XII named him a domestic prelate in 1955, and in 1989 Pope John Paul II made him a prothonotary apostolic, the highest honor for a priest short of becoming a bishop.
Records on deposit in the Catholic University Archives include correspondence, 1927-1992; memoirs and diaries, 1931-1976; articles and book reviews, 1927-1992; addresses and sermons, 1934-1989; classroom lectures and outlines, 1965-1978; reference files and newspaper clippings, 1896-1992; academic and papal honors,1918-1989; testamentary and financial records, 1952 1990; and photographs, 1932-1992. Researcher access is subject to the approval of Monsignor Robert Trisco, Editor of the Catholic Historical Review.
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Ewing, Charles. Papers. 1870(1870-1883)1951. 1/2 foot; 1 box. Donor: Rev. Peter Rahill, 1952.
A finding aid to the papers of Charles B. Ewing
Born to a Scotch-Irish father and Irish Catholic mother, Ewing was raised in the faith of the latter and educated at a Dominican college in Ohio, Gonzaga College in Washington, DC, and the University of Virginia. He served as a Union officer in the Civil War, ultimately attaining the rank of Brigadier General, and participated in a number of campaigns including Vicksburg and Atlanta. In fact, Ewing was a brother-in-law of William Tecumseh Sherman. After the war, he left the army, practiced law in Washington and married Virginia Miller. In 1874, Ewing was selected by the American Catholic bishops as the first Catholic Commissioner for Indian Missions, a position within the newly established Catholic Indian Bureau. As a Catholic lawyer based in the nation's capital, it was thought he was best suited to protect Catholic interests against Protestant encroachments in dealing with the federal government over Indian affairs. Ewing had already acted on behalf of Catholic Indian missions in the past and he soon secured the assistance of Rev. Joseph Brouilett, Vice-General of the Diocese of Nesqualby, Indian Territory. In 1877, Pope Pius IX recognized Ewing's efforts by creating him a knight of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. Ewing continued in his capacity as Catholic Commissioner until his death in 1883 from a sudden bout of pneumonia.
The Ewing Papers, consisting of both originals and copies held elsewhere, pertain almost exclusively to his involvement on behalf of Catholic Indian missions. The correspondence spans the years 1870-1883. The printed material on Indian Affairs and Missions dates from the twentieth century up to 1951 and relates only broadly to Ewing's life. It is possible that his other papers were destroyed upon his death.
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Fahey, Joseph. Papers. 1960s-2016. 2 linear feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Joseph Fahey, 2016.
A finding aid to the papers of Joseph Fahey
Bronx native Fahey was born on Jan. 8, 1940 and attended Holy Family School and St. Helena High School. From 1958 to 1966 he was a seminarian with the Maryknoll Fathers, a Catholic missionary society. Dr. Fahey received his B.A. in Philosophy (1962) and his M.A. in Theology (1966) from Maryknoll Seminary. His Ph.D. is in Religion and Social Ethics from New York University (1974). Dr. Fahey retired in 2016 after 50 years as Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College in New York. Among various activities, Fahey is a co-founder and Chairperson of Catholic Scholars for Worker Justice. His publications include Walter Rauschenbusch: Essential Spiritual Writings; War and the Christian Conscience: Where Do You Stand; Reinhold Niebuhr on Human Nature and World Peace; A Peace Reader: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Non-Violence and World Order along with numerous articles, essays, and reviews. This collection contains correspondence, promotional materials, newspaper clippings, articles, and other ephemera about Joseph Fahey's life.
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Family and Child Services of Washington, D.C. Records. 1882-1984, 15 feet; 31 boxes. Donor: FCS, 1972-1985.
A finding aid for the records of Family and Child Services of Washington, D.C.
Founded in 1882 as the Associated Charities of the District of Columbia by citizens concerned about pauperism. There were several organizations that worked closely with the Associated Charities, including The Monday Evening Club, the Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, and the Citizens' Relief Association (CRA). Renamed the Family Service Association in 1935, and merged in 1950 with the Children's Protective Association and the Foster Day Care and Counseling Association to become Family and Child Services of Washington, D.C., Incorporated. Records of the Associated Charities (AC), the Citizen’s Relief Association (CRA), the Family Service Association (FSA), and Family and Child Services (FCS), containing financial records, annual reports, scrapbooks, meeting minutes, and monthly reports from agents.
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Farrow, John Villers. Papgers. 1927(1927-1976)n.d., 6.5 linear feet; 12 boxes. Donor: Maureen O'Sullivan, 1978.
A finding aid for the John Villers Farrow papers
Born in Australia, Hollywood film producer and director John Villiers Farrow was also a veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy in World War II and author of several notable books such as Damien the Leper (1937) and Pageant of the Popes (1942). He was married to actress Maureen O'Sullivan and was the father of actress Mia Farrow. His papers contain background research, notes, and drafts used in his books as well as correspondence, newspaper clippings, several manuscripts and reviews of films he produced, photographs, and other miscellaneous materials related to his career as a writer, sailor, and director.
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Februaraufstand. Collection. 1934. 3 items. Donor: Catherine A. Cline, 1997.
Unsigned letter in German with two photographs describing the events of the "Februaraufstand," a revolt occurring in Austria, principally in the streets of Vienna and Linz, in 1934. Letter is four pages, double sided. Photographs depict troops on the streets, with no notations.
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Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. Records. 1967-1997. 11 Boxes: 14 Feet. Donor: FDLC 1999.
Inspired by the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy and founded in 1969 as a voluntary association of personnel from diocesan liturgical commissions of the United States. The primary purpose is promotion of the liturgy as the center of contemporary Christian life, especially at the parish level.
Records consists of Board of Directors' minutes and related material, 1969-1994; national meeting material, 1972-1995; correspondence, 1987-1994; directories, 1974-1994; and various files of the Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, including newsletters, minutes, reports, and correspondence, 1967-1995.
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Fenian Brotherhood. Records. 1850-1921. 4.5 feet; 9 boxes; 4 reels, 35 mm microfilm. Donor: Father William D'Arcy.
Finding aid for the Fenian Brotherhood Records and O'Donovan Rossa Personal papers
Fenian Digital Collection is available online.
Established in Ireland in 1858 as the Irish Republican Brotherhood, their American branch was known by 1859 as the 'Fenians,' with the avowed purpose of overthrowing British rule in Ireland and establishing an Irish Republic. The Fenians in the United States grew to include over 50,000 members and hundreds of thousands of sympathizers by the end of the Civil War, but, rocked by internal factionalism and opposed by the formidable military power of the British Empire, they never came close to achieving their aims. The American wing mounted two short-lived invasions of Canada in 1866 and 1870 and the Irish Fenians launched a small rebellion in Ireland in 1867. The American Fenians faded out of prominence after the last unsuccessful assault on Canada. Many Irish and Irish American nationalists, first recruited to the cause as Fenians, continued to fight for Ireland's independence after the order's decline. Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, last "Head Center" of the American Fenians in 1877, for example, helped establish a "skirmishing fund" to raise American money for guerrilla war in Ireland in the 1870s, promoted a bombing campaign in England in the 1880s, edited a New York based nationalist newspaper, The United Irishmen, and played a vital role in the nationalist cause almost until his death in 1915.
The collection consists of letters to and from John O'Mahony, James Stephens, John Mitchel, O'Donovan Rossa, and other Fenian leaders; ledgers of accounts; rosters of Fenian soldiers in New York; speeches; pamphlets; newspapers; chromolithographs; cartes de visit photographs; tickets; and legal records. Letters between O'Mahony and Stephens and between Mitchel and O'Mahony touch upon major conflicts and points of debate within the Fenians in the 1860s. Roster books, ledgers, subscription lists to the United Irishmen and Proceedings of Fenian Conventions document the membership and the general activities of the movement. The bulk of the collection is concentrated in the 1860s through 1880s, but it also includes assorted newspapers and pamphlets from the 1850s to the early 1900s that address a wide range of topics in Irish history and nationalism. The Fenian WRLC digital project can be accessed at WRLC's Fenian Brotherhood Collection page.
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Fenton, Joseph Clifford. Diaries. 1948-1966. 5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Joseph Komonchak, 2009.
A finding aid to the Joseph Clifford Fenton diaries
The Right Reverend Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton (1906-1969) was a priest of Springfield, Massachusetts, Dean of the School of Theology at the Catholic University of America, and editor of the American Ecclesiastical Review. He also served on the Pontifical Theology Commission in preparation for the Second Vatican Council. He retired from Catholic University in 1963 and is probably best remembered as an aggressive opponent of Jesuit John Courtney Murray regarding Church and State. The diaries cover the years of 1948-1966, with most dealing with his trips to Rome to participate in the Second Vatican Council.
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Fitzgerald, James J. Manuscript. 1884, 1927-1946. 3 inches. Donor: James J. Fitzgerald, 1946.
Draft of unpublished work, The Devil in Our Daily Lives, written by Fitzgerald under the pen name Rosario. Replete with anecdotes of diabolic interference in human lives, its preface contains Fitzgerald's claim of personal victimization by demons. Also, the author's research material including pamphlets on exorcism; a book, Glimpses of the Supernatural; and press clippings on psychic powers.
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Flick, Lawrence Francis. Papers. n.d.(1875-1938)1978. 45 feet; 34 boxes. Donors: Ella M.E. Flick and Mercedes Seton Flick, 1955.
A finding aid for the Lawrence Francis Flick papers
Lawrence Francis Flick, 1856-1938, was the son of German immigrants, John Flick and Elizabeth Sharbaugh, who settled in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. Flick was educated at St. Vincent's College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, graduating in 1879. He became a physician, pathologist, and specialist in tuberculosis and its prevention and treatment. Subject himself to pulmonary tuberculosis, his studies concluded that the disease was not hereditary but contagious. His campaign to isolate consumptives in special hospitals and to register tuberculosis cases provoked opposition within the medical profession. Between 1892 and 1910, Flick's efforts to educate the public prompted him to found the Pennsylvania Society for Prevention of Tuberculosis; the Free Hospital for Poor Consumptives; the Henry Phipps Institute for the Study, Prevention, and Treatment of Tuberculosis; and a modest sanitarium at White Haven, Pennsylvania, which he headed until 1935. Catholics from all levels of society were generous in their contributions and assistance.
Flick was a promoter of the National Association for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis (1904) and of its International Congress on Tuberculosis (1908). He was the author of many articles and three published books in the same field of interest: Consumption, A Curable and Preventable Disease (1903); the Development of Our Knowledge of Tuberculosis(1925); and Tuberculosis, A Book of Practical Knowledge to Guide the General Practitioner of Medicine (1937). At the same time, Dr. Flick was a founder of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia (president, 1893-96, 1913-14), and he was a founder and first president of the American Catholic Historical Association (1919). A biographical sketch by F. Gerrity appears in the New Catholic Encyclopedia (vol. 5, pp 963-964), based upon a biography by Ella M. E. Flick, entitled Beloved Crusader: Lawrence F. Flick, Physician (Philadelphia, Dorrance, c. 1944). A later volume by Cecilia R. Flick, was entitled, Dr. Lawrence F. Flick as I Knew Him (Philadelphia, Dorrance, c. 1956).
The Flick Papers comprise twenty-three bound volumes of letters received, 1875-1908, described as "Second Series," to which are added a further group of bound letters received, 1909-1936, numbered from volume 56 to volume 112. Volumes 2, 3 and 4, also bound, are termed "Miscellanies." Letterpress copy books, thirty-one in number, record outgoing correspondence for the period 1903-1938. The correspondence is indexed in a fifteen-drawer bank of 3"x5" cards housed in three oversize boxes. Additionally, there are also two boxes of general subject files. Collection is open to researchers but due to the fragile nature of many of the documents, it is not always possible to make photocopies.
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Foley, Albert Sidney. Doctoral Dissertation. 1952. 357 pages, carbon copy. Donor: Albert S. Foley, 1952.
Copy of Foley's 1950 University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Ph.D. dissertation, The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro. An analysis of the problem of segregation, it examines the structure and functions of the Catholic Church in respect to both the black minority within the Church and the larger black community of Washington, DC. Publication was prevented in 1950 by the Archbishop of Washington, Patrick O'Boyle, at the request of a faction of DC clergy unhappy with its contents. Foley, a Jesuit priest, professor of sociology, and writer, later published several books on black Catholic history including, Bishop Healy: Beloved Outcast (1954), God's Men of Color: The Colored Catholic Priests of the United States, 1854-1954 (1955), and, Dream of an Outcast: Patrick Healy, S.J. (1976).
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Fotitch, Tatiana Zurunitch. Papers. 1959-1961. 2 1/2 inches. Donor: Robert T. Meyer, 1979.
Mainly relating to Fotitch's textbook, An Anthology of Old Spanish (1961). Included are draft sections of the book, and photostats of texts used in it to illustrate the development of the Spanish language to the end of the fifteenth century. Also present are programs and correspondence concerning the 1959 and 1960 Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Born in Austria, Fotitch married Constantin Fotitch, who was Yugoslavian ambassador to the United States, 1935-1944. She began teaching in Catholic University's romance language department in 1947, receiving a Ph.D. from there in 1950. Upon retirement from Catholic University in 1970, she was made professor emerita.
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Frith-Garesche Postcard Collection. 1906-1941. 5 inches.
The bulk of the collection consists of European and American postcards, both loose and mounted in scrapbooks. Of special interest are items relating to World War I such as: French postcards depicting war-ravaged towns, soldiers and hospital scenes; issues of La Liaison, a newsletter written for French soldiers and their families; and a little personal correspondence from French soldiers including letters from a POW camp in Minden, Germany.
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Furfey, Paul Hanly. Papers. 1803(1896-1992)n.d. 161 feet; 129 boxes. Donors: P.H. Furfey, Catholic University, 1984-1992.
A finding aid to Paul Hanly Furfey papers
Monsignor Furfey, a provocative Irish-Catholic sociologist, was born in 1896 in Cambridge, Massachusetts and educated at Boston College, St. Mary's University, and The Catholic University of America, where he obtained a doctorate. Ordained in 1922, Furfey taught at Trinity College (DC), the National Catholic School of Social Service, and The Catholic University of America where he headed the sociology department, 1934-1963. He served as Co-Director of CUA's Bureau of Social Research and the Center for Child Development; Associate Director of D.C. Catholic Charities and the Juvenile Delinquency Project in New York; president of the American Catholic Sociological Society, and founded Fides and Il Povrello settlement houses. Voluminous papers containing correspondence, reference and research material, calendars and address books, student notes and papers, photographs and other memorabilia, financial records, and printed material reflecting decades of education, religion, and social activism from a Catholic intellectual and spiritual perspective.
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Garrigan, Philip J. Papers. 1888-1906. 1 1/2 inches. Donor: Leo Kerby.
An Irish-born priest, Garrigan was appointed as Catholic University's first vice rector in 1888, a position he held under rectors John J. Keane and Thomas J. Conaty until 1902. Mainly correspondence from Keane to his vice rector, the papers give insight into Catholic University's formative years, particularly the problems of raising capital, and attracting students and faculty, but yield few details of Garrigan's life. Keane's letters continue after the period of his rectorship, 1888-1896, until his appointment as Archbishop of Dubuque in 1900. Present too, is a 1901 letter from Charles Warren Stoddard, in which he discusses events surrounding his forced resignation as lecturer in English literature at Catholic University. Five articles briefly recount the history of Catholic University, 1866-1896.
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Geary, James Aloysius. Papers. 1893-1958. 4 feet; 8 boxes; 1 volume. Donors: Regina Herzfield, 1971 and Carolyn Lee, 1987.
A finding aid to the papers of James Aloysius Geary
Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, James Aloysius Geary, 1882-1962, was educated at Holy Cross College, the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, and the American College in Louvain, Belgium. He received his doctorate from Catholic University and was ordained in 1907. He became an expert linguist and was a professor at Catholic University for forty-one years, 1912-53, teaching German and Celtic languages, as well as comparative philology. His scholarly interests covered a wide field. He was recognized as an expert in American Indian languages and worked on a revision of the Fox Indian Text. He also did considerable research on the related words of various Algonquin tribes. He taught free weekly classes in Gaelic for beginners and conversational Gaelic for advanced students for many years.
The papers span the years from Geary's student days, ca. 1905-1907, to the years just past his retirement, at age seventy in 1953, from The Catholic University of America. The collection includes correspondence, speeches, editorials, research articles, Algonquian and Gaelic language notes, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, poems, and photographs. The Gaelic materials include brief etymological studies of Irish words, place-names and surnames, and indications of other work translating Gaelic words and phrases. Much of the correspondence focuses on Irish history, culture, and on the education of students in Gaelic. The personal papers include correspondence with family and friends; legal-financial papers relating to his stock and real estate interests and his contacts with the Internal Revenue Service; and papers relating to the John Spensley estate, for which Geary was executor. Placed among the personal papers, in addition, are materials relating to Geary's avid interest in Irish politics, which trace his involvement with the Friends of Irish Freedom and other Irish organizations promoting Irish independence and culture. Correspondence, editorials and newspaper clippings relating particularly to World War I, the League of Nations, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt are also included here.
The bulk of the materials in the collection relates to Geary's academic and professional career as a seminarian and doctoral student, Celtic teacher, and researcher in Algonquian and Gaelic languages. The academic materials incorporate his student and alumni papers, communication with Catholic University and intra-university correspondence, and his pastoral papers. Many of the papers of his early years at Catholic University relate to his charge as disciplinarian in Gibbons and Graduate Halls and to such university activities as the Saint Thomas Aquinas Club, the Irish Historical Club, and The Symposium. The papers relating to research among the Fox Indians living near Tama, Iowa reflect Geary's major scholarly activity during the 1940s. Included are etymological studies of Algonquian words and place-names, especially place-names in Wisconsin. Also included are research notes on Algonquian phonology, notes for an intended Algonquian-language Catholic Prayer book, and lists of words for his slip dictionary.
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George Washington Bicentennial Observance. Collection. 1905-1934, n.d.. 3 Boxes: 1.5 Feet. Donors: Unknown, CUA.
A finding aid to George Washington Bicentennial Collection
The George Washington Bicentennial Commission was established in 1924 by Congress, with the President as chairman, to sponsor a series of nationwide celebrations in honor of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the nation's first President, George Washington. The observances were held from Washington's Birthday, 22 February, to Thanksgiving Day, 24 November 1932. The National Catholic celebration of this was held on Memorial Day, 28 May 1932, at The Catholic University of America. Neary 60,000 persons attended a military field mass conducted in the Stadium. The celebrant was Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore and Chancellor of the university. The Archbishop wore the pectoral cross of Bishop John Carroll, the first Catholic Bishop in the United States. The altar was the one used by Father Andrew White to say the first mass for the Maryland colonists on 25 March 1634. The service was broadcast from coast to coast. The collection consists largely of printed material, some of it issued by the US George Washington Bicentennial Commission, and including booklets, newspaper clippings, programs, and maps relating to the national observance of Washington's birth. There is also a floor plan and area map of Wakefield, Virginia, the site of his birth.
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Gibbons, James Cardinal. Collection. 1869-1962. 1 foot; 2 boxes.
A finding aid to James Cardinal Gibbons Collection
Mainly printed matter, including pastoral letters from Gibbons, pontifical letters to him from Leo XIII, Pius X, and Benedict XV concerning Catholic University, press clippings, and invitations, and a book; also a little personal and official correspondence, and photographs. Gibbons, 9th Archbishop of Baltimore, was chancellor of Catholic University and much of the collection reflects this association. Many items concern jubilees celebrated by him; of particular note, a limited edition book produced to commemorate the 1911 Baltimore rally held on the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood and the twenty-fifth anniversary of his elevation to the cardinalate. Also of interest are memorial tributes to Gibbons from Thomas J. Shahan, Catholic University rector, published in pamphlet form. Post-1921 items reflect planned memorials to him.
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Glendon, Mary Ann. Papers. 1948-2020, 37.5 linear feet; 27 boxes.. Donor: Mary Ann Glendon, 2012-2020.
A finding aid to Mary Ann Glendon's papers
Born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Glendon graduated from the University of Chicago Law School. She has taught at both Boston College and Harvard where she is Learned Hand Professor of Law. She was President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Science and Vatican representative at the 1995 International Conference on Women at Beijing. She also served as United States Ambassador to the Vatican, 2008-2009. Her papers include correspondence, speeches, publications, photographs, awards, and diplomas.
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Goguen, Henri. Papers. 1913-1986, n.d., 4.5 feet; 9 boxes. Donor: Mrs. Henry Goguen, 1991.
A finding aid to Henri Goguen's papers
Goguen served as a city councilor, U.S. marshal, Secretary of State, and Public Safety Commissioner of Massachusetts. For 30 years, he served as national president and chairman of the board of the Union Saint-Jean-Baptiste, the largest mutual benefit society for Americans of French descent. In this position, he introduced the Society's Educational Foundation, which gave scholarships to students who wished to pursue further studies. The collection, in both English and French, contains correspondence, clippings, speeches, photographs, and programs.
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Griffin, John Joseph. Certificates of Membership. 1904, 1908, 1909. 3 items.
For the University Club of the City of Washington, District of Columbia, the National Geographic Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Griffin, ordained in 1885, received a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1895 and in the same year was appointed first professor of chemistry at Catholic University. Remaining at Catholic University until his death in 1921, he served as dean of the faculty of philosophy, 1903-1905, and as dean of the faculty of science, 1908-1911.
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Guilday, Peter. Papers. 1704(1884-1947)1947. 55 feet; 110 boxes; 9 reels microfilm. Donor: Peter Guilday.
A finding aid to the papers of Peter Guilday
The Right Reverend Peter Guilday (b. 1884 in Chester, Pa.; ord. 1909 in Louvain, France; d. 1947 in Washington, DC) was a pre-eminent authority on the history of American Catholicism. Guilday began his studies of the American church in 1914, when he received his appointment at The Catholic University. From that time, Guilday helped popularize his field. In 1915, Guilday founded the Catholic Historical Review and subsequently served as its editor-in-chief. Two years later, Guilday served as Secretary of the Committee of Historical Records of the National Catholic War Council (NCWC). His experience with the NCWC prompted Guilday to organize the American Catholic Historical Association. All the while, Guilday directed numerous theses and dissertations. He also published The Life and Times of John Carroll (1922), The Life and Times of John England (1927), The Catholic Question in the United States (1928), and numerous articles. He began work on the biography of Archbishop John Hughes, but abandoned the project in 1945, because of failing health.
The collection includes Guilday's correspondence as well as the notes, lectures, addresses, and outlines used in his lectures and books. Guilday also collected original documents, most of which have been returned to their repositories. Catholic University Archives has retained microfilm copies of the documents collected from the Propaganda Fide of Rome; the Archdiocese of Quebec; the Irish College Portfolio; Irish Dominican Archives; Archives at Stonyhurst, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and Mobile; and selected printed materials. Catholic University has also retained original documents authored by John G. Shea, who during the late nineteenth century authored several histories of the American Catholic church.
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Haas, Francis Joseph. Papers. 1904-1953. 65.5 feet; 131 boxes. Donors: Anthony Arszulowicz, Charles Poppell, Thomas Blantz, Dorothy Haas, 1954-1960, 1987-1995.
A finding aid to the papers of Francis Joseph Haas
An important priest, educator, and labor relations advocate, Bishop Haas was born in Racine, Wisconsin in 1889. The son of German and Irish immigrant families, Haas entered the St. Francis Seminary in 1904 and was ordained in 1913 for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He continued his education, and in 1922 he obtained his Ph.D. from Catholic University, studying under luminaries such as Monsignor John A. Ryan, who would have a major influence on Haas' philosophy throughout his forty years of service. Upon completing his degree, Haas returned to Milwaukee to teach at both St. Francis Seminary and Marquette University. It was during this period that Haas published his most well-known work, Man and Society (1931), which reflected the philosophy and social teachings of Pope Leo XIII, Pius XI, and Monsignor Ryan. In 1931 Haas was chosen to direct the National Catholic School of Social Service, then part of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Haas also helped found the Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems and served as president of Catholic Association for International Peace. He went back to St. Francis Seminary in 1935 as the Rector, but soon returned to Washington, DC as the Dean for the new School of Social Science at Catholic University. In 1937 Haas was named a Domestic Prelate, and, in 1943 he was appointed Bishop of Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he served until his death in 1953.
Haas is most influential and best known for his work in labor relations and civil rights. It has been suggested that he was involved in the mediation of approximately 1,500 disputes during his career. Haas strongly supported the New Deal, seeing it as an opportunity to initiate labor and social reform. As such, Haas soon served in many New Deal programs. From 1933-1935 he was served on the National Recovery Act's Labor Advisory Board, and in this position he helped write codes for equal racial employment opportunities, child labor practices, and a minimum wage. After the NRA was disbanded by the Supreme Court, Haas was appointed to Sen. Robert Wagner's National Labor Board, which mediated several labor disputes for the Roosevelt Administration. He served as a Special Commissioner of Conciliation for the Department of Labor, and was chairman of several industry committees of the Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division. When Haas returned to Wisconsin for the Rectorate, the Bishop was appointed to the Wisconsin Labor Relations Board, where he mediated over 800 separate disputes. During World War II, Haas was named a mediator for the National War Labor Board. In 1943 President Roosevelt placed Haas at the helm of the President's Fair Employment Practices Committee. He used this position to actively pursue racially discriminatory hiring practices, especially in companies manufacturing products for the war effort. In recognition of his dedication in this area, he was named to President Truman's Committee on Civil Rights in 1947, and, when sent to Michigan for the Bishopric, Haas continued his service to social justice as Chairman of the Michigan Advisory Committee on Civil Rights in 1949.
The papers cover the entire scope of Haas' career, from his days in the seminary to his last position as Archbishop of Grand Rapids. Included in the materials are personal and professional correspondence, notebooks, publications, articles, and photographs.
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Hallinan, Paul J. - Vatican Council II. Papers. 1959-1966. 3 feet; 6 boxes. Donor: Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, 1983.
A finding aid to Paul J. Hallinan - Vatican Council II Collection
Paul J. Hallinan was born in Ohio and earned his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 1932. He studied at St. Mary's Seminary, was ordained in 1937 and earned his M.A. in American History from John Carroll University in 1953. As a U.S. chaplain, Hallinan served in the South Pacific from 1942 to 1945. He gained the rank of Captain and received the Purple Heart in 1944. Consecrated as Bishop of Charleston, South Carolina in 1958, he rose to be Archbishop of Atlanta, Georgia, in 1962, and earned his Ph.D from Western Reserve University of Cleveland in 1963. He served as member of the Commission of the Sacred Liturgy, which led to the use English rather than Latin in the Liturgy. He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of The Catholic University of America until he died in 1968. The collection contains primarily the printed Vatican II Schemata as well as correspondence, articles, and clippings.
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Hamilton, Ralph Hayes. Travelogue Collection. 1918-1968. 5 feet; 4 boxes.
A finding aid to Ralph Hayes Hamilton Travelogue Collection
Ralph Hayes Hamilton, an Ohio native and 1917 graduate of The Catholic University of America, traveled America filming landscapes, National Parks, and Catholic missions. He also gave lectures, first presented as hand-colored slide shows that attracted large groups. His films were played for disabled soldiers in training camps and hospitals during World War II. He also donated his films and volunteered service to the American Red Cross. He later worked in publicity as well as hospitality, becoming the Director of Moving Motion Picture Publicity for Bermuda Hotels, Inc. He was also a member of American Legion and the Rotary Club. The collection consists of materials gathered during his travels, including drafts of books, film, and brochures written by Hayes Hamilton. Thirty two reels of film (color, sound, silent, black and white) detailing personal trips and publicity videos make up the majority of the collection.
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Hannan, Philip Matthew. Collection. 1956-2013, n.d.. 1.25 linear feet; 1 box.
A finding aid to Philip Matthew Hannan Collection
The Philip Matthew Hannan Collection includes a limited amount of articles, audiovisual materials, and memorabilia documenting Philip M. Hannan’s time as Archbishop of New Orleans from 1965 to 1988, as well has his funeral in 2011. Highlights include an audio cassette and typed copies of an address delivered by Hannan at the 25th Anniversary Dinner of the John Carroll Society in 1976 and a scrapbook of Hannan related clippings spanning the years 1956 to 2003.
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Hartke, Gilbert Vincent Ferrer. Collection. 1882-1994, n.d. 84 feet; 67 boxes. Donor: Various, 1984-2023.
A finding aid to Rev. Gilbert Vincent Ferrer Hartke Collection
Hartke was born on January 16, 1907 to Lillian and Emil Hartke in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. As a youth he was known by his family and friends as a devoted lover of acting and the theater. In 1921, he enrolled at Loyola Academy, for high school. He next attended Loyola University in Chicago before transferring to Providence College where in 1929 he decided to enter the Dominican order. During his time in the seminary at St. Joseph's in Ohio, followed by Immaculate Conception College in Washington, D.C., he began writing plays with a Dominican Theater group called the "Black Friars" In 1935 he was sent to the Dominican House of Studies in Washington and began studies at the Catholic University of America for his masters. He became involved with the campus Harlequin Club, where in 1936 they put on his play "Within these Walls". The following year Hartke began the Drama Department at Catholic University as a summer program, and that fall a department that offered a Masters in Drama, when an undergraduate degree was added it became the Department of Speech and Drama. The 1950s and the 1960s marked the high point in Hartke's career, during this time he became an advocate for such causes as integration of local Washington DC theaters as well as the Creation of the National Endowment for the Arts. Hartke raised the funds to construct the theater at Catholic University in 1969. During Hartke's tenure as chair of the Drama department many celebrities were found at Catholic University, including Ed McMahon, Jon Voight, Susan Sarandon, and director Robert Moore. Hartke retired as chair of the Drama department in 1974, thereafter he was Special Assistant for the President, as well as for Development. During his tenure in this position Hartke became the face of Catholic University with the media as well as different social events throughout Washington D.C. Despite his age Hartke still remained involved in his USO tours with the National Players to Europe until a he suffered a mild heart attack in Poland in 1985. Hartke would succumb to heart disease on February 21, 1986 at Providence Hospital in Washington, DC. Collection consists of Father Hartke's personal manuscripts, including correspondence, publications, photographs, scrapbooks of clippings on productions from the Drama Department, and memorabilia such as his awards, personal effects, and academic robes.
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Hayes, John William. Papers. 1880-1921. 24.5 feet; 49 boxes. Donor: Various, 1941-1980.
A finding aid to the John W. Hayes Papers
Born in 1854 in Philadelphia to Irish immigrants, Edward and Mary (Galbreath) Hayes, John went to Illinois in 1871 and worked first as a farm hand, then as a brakeman for the Dayton and Michigan Railroad. In 1872, he went to work as a brakeman with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Trenton, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA, but he lost his right arm in a railroad accident in 1878 and thereafter learned telegraphy. He joined the Knights of Labor in 1874 and was a delegate to the national telegraphers' convention of 1883, which called a strike for better wages. Blacklisted after this, Hayes operated a grocery store in New Brunswick, NJ. However, in 1884, he was elected to the General Executive Board of the Knights of Labor and soon became an ally and confidant of Terence Vincent Powderly, General Master Workman of the Knights. Four years later he became General Secretary Treasurer and continued to work closely with Powderly until 1893 when Hayes elected to join with the socialists and the populist agrarians in order to oust Powderly from leadership of the Knights which was already in decline, giving way to the emerging American Federation of Labor (AFL). Hayes remained in firm control of the Knights though, first as General Secretary-Treasurer until 1902, then as General Master Workman until the closure of the Knights headquarters in Washington, DC, in 1916 even though he continued to use the title for some years. In later years, Hayes was mostly involved in business promotion as well as publishing the National Labor Digest.
The Hayes Papers are almost equally divided between official Knights of Labor correspondence with district (1883-1902) and local (1881-1915) assemblies and his personal affairs (1890-1921). The former also include records of the General Executive Board (1881-1905), membership (1898-1900), miscellaneous (1895-1919), Powderly Correspondence as General Master Workman (1880-1890), Hayes as General Secretary Treasurer (1888-1902) and Hayes as General Master Workman (1902-1920).
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Haynes-Lofton Family. Papers. 1882-1974. 35 feet; 69 boxes. Donor: Euphemia Lofton Haynes Estate, 1981.
A finding aid to the Haynes-Lofton Family Papers
Personal papers of Catholic University of America alumna Euphemia Lofton Haynes, her husband Harold Appo Haynes, and their families. Mrs. Haynes received a bachelor's from Smith College in 1914, a master's in education from the University of Chicago in 1930, and a doctorate in mathematics from Catholic University in 1943. She taught in the public schools of Washington, DC for forty-seven years and was the first woman to chair the DC School Board. She figured prominently in the integration of the DC public schools and also of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
A fourth generation Washingtonian, Mrs. Haynes was active in many community activities. She served as first vice president of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, chairman of the Advisory Board of Fides Neighborhood House, on the Committee of International Social Welfare, on the Executive Committee of the National Social Welfare Assembly, as secretary and member of the Executive Committee of the DC Health and Welfare Council, on the local and national committees of the United Service Organization, and as a member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Catholic Interracial Council of Washington, the Urban League, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, League of Women Voters, and the American Association of University Women. Upon her death in 1980, she bequeathed $700,000 to CUA in a trust fund established to support a professorial chair and student loan fund in the School of Education.
Papers consist of correspondence, financial records, publications, speeches, reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs, and provide a record of her family, professional, and social life, including her involvement in education, civic affairs, real estate, and business matters in Washington.
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Healy, Patrick Joseph. 1908-1937, n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Unknown.
A finding aid to Patrick Joseph Healy Papers
Healy was born in Ireland in 1871 and ordained in New York in 1897. He attended the Catholic University of America for studies in Church History. After graduating in 1898 with his B.A. in sacred theology, he returned to Catholic University as an assistant professor of Church History in 1905. In 1910, he became professor of Church history and dean of the theology department. Healy served as editor of the Catholic University Bulletin from 1911-1914. Healy died suddenly in 1937 after recently being made a Domestic Prelate by Pope Pius XI. He had been one of America’s leading scholars in theological history and was very active in his field. His papers contain personal correspondence, lectures given by Healy and notes, publications and clippings.
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Helmsing, Charles, Vatican Council II Collection. 1964-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: NAC, 1971.
A finding aid to Charles Herman Helmsing Collection
Charles Herman Helmsing (1908-1993) was a Missouri native and diocesan priest in St. Louis. His service led to his appointment as papal chamberlain (monsignor) on February 15, 1946, and shortly thereafter was consecrated auxiliary bishop of St. Louis under Cardinal Ritter on April 19, 1949. In 1956, when Missouri was divided into four dioceses, he was appointed the first bishop of Springfield- Cape Girardeau. When a vacancy opened in Kansas City-St. Joseph in 1962, he was relocated to serve as bishop there. When he was installed as bishop, he was getting ready to attend the Second Vatican Council. where he participated in all five sessions, most actively in the composition of the Decree on Ecumenism. In 1968, Bishop Helmsing condemned the National Catholic Reporter, a lay-edited paper in Kansas City, particularly for the paper's strong stance on birth control, priestly celibacy, and criticism in the hierarchy. After Vatican II, he took the changes made in Rome back to his diocese and instituted a series of changes for the diocese, including promoting civil rights and easing relations between Catholics and Protestants. He served as bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph until 1977. This collection contains Helmsing's printer papers on the commission that addressed the issues concerning religious freedom, discussed during the third and fourth sessions at the Second Vatican Council.
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Henry, Hugh Thomas. Papers. 1887-1942. 2 volumes.
A prolific writer and composer, Henry was professor of physical science and ecclesiastical music and history at St. Charles' Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, 1889-1919, before becoming professor of homiletics at Catholic University, 1919-1937. Present are two printed volumes used as scrapbooks by Henry, containing letters received, clippings, and printed and handwritten hymns, poems and songs that reflect his work as homilist, hymnologist, and liturgist. Many of the letters deal with publications and publishers; several are from Herman J. Heuser of The Ecclesiastical Review.
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Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys. Collection. 1955-1998. 18 feet; 16 boxes. Donor: Mary Ruth Hermens, 1998.
A finding aid to the papers of Ferdinand Aloys Hermens
Hermens was born 20 December 1906 in Nieheim, Germany, and educated at the University of Bonn, receiving his Ph.D. in Economics in 1931. He left Germany in 1934 and was Research Fellow at the London School of Economics, 1934-1935, then Assistant Professor of Economics at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, 1935-1938. He served first as Associate Professor, 1938-1945, then Professor of Politics, 1945-1959, at Notre Dame University. He was also a State Department specialist in Political Science in Germany, 1951-1954. From 1959 to 1972, he was Professor of Political Science at the University of Cologne and was Visiting Professor or Fellow at numerous other institutions including the universities of Muenster and Munich in Germany and at American, Catholic University, and the Wilson Center in the United States. His books include Fifth Republic: A Study of Modern France, Democracy or Anarchy? A Study of Proportional Representation, Tyrant's War and Peoples' Peace, plus many others including several books in his native German.
The Hermens material consists primarily of reference and research files used to produce his numerous books, book reviews, articles, and conference papers. There are a few items of correspondence and draft copies of some of his published works. Please note that this collection is stored off site so that access could take up to 72 hours.
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Herzfeld, Karl. Papers. 1886(1948-1967)2001, 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donors: Various, 1978-2010.
A finding aid to the papers of Karl Herzfeld
Dr. Ferdinand Herzfeld, 1892-1978, was a physicist, author, educator, and humanitarian. He was educated at the universities of Vienna (Ph.D. 1914), Zurich, and Goettingen. From 1920-1926, he served as Privatdozent and Assistant Professor at the University of Munich. In 1926, he accepted appointment as Professor of Physics at the Johns Hopkins University. He remained in that position until 1936, when he accepted appointment as Professor of Physics and Head of the Department at The Catholic University of America. He retired as Professor Emeritus in 1969, remaining active as a scholar and teacher until his death in 1978. During his long career, he attained international recognition for significant contributions to science which may be divided into four areas: contributions to the knowledge of physics and physical chemistry, contributions as a teacher and mentor of young physicists for over fifty years, contributions to the national defense effort for over thirty years, and finally as an inspiration and model throughout the scientific community.
Correspondence with prospective authors of physical science articles to be included in The New Catholic Encyclopedia; correspondence and accounts of Herzfeld relating to his chairmanship of the Mine Advisory Committee, an advisory committee to the Chief of Naval Research; Catholic University Promotion Committee correspondence, 1941; Catholic University news clippings, 1971-1972. Also includes autobiography and family history typescript, including notes, maps and photos, 1971, 1974. In addition, there is an addendum of material, mostly printed, received from Paul Meijer in 2010.
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Hibernians, Ancient Order of (A.O.H.). Collection. 1878-2016. 7 linear feet; 5 boxes. Donors: A.O.H. officials and members, 1994-2017.
A finding aid to the Ancient Order of Hibernians
The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish-American fraternal organization founded in New York City in 1836. Inspired by the Irish organization of the same name created in the 16th Century to sustain the Catholic faith in the face of English opposition, the American Hibernians sought to protect clergy and church property from Anti-Catholic 'Nativist' Americans and their followers. Similarly, the vast influx of Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing the famine in the 1840s prompted the growth of various social societies, the largest of which was and continues to be the Hibernians. It remains active today aiding newly arrived Irish immigrants, both socially and politically, and is at the forefront of issues such as immigration reform, economic incentives, human rights, right to life, and peace in Ireland. Records include membership flyers, event programs, issues of the National Hibernian Digest, digital photographs, as well as completed membership applications, notebooks, and account ledgers for the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
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Higgins, George Gilmary. Papers. 1919-2002. 274 feet; 483 boxes. Donor: Msgr. G.G. Higgins and Estate, 1980-2002, 2024.
A finding aid to the Paper of George Higgins
Monsignor Higgins, one of the influential "Labor Priests," was born in 1916 to Anna Rethinger and Charles Higgins in Chicago. Gaining his primary education at the St. Francis Xavier Parochial School and the Quigley Preparatory Seminary, Higgins went on to the St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in 1934, where he was ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1940. After his ordination, Higgins was allowed to continue his education, which he did at The Catholic University, obtaining his Master's in Economics in 1942, and his Ph.D. in 1944. Upon completion of his doctorate, Higgins was invited to serve with the Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC). It was here that Higgins learned under such luminaries as Msgr. John A. Ryan and Fr. Raymond McGowan, both important figures in the field of Catholic social thought and labor relations. Higgins himself was named Assistant Director of the department in 1946, and eventually was appointed Director in 1954, a position in which he served until 1967. His service to the NCWC continued as the Director of the Division of Urban Affairs (Social Action Department), 1967-1972, Secretary for Research in 1972, and Secretary for Special Concerns in 1979. Higgins retired from the NCWC in 1980. He died on May Day, 2002, after a long illness.
Outside the NCWC, Higgins took part in numerous activities to promote Catholic social thought. Higgins was elevated to Papal Chamberlain with the title of Monsignor in 1953, and was named a Domestic Prelate in 1959. Upon the advent of the Vatican II Council, Higgins used his experience and knowledge for the Preparatory Commission on the Lay Apostolate and as a Consultant to the Council. Always a champion for economic justice (including farm labor, where Higgins was the moving force in the Church's support for Cesar Chavez and his union movement) and human rights for all, Higgins served in several committees, including the Bishops' Committee for Catholic-Jewish Relations, the Bishops' Committee on Farm Labor, Chairman of the Public Review Board, United Auto Workers of America (AFL-CIO), member of the American Arbitration Association, Executive Committee member of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, member of the Board of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Fund of the United Farmworkers, Advisor to the Chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the Belgrade Conference on Human Rights. Higgins brought his expertise to the classroom, lecturing for both the School of Social Science and the Department of Theology at Catholic University. In addition to each of these activities, Higgins has written numerous book reviews for Commonweal and America, and is the author of the syndicated column "The Yardstick."
This important body of records includes correspondence, sermons, reference files, publications, photographs, awards, and audio-visual materials reflecting the scope of Higgins' indefatigable contributions to Catholic social action.
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Hilger, Sister Marie Inez. Collection. 1924-1972. 1 box; .5 feet. Donor: Sister M. Inez Hilger, 1959, and Sister Renee Rau, 2007.
A finding aid to the Sister Marie Inez Hilger Collection
Enrolling in September 1924, Sister M. Inez, O.S.B., then a teacher at St. Benedict's College, St. Joseph, Minnesota, was the first woman to be officially admitted as a student to regular classes at The Catholic University of America. The correspondence is primarily replies from various Catholic universities to Sister Inez's requests for curriculum information, dated 1924, 1929, 1936, illustrate the dearth of Catholic graduate education then available to women. In a 1929 letter to William J. Kerby, head of the Catholic University Department of Sociology and organizer of the National Catholic School of Social Service (NCSSS), Sister Inez gives an overview of her struggle to be admitted to Catholic University, relating her dissatisfaction with available secular education, the intervention of Joseph F. Busch, Bishop of St. Cloud, who secured permission for her to attend Catholic University, and her very positive experiences while attending the institution. Another prominent correspondent is Msgr. John A. Ryan, at the time of writing, lecturer in social ethics at the NCSSS. Present also are copies of her 1939 Catholic University dissertation and various books and articles she published between 1937 and 1972 related to Native American peoples.
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Hitz, Gilbert A. Photographs and Ephemera Collection. Ca. 1922-1926, .25 feet; 1 box. Donor: Neil K. Hitz, 2006.
A finding aid to Gilbert A. Hitz Collection
Gilbert Acker Hitz was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. He attended The Catholic University of America from 1922 to 1926 as a philosophy student. While at Catholic University, he was involved in the Utopian Club, the International Relations Club, the Catholic University Branch of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E), the "C" Club, the Catholic University chapter of the Knights of Columbus, The Tower student newspaper, the Cardinal student yearbook, track, and was a cheerleader. After graduation, he moved back to Cleveland and lived there until his death. The collection contains three oversize photographs, clippings, and memorabilia.
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Holm, Herman Theodor. Papers. n.d.(1874-1932)1968. 8 boxes; 10 feet. Donor: Holm Estate, 1932.
A finding aid to the Herman Theodor Holm papers
The Danish born Holm (1854-1932) was a distinguished naturalist and botanist in Danish polar expeditions before coming to the United States in 1888 and becoming a naturalized citizen in 1893. He worked for the Smithsonian from 1888 to 1893 and the U.S. Department of Agriculture from 1894 to 1897 before becoming a free lance botanist based in Brookland, Washington, DC. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Botany from The Catholic University of America (CUA) in 1902 and spent many years on his farm in Clinton, MD, conducting research. Shortly before his death, he was persuaded to accept an appointment as a Research Professor in Botany at CUA. His substantial collection of flora and his library were willed to the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium while a small amount of manuscript material, including correspondence, notebooks, drawings, photographs, and miscellaneous printed material remain at CUA.
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Horn, Carl A. Collection. 1915-1916, 1.5 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: Luke Burns, 2010.
A finding aid to the Carl A. Horn Collection
Carl August Horn grew up in Catonsville, MD, and attended The Catholic University of America (CUA) between 1912-1916 as a Chemical Engineering student. While at CUA, he was a member of the Electron Society, the Holy Name Society, and played football, and track. He was also the founder of the Resistance Club, an informal club in the Chemical Engineering Department. The collection contains a photograph and track trophy.
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Howard, Bishop Francis W. Papers. 1886(1898-1944)1959. 35 boxes; 43 feet. Donor: Elizabeth Howard via NCEA, 2002.
Francis William Howard was born in Columbus, Ohio, on 21 June 1867, the fifth of seven children of Francis Howard and Catherine O'Sullivan, both of whom were natives of Ireland. He attended St. Patrick Elementary School and entered St. Joseph Academy in Columbus in 1881. He went to the Seminary of Our Lady of the Angels at Niagara, New York, in 1884 and returned to Mount St. Mary Seminary in Cincinnati in 1888. He was ordained a priest on 16 June 1891. He served in a number of Ohio parishes and became active in diocesan and national educational organization. He served as pastor of Holy Rosary Church in Columbus from 1906 until his appointment on 26 March 1923 as the first Bishop of Covington, Kentucky. He also served the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) in several capacities: Secretary from 1904 to 1928, President from 1928 to 1936, and Chairman of the Advisory board until his death on 18 January 1944.
Much of this collection was gathered by nephew Msgr. Matthew Howard for possible use in a biography, which explains why there are items dated after Bishop Howard's death in 1944. Papers include fairly extensive correspondence files, running from 1898 to 1944, representing the spectrum of the American Catholic hierarchy as well as lay nd secular figures; National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) reports; miscellaneous 3 x 5 note cards; financial records including expense books; a broad grouping of newspaper clippings, from both Catholic and secular press; numerous publications ranging from scandalous books such as Margaret Shepherd's My Life In A Convent to the NCEA Bulletin; photographs of churches and seminaries, important meetings, and portraits of Howard and others; plus various holy cards.
Please not this collection is stored off site so it may take up to 72 hours to retrieve boxes.
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Howlett, W.J. Memoirs. n.d. 98 pages, typescript, mimeograph copy. Donor: Urban J. Vehr, 1959.
Recollections of My Life and Reflections on Times and Events During It (unpublished) covers the period, ca. 1852-1927. Howlett, a priest and writer, first describes his childhood in New York, Michigan, and Colorado. He furnishes details of rural education and practice of religion and farming, and recalls the Civil War which he spent in Michigan, mentioning the 1864 presidential campaign and the fortunes of the 2nd and 12th Michigan Infantries. He goes on to recount his family's wagon journey to Denver along the Platte River in 1865, and his student days at St. Thomas Seminary, Kentucky, which he entered in 1868; at the Seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, where he arrived in 1872 just after the fall of the Commune; and at the University of Wuertzburg, Germany. Returning to Colorado, he embarked on mission and parish work under Bp. Joseph Machebeuf, whose biography he later published. Through description of this work, he provides glimpses of the growth of the Colorado Church in the last quarter of the 19th century.
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Hyvernat, Henri. Collection. 1877-1942. 38 feet; 57 boxes. Donor: Henri Hyvernat.
This collection contains the professional and personal papers of one of the leading twentieth century authorities on Coptic languages. A member of the Catholic University faculty from the time of its founding in 1889, the French-born Rt. Rev. Eugene Xavier Henri Hyvernat (1858-1941) devoted himself to building the resources at CUA for the study of the Near East, Assyriology, and the Christian Orient. Because of Hyvernat's efforts, CUA maintains a widely-used collection of rare books in its Semitics Library. Hyvernat worked to enhance the field of Coptic Studies as a whole. He edited the Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalum (CSCO) and founded the Institute of Christian Oriental Research (ICOR). During his years at CUA, Hyvernat maintained friendships with his family and friends in Europe and developed a wide network in Washington, particularly in the Brookland neighborhood and Saint Anthony's Church. The collection also includes papers relating to Hyvernat's role as executor of the estate of Henriette Antione Margot, a Red Cross worker and war nurse who assisted Clara Barton.
The correspondence, notes, lectures, manuscripts, photographs, and other items within this collection are arranged in six series, with a detailed finding aid available for the general correspondence. Besides these papers, the Museum Collection holds many items donated by Hyvernat. Please see the Museum Collection Homepage for more information.
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International Catholic Organizations Network (ICON). Records. 1953-2012, 21.25 feet; 17 boxes. Donor: ICON, 2012-2013.
A finding aid to International Catholic Organizations Network (ICON) records
The Catholic Church had a presence at the United Nations (UN) from its inception in the 1940s with the UN Affairs Office of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), later the United States Catholic Conference (USCC). With a strong focus on being a liaison between the United States Catholic Church and the UN, the office proceeded to be a key player in establishing the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) at the UN. The office became an information center for International Catholic Organizations (ICOs) throughout the 1950s and 1960s, obtaining permanent observer status in the latter decade. Unfortunately, the office was shut down in 1972 due to the growing costs of maintaining the office in Manhattan. The successor of the UN Affairs Office, the ICO Information Center (eventually ICO Network, ICON) began inauspiciously as an informal meeting of ICOs at the organizing of Father Morley and re-opened as an official office in 1977. During the 35 years of its existence, ICON had four main goals: being a Catholic liaison at the UN; providing support services for ICO representatives; informing the UN on ICO and Catholic activities; and developing awareness in the Catholic community of the UN’s mandate and agenda. Though supported by the US and International Catholic Church, and the organizations providing social services thereof, the office seemed to suffer from a continual identity and financial crisis. In multiple external evaluative reports, a common weakness was the lack of presence with the member ICOs and the lack of understanding of ICON's role. The advent of the free information age, the continually increasing rent prices in Manhattan, and the struggle to raise funds forced the office to close in 2012. Records in both English and French, include correspondence, board minutes, by-laws, certificates of incorporation, reports, publications, audiovisual materials (including audio cassettes, compact disks, VHS tapes, and reel to reel film) and financial records (including cancelled checks, insurance, taxes, leases, contracts, and grants).
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International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA). Records. 1914-2024. 51 feet; 38 boxes. Donor: IFCA. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
A finding aid to the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA) Records
Founded in 1914, the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA) promoted the educational activities of teacher-Sisters. The IFCA hoped to be an example of integrity, culture, and charity to help rid the country of bigotry. They established several departments to accomplish their goals: the Motion Picture, Social Welfare, and Education Departments among others. Established in 1927, the Motion Picture Department rated films, denoting which were suitable for schools and general audiences and then rating their quality as 'good', 'very good', and 'excellent.' The radio addresses given during the early 1930s by Motion Picture Department chair Rita McGoldrick are included within this collection. From its beginnings, the IFCA had a close relationship with Catholic University. Many of its prominent administrators, including Edward Pace and Patrick J. McCormick, served as directors of the IFCA. Records include constitutions and bylaws, convention proceedings, board of directors minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, chapter histories, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, audio tapes, and some artifacts.
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Irish Home Rule Political Cartoons. 1843-1888. 2 feet; 1 box. Donor: Arthur J. Connolly, 1919.
A finding aid to the Irish Home Rule Political Cartoons Collection
This collection consists of 19th century political cartoons addressing Irish political issues of the time, including the Irish Repeal Movement, Irish Home Rule, Irish Nationalism and the Land War. While the majority of the collection consists of chromolithographs published in the 1880's by Irish newspapers, there are a few examples of political cartoons published in the 1840's by the British satire magazine Punch.
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Irish Repeal Campaign Cartoons. 1843-1844, n.d. 5 items. Donor: Arthur T. Connolly, 1919.
A finding aid to the Irish Repeal Campaign Cartoons Collection
Illustrating opposing attitudes to the 1801 Act of Union which created a legislative union between England and Ireland. Three anti- union cartoons published in Dublin flatteringly portray Daniel O'Connell, (Irish statesman, founder in 1840 of the Repeal Association which sought restoration of the Irish parliament), in his struggle against English rule as personified by Arthur Wellesley, (Duke of Wellington, British Prime Minster, 1828-1830, 1834), and Sir Robert Peel, (Prime Minister, 1834-1835, 1841-1846). Accompanying O'Connell in two cartoons is a figure that may represent Thomas Osborne Davis, (Irish writer, organizer of the Young Ireland movement, founder of the pro-repeal newspaper, The Nation). In contrast, a fourth cartoon, by English caricaturist, George Cruikshank, represents O'Connell as an ax-wielding bully attempting to sever the hands of England and Ireland united in friendship. The final item, a damaged election flier entitled, "Under the British Flag," depicts Liberal policies favorably in comparison to those of the Tories (Conservatives).
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Italian Episcopal and Papal Conclave Letters and Piuxs IX/Risorgimento. Collection. 14th - 19th centuries. 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donor: CUA Rare Books and Special Collections, 2003.
Numerous letters, mostly in Italian but some in Latin, concerning Italian archbishops and bishops as well as reports from various papal conclaves. Material in Italian, Latin, French, and English. Series 1 contains letters related to the Diocese of Gubbio. There are various authors, with several letters addressed to (Antonio) Tondi. Most date from the 17th century and are difficult to read. Series 2 consists of conclave reports and related material. Series 3 has dispatches/reports from the Papal States under Pius X; material related to the "Cassa dei Fondi pubblici degli Stati con privilegio Pontificio (Bank of public funds in the States with papal privilege); and correspondence, reports of commissions, and essays, all bearing on conditions in the papal states and Italian politics.
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Iturbide-Kearney Family. Collection. 1797-1977. 5.5 feet; 6 boxes. Donors: Mary Louise Kearney, Msgr. James Magner, 1969-1996.
A finding aid to the Iturbide-Kearney Family Collection
Throughout his life, Agustin de Iturbide III (1863-1925) regarded himself the rightful heir of the Mexican empire, first established by Agustin de Iturbide I in the 1820s. Born in Mexico City, the son of a longtime Washington resident and a Mexican diplomat, Agustin de Iturbide III became ensnared in the political machinations of Mexico. In 1865, Emperor Maximilian and his wife Carlotta claimed guardianship over two-year-old Agustin Iturbide III to provide an heir to the throne. Two years later, Maximilian's regime fell. Subsequently, Maximilian, Carlotta, and Agustin Iturbide III lived as exiles in Cuba. Shortly afterwards, Agustin Iturbide III was re-united with his birth parents and lived in Washington until, at the age of twelve, he began his education in Brussels. Illness interrupted his stay in Europe, and he finished his education at Georgetown University. In 1887, he moved back to Mexico and enrolled in a military academy. Retaining his dreams of becoming emperor, Agustin Iturbide III engaged in a dispute with President Porfirio Diaz, was court-martialed in 1890, and subsequently exiled. He returned to Washington, became a professor at Georgetown University, and married Mary Louise Kearney, a descendant of James Kearney who emigrated from Ireland during the French Revolution and settled in Fairfax County.
The bulk of the collection consists of papers and memorabilia from both the Iturbide and Kearney families. There are several documents -- many relating to the private lives of these families -- dating from the nineteenth century. The collection includes copies of documents related to what many consider the 'Mexican Declaration of Independence' (El Plan de Iguala), issued by Emperor Agustin de Iturbide I. There are some papers created by Agustin Iturbide III and Marie, including papers relating to Agustin's Mexican real estate, and portraits of members of the Iturbide and Kearney families. The collection includes gold epaulets worn by Colonel James Kearney during the mid-nineteenth century and a coin issued during the reign of Emperor Agustin de Iturbide I.
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Jenkins, Michael. Memorial Scrapbooks. 1915 1916. 2 volumes.
Mainly newspaper clippings of tributes to the memory of Jenkins, financier, railroad magnate and philanthropist. Particularly supportive of the Catholic Church and educational causes, he was a founder, trustee, and, from 1905, treasurer of Catholic University. Included are accounts of his funeral and of the division of his estate.
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Jesuit Tomb Photographs. n.d. 5 items. Donor: Don Marlow, 1986.
Attributed to the Rev. Robert Ferris Fitch, the donor suggests that these were taken at a Jesuit tomb outside Hangchow in east-central China before 1900. Mounted on captioned scrapbook leaves, interior and exterior shots show the tomb's entrance and cinerary urns in its central cavern. According to a caption, two of these urns hold the ashes of Nicholas Trigualt, a Belgian-born Jesuit missionary and publicist who died in Hangchow in 1594, and of Maximo Diaz. It is possible that the name of Diaz is incorrectly recorded and that the tomb in fact houses the ashes of Manuel Diaz, a Portuguese astronomer and missionary who died in Hangchow in 1659. Limited information is available on the photographer, Fitch, but it appears that he had become, by 1927 at the latest, president of Hangchow Christian College, a college established in 1897 and supported by the Northern Presbyterian Board of the United States.
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Jones, Mary Harris "Mother." Collection. n.d(1899-1932)1981. 1.5 linear feet; 3 boxes. Donors: Various, 1941-1981.
Click here for an Exhibit of Selected Mother Jones' Correspondence
A finding aid to Mary Harris "Mother" Jones collection
Mary Harris, reportedly born May 1, 1830, but more likely born in 1837, in Cork, Ireland, was an active participant in the labor movement in the United States for nearly sixty years. Before acquiring the name "Mother" Jones and perceived as the "Miners' Angel," Mary Harris had taught in Catholic schools in Michigan and Tennessee, had married George Jones and had four children. By 1867, Jones had lost her family to a yellow fever epidemic in Memphis, Tennessee. By the 1870s, "Mother" Jones began her long involvement in the labor struggle, by participating in various strikes such as the Pittsburgh Labor Riots (1877), the Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Strike (1902), and the Colorado Coal Field and Arizona Copper Field organization movements. She also led the Children Textile Workers March from Philadelphia to Teddy Roosevelt's home in Oyster Bay, Long Island (1902). Mother Jones was affiliated with the Knights of Labor and a lifelong friend of Terence V. Powderly. She was an official labor organizer for the United Mine Workers. Up to her death on November 30, 1930 in Maryland, Mother Jones spoke out against labor injustice and for the protection of "her boys." Mother Jones is buried in the United Mine Workers Cemetery in Mount Olive, Illinois.
The Mother Jones Collection consists of scattered letters, articles, newspaper clippings, and pamphlets gathered together from a variety of sources including the John Mitchell and Terence V. Powderly papers. There does not appear to be a body of inclusive "papers" in any repository and there is probably little or no extant original manuscript material of Mother Jones prior to 1900.
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Jordan, Edward Benedict Papers. 5 feet; 11 boxes. Donor: Unknown.
Reverend Edward B. Jordan was born in Pennsylvania in 1884. He earned a B.S. from St. Thomas College, a B.A and M.A. from Mount St. Mary’s College. He also received his Doctor of Sacred Theology from North American College in Rome, where he was ordained in 1909. He served as a professor at Mount St. Mary’s College from 1910 to 1921. At this time, he began teaching at The Catholic University of America and in 1926 became an associate professor of education. From there, he went on to serve as Dean of the Catholic Sisters College from 1936 to 1943 when he became Vice Rector. Reverend Jordan translated and wrote a number of books on education and was a member of the National Catholic Education Association and the Society for the Advancement of Education. He died on July 19, 1951.This collection contains personal files, materials relating to Jordan’s seminars, writings, articles, and publications, as well as, information relating to the Peter Guilday Estate.
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Jubilee USA Network. Records. 1986(1997-2019)n.d., 33 feet; 24 boxes. Donor: Jubilee, 2012, 2018-2019.
A finding aid to Jubilee USA Network records
The Jubilee USA Network is an ecumenical organization uniting many churches and other organizations under the banner of international relief of debt for impoverished nations. The Jubilee 2000 movement began in the early 1990s in the United Kingdom, and the Jubilee 2000 USA office did not open until 1997. The original goal for the international campaign was 100% relief of odious debt for poor countries by the year 2000 (the Catholic Jubilee year). In conjunction with churches and other lobbying groups, the USA office, which became the Jubilee USA Network in 2001, has worked to engage and influence national leaders on the issues surrounding highly indebted poor countries. This collection includes: some general administrative documents; their planning and evaluation documents for speaker tours, conferences, and rallies they organized and attending; and reference materials on the governmental/legislative organizations they attempted to influence, debt in general, and the regions of the world most heavily influenced by debt.
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Kane, John F. Collection. 1943-1946, n.d., 5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Kane Estate, 1998.
A finding aid to the collection of John F. Kane
Kane attended St. John's College, a military school, and entered The Catholic University of America in 1941 as an Electrical Engineering student. He completed his bachelor's degree in 1946. Thereafter, he lived in Washington, D.C. and Virginia. As an alumnus, he became was a notable financial supporter of Catholic University programs, especially to The Center for Irish Studies and the School of Arts and Sciences. He died in 1988 and his collection contains items such as his undergraduate thesis, publications and clippings, and photographs.
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Keane, John Joseph. Collection. 1868-1918, n.d., 3 Linear Feet; 3 boxes. Donors: Loras College Library 1997, Unknown n.d..
A finding aid to the Bishop John J. Keane Collection
Press clippings, scrapbooks, pamphlets, notebooks and a register reflecting the career of Keane, first rector of Catholic University, 1889-1896, Archbishop of Dubuque, 1900-1911, titular Archbishop of Cius, 1911-1918. Included too is a copy of his will. The clippings and scrapbooks mainly concern his activities as Bishop of Richmond, 1878-1888, CUA's foundation, and his resignation as its rector--a draft of the public statement issued by him on the latter occasion is also present. Of interest, a notebook containing a 62-page history, Chronicles of the Catholic University of America from 1885, in Keane's hand. Additionally, there is a photographic album containing 47 images of administration and faculty as well as buildings and grounds of The Catholic University of America as it appeared in 1896. It was presented that same year as a gift from the faculty to John J. Keane, first rector of Catholic University, when he departed. The inside back cover includes a handwritten index to all photographs in the album.
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Keelan, William S. Naturalization Certificate. 1860. 1 item. Donor: Henri Hyvernat, 1916.
Issued in Lawrence County, Kentucky, declaring Keelan, a native of Ireland, to be a citizen of the United States.
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Keenan, Joseph Daniel. Papers. 1935-1988. 20 feet; 38 boxes. Donor: J.D. Keenan, F.X. Gannan, Thomas A. Hannigan, George Meany Memorial Archives, 1976-1988.
A finding aid to the papers of Joseph Daniel Keenan
Keenan, a Catholic labor leader and advisor to Presidents Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, started as an electrician and rose to be an AFL-CIO vice president and International Secretary of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He also served as vice chairman of the World War II War Production Board, labor campaign liaison with Truman, and advisor to General Lucius Clay to establish postwar German trade unions. He was an active Catholic layman, supporter of civil rights, and fundraiser for the state of Israel.
Small but important collection, organized into six series containing general correspondence, oral histories and transcripts; articles, reports, and publications; IBEW correspondence and conference material; AFL-CIO correspondence, conference, and committee material; and photographs and scrapbooks.
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Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Speech. 1956. 10 pages, typed. Donors: Mr. and Mrs. John D. Kelly, 1977.
Text of remarks delivered by then-Senator Kennedy upon receipt of the Cardinal Gibbons Medal, November 10, 1956, containing emendations and notes in his hand. The Gibbons Medal is awarded by the Alumni Association of Catholic University to individuals who make outstanding contributions to the Church, the United States, or to Catholic University.
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Kenny, Michael. Papers. 1900, 1930s-1987. 58 feet; 49 boxes. Donors: Mrs. Kenny, CUA Anthropology Department, 1994-1996.
A finding aid to the papers of Michael Kenny
Born in London, he earned five degrees at Oxford University including a doctorate in social anthropology. In the Second World War, he served in the Mediterranean as an officer in Britain's Indian Army. He managed a theater in London's West End, taught at Oxford and in Spain, and joined the faculty of The Catholic University of America in 1959. At Catholic University, he was Assistant Professor from 1959, Associate Professor from 1962, and Ordinary Professor from 1966. He was a member of the university's President's Advisory Committee on University Planning, chaired Latin American studies committees, and was a trustee of the Consortium of Washington Universities. As the Editor of the Anthropology Quarterly, past president of the Washington Anthropological Society, and a fellow of the American Anthropological Association and the Society for Applied Anthropology, Kenny was internationally recognized for his contributions to the field of Ibero-American Studies. His A Spanish Tapestry: Town and Country in Castile was widely praised and went through many editions. He also served on grant review boards for the Fulbright program and the National Endowment for the Humanities. He was also a university representative to the Upper Northeast Coordinating Council and a soccer coach for the Catholic Youth Organization.
Papers consist of the source and reference material for the classes he taught, projects he undertook, study trips he made, and papers and publications he produced. Some of the material is in Spanish and focuses on Latin America though much on the Spanish-speaking world in general is also included. In addition, the collecion contains personal correspondence, calendars, and other materials related to his work as an anthropologist. Please note that this collection is stored off site, so that it may take up to 72 hours to retrieve boxes.
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Kenrick, Francis Patrick. Letters. 1821, 1823, 1827. 6 items.
Three letters of Kenrick, Bishop of Philadelphia, 1830-1851, and Archbishop of Baltimore, 1851-1863, plus later copies. Two are to his mother (one with a Latin note for his brother, Peter Richard, later Archbishop of St. Louis), the third to his uncle, Fr. Richard Kenrick. Topics discussed include Catholic and Protestant pastoral work in rural Kentucky and Ohio, papal infallibility, and the primacy of the See of Rome.
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Kerby, William Joseph. Papers. 1883-1949, 5 feet; 10 boxes. Donor: William Russell 1951, Kerby Foundation 1957.
A finding aid to the papers of William Joseph Kerby
Kerby was a sociologist, writer, editor, and organizer of Catholic social work. He was born in Lawler, Iowa in 1870 to Daniel and Ellen (Rochford) Kerby. His father taught him the rudiments of Latin and Greek while his mother schooled him in personal service to the needy. For secondary and college training he went to St. Joseph's College, now Loras College, in Dubuque, Iowa. He studied for the priesthood at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, and was ordained in Dubuque on 21 December 1892. He obtained the licentiate in theology at The Catholic University of America in 1894 and was sent by Catholic University to Europe in 1895 to prepare to teach the new subject of Sociology at the university when he returned. He studied at Bonn and Berlin universities and received the doctorate in social and political science from Louvain in 1897. He would head the Sociology Department at Catholic University from 1897 until 1934 and was recognized as a pioneer in the field. His interpretation of sociology was strongly influenced by the welfare of the poor and his major impact was in social service, which was not yet distinguished from sociology. It is said that Kerby deserves the title of founder of scientific social work among Catholics in the United States. He earned this by his long years of teaching at Catholic University and nearby Trinity College and with his activities in local charitable agencies. He was a principal founder of the National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC) in 1910 and, a decade later, the first Catholic school for social workers, the National Catholic School for Social Service (NCSSS). He edited the Saint Vincent de Paul Quarterly,1911-1917, and published numerous books and articles with an ideal of social service that was Catholic in spirit and scientific in operation. He was made a domestic prelate in 1934 and died in 1936.
Personal correspondence, particularly with Mary Virginia Merrick, founder of the Christ Child Society, and William Henry Russell, Bishop of Charleston, and student notes and scrapbooks. Professional material includes correspondence, academic lectures and notes, sociology manuscripts, sermons and speeches, photographs, and publications.
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Kerby (William Joseph) Foundation. Records. 1936-1973. 8.5 feet; 17 boxes. Donor: John C. Cermak, 1984, 1988.
A finding aid to the records of William Joseph Kerby Foundation
Incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1941, the basic purpose of the Foundation was to promote the religious, charitable, and educational ideals, teachings, and objectives of William Joseph Kerby, in particular, the spiritual basis of democracy, the spiritual significance of social work and the development of Catholic Lay leaders. To this effect, the Foundation supplied funds for scholarships and research publications regarding Catholic social action. By 1955, five local chapters had been established in Washington, D.C., Detroit, Utica, Syracuse and Brooklyn.
Files of John Cermak, last active officer of the Washington, D.C. office. Material includes correspondence and subject files, minutes and reports, constitutions and bylaws, certificate of incorporation, financial records, refused grant requests, photographs and history of the Foundation.
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Kerr, Walter and Jean. Collection. 1938-1990, 4 feet; 3 boxes. Donor: Gil Kerr, 2017, 2023
A finding aid to the Walter and Jean Kerr Collection
Walter Kerr (1913-1996), a native of Evanston, Illinois, was a Northwestern University graduate who became a professor of Speech and Drama at The Catholic University of America in 1939. He also lectured at Harvard and Johns Hopkins, before leaving Catholic University, and academia, in 1951. He became the theatre critic for the New York Herald Tribune until 1966 when the Herald ceased publication. He then joined the New York Times as the Sunday theatre critic, receiving a Pulitzer Prize in 1978. He retired in 1983 and was honored in 1990 when Manhattan's restored Ritz Theatre was renamed for him. Jean Kerr (1922-2003), a native to Scranton, Pennsylvania, was educated at both Marywood College (now Marywood University) and Catholic University. She met her future husband at Catholic University and her first success beyond the theatre came with the 1957 publication of her best-selling "Please Don't Eat the Daisies," which was turned into a movie in 1960 and was later a television show. They collaborated in 1942 with the musical comedy, "Count Me In," which opened at Catholic University and was produced in New York. Their Catholic University musical, "Sing Out, Sweet Land," was brought to Broadway in 1944. 1946 saw their Broadway debut as a team with "Song of Bernadette." The collection delivers an overview of the careers, including items related to their relationship with Catholic University and the stage. Series one is compiled of the various awards and ephemera; series two consists of audiovisual material - reel to reel tapes of both a professional and personal nature, vinyl records, and four photographs; and series three is arranged around publications, newspaper clippings, photocopies, and a framed letter from Adlai E. Stevenson to Jean Kerr in response to her letter of condolence for his loss to Dwight D. Eisenhower during the 1956 presidential election.
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