Lambert, Louis Aloysius. Papers. 1863-1914. 4 inches. Donors: Aloysius Quinlan and Therese D. Molyneaux, 1954 and 1985.

Letters (forming the bulk of the papers), a memorial scrapbook and newspaper clippings. Lambert, a parish priest, educator, editor and writer, was widely known both for his apologetic work for the Church--particularly his replies to Robert Green Ingersoll's agnostic arguments, and for a well publicized dispute with his Bishop, Bernard McQuaid of Rochester, New York that was eventually settled in Rome. Material on both topics is prominent among the papers. Of interest is a 1863 Civil War letter written by General Michael K. Lawler during the siege of Vicksburg, and some seventeen letters from McQuaid in Rome for Vatican Council I, describing events there.

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Leadership Council of Catholic Laity (LCCL)/ American Catholic Lay Network (ACLN). Papers. 1972(1986-1995)1996. 4 feet; 9 boxes. Donor: Fred Leone, 1996.

A finding aid for the papers of LCCL / ACLN

The Leadership Council of Catholic Laity (LCCL) originated with the American bishops' Committee on the Laity Consultation in Belleville, Illinois, prior to the Synod on the laity of 1987. It continued thereafter as a tax exempt non-profit organization until it was dissolved in 1995 with its remaining assets distributed to its member organizations. The American Catholic Lay Network (ACLN) was a national Catholic organization that began in 1985 as a project of the Center of Concern in Washington, D.C. It was re-named the ACLN the following year and incorporated as a tax exempt non-profit organization that was officially terminated in 1990 with its assets transferred to the LCCL. Records housed at Catholic University were gathered primarily by Fred C. Leone and Joseph Holland who were members of both the LCCL and ACLN. They include correspondence, meeting minutes, articles of incorporation, financial records, publications such as newsletters and directories, and conference programs as well as video tapes and audio cassettes.

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Leahy, William K., Vatican Council II Collection. 1959-1999. 14 feet; 11 boxes. Donors: Tess Tighe, 2003.

A finding aid for the William K. Leahy - Vatican Council II collection

William K. Leahy (1935-1999) was a controversial former priest (he advocated for a married clergy and had an adopted son) who was in Rome during the Vatican II Council and later worked with the Federation of Christian Ministries and Call to Action. Collection has administrative files including council digests, news bulletins, speeches, and reports, 1962-1965; numerous pamphlets in Latin, 1961-1966; Books, 1963-1968, 1996; and magazines such as America and National Catholic Reporter, 1962-1970. There is also a scrapbook binder with clippings and photographs, 1959-1999.

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Lee, Thomas Sim. Papers. 1860-1916. 2 1/2 inches. Donors: Sarah R. Lee and Dr. Thomas Lee, 1950.

A finding aid for the papers of Tomas Sim Lee

Rector of the Cathedral of Baltimore, 1873-1891, and of St. Matthew's Church, Washington, D.C., 1891-1922, Lee was also a trustee of Catholic University, 1888-1920. Consisting of personal correspondence, official documents and certificates, receipts, printed material, a volume on his Golden Jubilee, and photographs, the papers document his studies at the North American College in Rome, his ordination, travels to Europe and the Orient, and the celebration of his Golden Jubilee. Of particular note are family letters written during the Civil War, which discuss the course of the war in Maryland and the Washington, D.C. area, and its effect on the Lee family.

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Lenahan, Thomas A. Papers. 1925-ca. 1955. 2 1/2 inches.

Mainly photostatic copies of letters received and of press clippings, the former accompanied by a chronological synopsis. These papers were assembled by Lenahan, a Tuscaloosa priest, to vindicate his association with two controversial figures: Fr. Thomas A. Judge (founder of two religious congregations, the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity and the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, which were popularly known as "The Trinitarians"), with whom Lenahan worked, 1929-1931; and Fr. James E. Coyle, (an Alabama pastor known for vehement anti-English sentiment), to whom Lenahan was assistant, 1914-1921. Insight on the early years of "The Trinitarians", particularly the opposition to them from within the Church, is provided by letters from Judge, Bishop Thomas J. Toolen of Mobile, and Dennis Cardinal Dougherty of Philadelphia, while the clippings discuss Coyle's writings and his murder by a protestant minister in 1921.

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Liebow, Elliot. Papers. 1946-2002, 25 feet; 51 boxes. Donor: Dr. Harriet Liebow.

A finding aid for the Elliot Liebow papers

Elliot Liebow (January 4, 1925–September 4, 1994) was an American anthropologist best known for his 1967 book Tally's Corner: A Study of Negro Streetcorner Men (Little, Brown and Co.), which he wrote as his Ph.D. dissertation for The Catholic University of America. The papers document not only Liebow’s academic and professional career, most notably his twenty-year career at the National Institute of Mental Health, but also his retirement—during which he researched and wrote his second book, Tell Them Who I Am: The Lives of Homeless Women (1993, Free Press). The papers consist primarily of notes (in particular anthropological field notes), press clippings, and correspondence. Please be aware that the field notes (and related material containing identifying information about informants) will be completely restricted for a set period of time; see “Restrictions” section of the finding aid.

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Liederbach, Clarence A. Papers. 1971, 1977. 9 items. Donor: Clarence A. Liederbach, 1977.

Research material, mainly correspondence, gathered by Liederbach, a Cleveland priest, who appears to have been investigating the Catholicity of Mary (May) LaFond and her children. LaFond (1867- 1898) was the first wife of Charles Lindbergh's father, Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr. (1859-1924). A copy of their marriage record is present and indicates that they were married in Morrison County, Minnesota in 1887. This union produced Charles Lindbergh's two older half-sisters, Lillian Lindbergh Roberts and Eva Lindbergh Christie Spaeth. The papers include a 1977 letter in which the latter comments on her mother's practice of religion. In addition, two articles sketch the lives of LaFond's younger brother, Edward M. LaFond, and her father, a French Canadian, Moses LaFond.

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Ligutti, Luigi, Vatican Council II Collection. 1959(1960-1966)1971. 8.5 feet; 17 boxes. Donor: L. Ligutti

A finding aid to the Luigi Ligutti Vatican Council II Collection

Luigi Ligutti, who was born in Italy and immigrated to the United States at the age of seventeen, was ordained at the young age of twenty-two. A budding scholar at The Catholic University of America, a shortage of priests in his diocese necessitated his return to pastoral duties. Assigned to rural parishes, he became involved in the plight of the farmer, most famously using the New Deal to initiate the Granger Homestead Settlement. He eventually became the president of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference and his successful work with Catholic farmers catapulted him into the international scene. He attended the Vatican II Council as an expert on the laity and worked with the Committee on the Apostolate of the Laity. This collection primarily consists of drafts of documents produced by this committee, many of which mirror the concerns Ligutti held his entire life: marriage and family life, social action, and pastoral care of the laity. There is also some correspondence and topically related articles.

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Lindesmith, Eli Washington John. Collection. 1846-1922. 17 feet, 34 boxes. Donor: E.W.J. Lindesmith.

A finding aid to the papers of Eli Washington John Lindesmith

An Online Exhibit of Father Eli W.J. Lindesmith's papers and artifacts is accessible at

Born in Center Township, Ohio on September 27, 1827, Eli Washington John Lindesmith lived his early years in northeastern Ohio. Lindesmith entered St. Mary's Theological Seminary in 1846 and was ordained a priest in 1855. He worked for seventy-seven years within the Catholic Church: initially, he worked as an itinerant priest for various parishes in northern Ohio; from 1880 to 1891, he served as military chaplain and a missionary to the Crow, Sioux, and Cheyenne in Montana; after returning to parish work in Ohio for several years, he served as the chaplain of St. Ann's Orphan Asylum in Cleveland until his death on February 6, 1922.

Throughout his career, Lindesmith considered himself a missionary. Lindesmith took an interest in the conditions of his time and often worked in conjunction with Protestant-based organizations to ensure moral living. Lindesmith saw himself primarily as a missionary, actively participating in the the moral reform of his society in organizations like the Catholic Prohibition League and other temperance organizations. He observed and commented on his times, drawing Protestants and Catholics to his lectures. He collected artifacts, books, and manuscripts and spoke on a wealth of subjects, from marriage, sin, and the state of Catholicism to medicinal recipes, Irish nationalism, and the cowboy in the West.

Lindesmith, proud of his family's long heritage in the United States army, traced his ancestors to the Revolutionary War. Father Lindesmith documented his family's military history and its participation in the American Revolution and the War of 1812. He belonged to the Sons of the American Revolution and the War of 1812 Societies. His patriotism also fueled a pride in his own military service.

The Lindesmith Collection consists of personal and business correspondence, extensive notes on genealogical and biological records, diaries, sermons, financial records, personal memorabilia, photographs, oil paintings, and newspaper clippings on various subjects of personal interest. There are also documents, letters, and notes pertaining to Lindesmith's time in Montana, including military records. Along with his papers, there is also a small collection of printed material belonging to Lindesmith. Toward the end of his life, Lindesmith sent his personal papers to the Catholic University of America with the hope that a biography would be written. He also sent various artifacts to the Catholic University museum for preservation. Please see the Museum Collection Homepage for more information.

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Lionie, Mother Marie. Photo. 1 Item. Donor: John F. Flannagan 1984.

Born Alodie Virginia Paradis in Nova Scotia in 1840, Mother Marie Lionie (her religious name) founded a congregation, the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, with papal approbation in Canada in 1880 for the purpose of providing domestic help for the clergy. The sisters devoted themselves to work in the kitchens, laundries, and sacristies of colleges, seminaries, and episcopal residences. The first foundation in the United States was in 1890. The subject of the 8 by 10 inch photo is the 1912 funeral of Mother Lionie.

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Liptak, David Quentin. Papers. 1944-2018. 6 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Dolores Liptak, R.S.M., 2022-2024.

Born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Liptak (1928-2018) studied at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield and St. Bernard’s Seminary I Rochester, being ordained in Hartford in 1953. Fr. Liptak was appointed by Archbishop O'Brien as associate editor of the diocesan paper, The Catholic Transcript, just one year after his ordination and stayed in some editorial capacity with the paper the rest of his career. His first column was "What's Your Question," which he wrote until 2015. He retired as the publication’s executive editor in January 2016 after serving under five archbishops. His editorials and the Transcript received several awards, including from the New England Newspaper and Press Association and Catholic Press Association. While working at the newspaper, he also earned a doctorate in ministry from Drew University in 1978. He also worked for more than 20 years at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell as instructor, professor, director of priestly formation and chair of Theology. In 1988, he co-edited the seminary’s three volume Lecture Series in Bioethics and he was one of three co-founders of the St. Pope John Paul II Bioethics Center at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. He also authored or coauthored several books about saints, theology and bioethics and published essays, homilies, and book reviews as well as conducting seminars, lectures and retreats. In 1993, he was appointed pastor at St. Catherine Church in Broad Brook and was censor librorum for the Archdiocese of Hartford from 1995 reviewing texts and granting church approval. In addition to his other duties in the archdiocese and diocese of Norwich, he was appointment pastor of St. Catherine Siena, in Broadbrook, CT where he remained for 2 termsCorrespondence, subject files, sermons, lectures, publications, biographical material, audiovisual items, and memorabilia.

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Long Island Pro Life. Collection. 1959-2003, 5 linear ft; 4 boxes. Donor: Sisters of Life, 2021.

A finding aid to the Long Island Pro Life Collection

This collection documents local pro-life activity on Long Island. Two of the highlights among the periodicals found in the collection are Direct Line: The Long Island Birthright Newsletter (1973-1984) and Life News: Newsletter of the Long Island Coalition for Life (1987-1997). Material appears to have been mainly collected by Mary Brennan as items include some of her personal papers and many of the newsletters and periodicals are addressed to her or her family. The collection was donated to the Catholic University in 2021 by the Sisters of Life, whose community was founded in New York in 1991.

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Luby, Thomas Clarke. Papers. 1807-1959, 5 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Scott Stouffer, 2003, 2015.

A finding aid to the Thomas Clarke Luby papers

Thomas Clarke Luby (1821-1901) was a Irishman who was born in Dublin who very much believed in the overthrow of British rule in Ireland. Active in the Young Ireland Movement, he was eventually arrested for an uprising. He escaped to Australia and, in 1858, along with others created the Irish Republican Brotherhood, also known as the Fenian Brotherhood. The Fenians were very active in the American Civil War and Luby fought in the Union Army from 1862 to 1865. Luby also wrote books on Irish history. The collection contains correspondence, legal papers, sketches, newspaper clippings, publications, copies of sermons, Irish poetry, and speeches made by Luby.

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Clare Boothe Luce Theatre Collection. Collection. 6ft. 4 boxes 1891-1919. Donor: Clare Boothe Luce, ca. 1970.

A finding aid to the Clare Boothe Luce Theatre Collection

Anne Clare Boothe was born in New York City, April 10, 1903. Her father was a violinist and businessman and her mother had been a dancer. In 1923 she married George Tuttle Brokaw, a clothing manufacturer. They divorced in 1929. In 1930 she became associate editor for Vanity Fair. Between 1934, after she resigned from working with Vanity Fair, and 1940, she wrote plays which were produced on Broadway; some of her plays were made into movies. During her career as a playwright she met and married Henry R. Luce, the publisher of Time and Fortune. By 1942 she was fully involved in wartime politics and ran for and was elected as a representative in Congress for Connecticut's Fourth District. She remained in the political sphere the rest of her life. She was the second woman to be the ambassador to Italy (from 1953 - 1957).

After the untimely death of her nineteen-year-old daughter, she faced a spiritual struggle over the compassion and mercy of God. She turned to Bishop Fulton Sheen for spiritual advice. Through her struggle she became a Roman Catholic in 1946. Her writing energies after this focused on the spiritual life. She wrote the screenplay for a movie focusing on the lives of two nuns, Come to the Stable. This received an Oscar nomination for best motion picture of the year (1949). Clare Boothe Luce died on October 9, 1987.

The Theatre Collection consists of notebooks and scrapbooks collected and compiled by Clare Boothe Luce. These contain announcements, programs, and review clippings from musical (including both classical and popular music)and theatrical life in the United States from 1891 to 1919.

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Luddy, John. Notebooks. 1867-1869. .25 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: Michael G. Luddy, 1968.

A finding aid for the notebooks of John Luddy

Written in Gaelic, these largely contain copied fragments of Fenian prose tales and poetry. Fine examples of Irish calligraphy, they were the work of Luddy while he was living in the parish of Ballylanders, Co. Limerick, Ireland.

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Lyne, Mary Hope. Scrapbook. 1934. 1 volume.

Containing press clippings, programs, postcards, photographs and invitations relating to celebrations held to mark the tercentenary of Maryland's founding in 1634. Also included, clippings commemorating the centenary of the birth of James Cardinal Gibbons in 1834.

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MacCarthy, Shane. Humanae Vitae Controversy. Collection. 1967-1971, 1986-1987, 2.5 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: S. MacCarthy, 2005.

A finding aid to the Shane MacCarthy Collection

Shane MacCarthy, a fifth-generation Washingtonian, graduated from the Catholic University Campus School in 1952, Gonzaga High School in 1956, and Holy Cross College in Worchester, Massachusetts, in 1960. His seminary studies were at Saint Vincent's Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 1960-1965. He served as a priest for the Archdiocese of Washington at St. Camillus Parish in Silver Spring, Maryland, 1965-1967, and at Assumption Parish in Southeast Washington, 1967-1975. Following the publication of Humanae Vitae in 1968, he was part of a group of mostly Archdiocesan priests, who signed a Statement of Conscience expressing disagreement with the encyclical's approach to artificial birth control. As a result, he and the other signers were penalized by Patrick O'Boyle, the Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Washington. Many, like MacCarthy, were suspended from preaching, teaching, or hearing confessions, with some others expelled from their parish rectories. MacCarthy was one of 19 priests who disputed their suspension and brought their case before the Church judicially, with an eventual decision that Cardinal O'Boyle had followed the requirements for the Code of Canon Law. Eventually, the priests who still wished to resume their duties were able to do so by signing a statement crafted by Cardinal Wright that seemed to mollify the encyclical's original intent. MacCarthy left active ministry with the Roman Catholic Church in 1975, working thereafter with the Peace Corps and the Agency for International Development (AID), retiring in 2009. The collection consists of correspondence, clippings, meeting notes, publications, photos, and audio cassettes.

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Madden, Richard Robert. Papers. 1641(1851-1891)n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid for the papers of Richard Robert Madden

Bound copies of Dr. Madden's papers as well as loose copies of personal letters. Subjects include burial practices of the Irish, English, Welsh, Scottish, Chinese, Japanese, and several South Sea cultures. These burial descriptions also include printed sources that were pasted within Madden's journal with annotations. The other personal journals include articles and annotations on Irish politics, Church policy, and testimonials of his work as Colonial Administrator in Jamaica and Cuba. Lastly, there are also testimonials with his work with Irish and American anti-slavery societies.

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Magner, James A. Papers. ca.1920-1994. 125 feet, 85 boxes; 2 file cabinets. Donor: Magner Estate, 1995. Portions of collection stored off site, extra retrieval time required.

Born in Illinois in 1901, Magner attended elementary and secondary schools in his native Wilmington and in Prairie de Chien, Wisconsin. Afterwards, he entered Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois. Ordained in 1926, he pursued graduate studies in Rome at the Urban College of the Propaganda Fidei and the Academy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, and was awarded doctorates in theology and philosophy. In 1929, he returned to Chicago and taught English and Literature at the Quigley Preparatory Seminary and was a contributor to Extension Magazine and the Catholic Historical Review.

In both Chicago and Washington he founded and directed the Charles Carroll Forums. Magner authored several books and articles and conducted many overseas tours. In 1940, Magner was appointed to The Catholic University of America where he served in various capacities including Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Director of the University Press, and Vice Rector for Business and Finance. In addition, he was a founder of the Institute for Ibero-American Studies at Catholic University and an occasional lecturer until his retirement in 1968. He spent the remaining years of his life in Palm Beach where he served as a visiting priest in local parishes and remained a member of the Catholic University Board of Trustees. In 1952 he was awarded the title Knight Commander of the Order of Isobel la Catolica by the Spanish government and in 1957 the Vatican created him a Domestic Prelate with the title of Monsignor.

This large unprocessed collection represents the eclectic nature of Magner's life and interests and does not encompass the large volume of his personal library, much of which went to Catholic University's Mullen LIbrary or the large assortment of museum objects which are now part of the University's Museum Collection. Records on deposit in the Archives include personal and professional correspondence, reports and meeting minutes, printed materials such as clippings and tourist brochures, manuscript material for his publications, photographs and camera equipment, slides and reel to reel films, and assorted memorabilia.

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Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1870-1948. 1 reel, 35 mm; 2 negative Copies. Donor: John Tracy Ellis and A. Chapean, 1950.

Born in Hertfordshire in 1808 to a merchant-banking family, Manning attended Harrow Public School and matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford in 1827. He was ordained an Anglican minister in 1832 and married in 1833, with his wife dying childless in 1837. He focused on his ecclesiastical career and became a leading Anglican thinker, warning relentlessly against rationalism and social evils. Influenced by the Oxford Movement, he became disillusioned with the Church of England and converted to Roman Catholicism in 1851. A rising star in the English Catholic Church, he was especially active in the field of education. In 1865, Manning became Archbishop of Westminster, an office he held until his death in 1892. He was also a leading figure at the Vatican Council I in 1870-1871. His constant effort was to make the Church more socially conscious and to bring English Catholicism into the mainstream of English society. Manning was a talented administrator, voluminous writer, and eloquent preacher.

Collection consists of 31 letters, mostly from American prelates such as James Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop John Ireland, which are generally of a routine nature. In addition, there are copies of two letters written by Manning, one to the Rector of the North American College in Rome and one to Cardinal Gibbons. There are also 3 letters of appreciation for Manning written many years after his death.

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Manternach, Janaan, and Carl J. Pfeifer. Papers. 1940s-2010s, 12 boxes; 15 feet. Donor: J. Manternach, 2020-2021.

A finding aid for the papers of Janaan Manternach and Carl J. Pfeifer

Janaan Manternach (b. 1927) and Carl J. Pfeifer (1929-2007) became nationally known in the 1960s as Roman Catholic educators who worked together as Assistant Directors at the National Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Center, an office of the United States Catholic Conference. They were initially charged with the task of writing a children's catechetical series to replace the widely used Baltimore Catechism. After they left the National Center and were married, they started their own business - LIFE, LOVE, JOY Associates. Their professional contribution of writing religious education textbooks and many columns, articles, and books enhancing catechist formation in this country spans four decades.

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Margot, Antoinette. Papers. 1831-1928, n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donor: Hyvernat Estate, 1969, 2011.

Antoinette Margot (1843-1925) was born in Lyons, France, and baptized as a member of the Swiss Evangelical Free Church. Believing she experienced several miracles, she ultimately converted to Catholicism. She developed a friendship with Clara Barton, who founded the Red Cross, and in 1886 moved to Washington where she shared a house with Barton (947 T Street, NW). That same year, she befriended Leonide Delarue who in 1884 inspired Mary Merrick to found the Christ Child Society. By 1887, Margot moved in with Delarue (1235 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW). Four years later, they moved into Theodoron “God’s Gift” (709 Michigan Avenue, NE), a house built by Delarue and Margot. On September 19, 1861 Msgr. James F. Mackin of St. Paul’s Parish offered the first mass at Theodoron which marked the beginning of St. Anthony’s Parish. Delarue and Margot turned this residence over to the parish and moved into Villa Marie (3412 12th Street, NE) where Margot lived until her death in 1925. Henri Hyvernat, Catholic University professor of Semitics, was the executor of her estate.

The Margot papers has photographs, mostly undated, of friends and other individuals, several sites within Washington, D.C., and of religious paintings, located in box 1. The estate files, 1922-1928, are titled Bills Paid, Books, Catholic University, Correspondence-Family, Correspondence-Friends, Dyer, L.F., Estate Furniture, Hamilton and Hamilton and Family, House, Instructions, Inventory, Lyonnais Stock, Miscellaneous, Press-Biography, and Will, and are located in box 2. There are also oversize maps of European cities (1831-1926) and of Washington, D.C. (1887-1926).

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Marian Convocation. Collection. 1954. 5 inches; 2 folders, 3 binders. Donor: Eugene P. Willing.

Pamphlets, press releases, lectures, and sermons from the Marian Convocation held at The Catholic University of America. This was an event attended by hierarchy, priests, and laymen to pay homage to the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of the Dogmatic Definition of her Immaculate Conception.

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Maroon, Fred J. Photograph Collection. 1950-1961, 1982-1999. 12 feet; 22 boxes. Donor: Geneve S. Maroon, 2022.

A finding aid to the Fred J. Maroon Photograph Collection

Fred J. Maroon (1924-2001), a native of Brunswick, New Jersey, graduated from The Catholic University of America in 1950 with a Bachelor of Arts in architecture. During his senior year at Catholic University, Maroon worked as editor of the yearbook, resulting in an opportunity to work for Life magazine directly after college as a photographer. After two and a half years working as an architect, he became a full time free lance photographer in 1954. In his career, he had photographic features in many national and international magazines, including National Geographic, Smithsonian, Esquire, and Life. His work has also been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Gallery of Art, the Library of Congress, the Corcoran Gallery, and the Smithsonian Institute. He received many honors over his lifetime, such as the Gold Medal award from the Art Director's Clubs of Metropolitan Washington and New York and First Prize awards in the annual White House News Photographers' Association competitions. In 1996, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Catholic University. The collection has Catholic University related photographic images from two time periods, the fifties and late eighties. The images from the fifties are both of the students and campus during that time and also of the Hartke players. Those from the late eighties are of campus, the students, faculty, buildings and everyday life at Catholic University. Some of the prints from the eighties were later published by the University Press in Maroon's book, "Century Ended, Century Begun."

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McCarthy, Charles Hallan. Papers. 1786(1864-1935)n.d. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid to the Charles McCarthy papers.

Charles Hallan McCarthy was born in Franklin, New Jersey, in 1860. In 1890, he became the instructor and professor of historical and civil government at a Catholic High School in Philadelphia. McCarthy earned his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1898. He gave lectures in English and American History at the Institute of Pedagogy in New York City from 1902 to 1904, when he became assistant professor at The Catholic University of America. He served as the president of the American Catholic Historical Association (ACHA) from 1922 to 1923 and retired from Catholic University in 1939. He was awarded the Benemerenti Medal in 1940 and died on December 22, 1941. Collection contains notes on the various works on American History written by McCarthy, as well as book reviews, published articles, publications, clippings, lectures and notes, correspondence, and other materials including original documents.

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McCormick, Patrick Joseph. Papers. 1860-1953. 9 feet; 19 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid to the Patrick Joseph McCormick papers.

The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick Joseph McCormick was born in Norwich, Connecticut, in 1880, attended St. Joseph's Seminar in Dunwoodie, N.Y., and was ordained by the bishop of Hartford in 1904. Between the years 1905 and 1911, he earned a Bachelor's degree, Licentiate in Sacred Theology, and a Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America. He received his first appointment at Catholic University as an instructor in Education eventually becoming a full professor and head of the education department. He was also part of the administration, serving as dean of the Catholic Sisters College, Vice Rector of Catholic University from 1936, and Rector of the University from 1943 to 1953. In honor of his 25th year of ordination, then Rev. McCormick was created a domestic prelate by Pope Pius XI and also received numerous academic awards, including honorary degrees from the Catholic University of Chile and the University of Louvain. He was elected as titular Bishop of Atenia and was consecrated as the Auxiliary Bishop of Washington. He died in Washington D.C. on May 18, 1953. This collection contains correspondence, collected public speeches and addresses, photographs, publications, clippings, and memorabilia.

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McDonald, Fergus. Research Notes. ca. 1946. 6 inches, 4" x 6" cards.

Used in the preparation of McDonald's 1946 Catholic University M.A. thesis, The Catholic Church and the Secret Societies in the United States, which covers the approximate period 1794-1897.

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McDonald, William Joseph. Collection. 1945-1989, 5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Unknown

A finding aid for the collection of William Joseph McDonald

William Joseph McDonald was born 1904 in Ireland where he was ordained as a priest in 1928. Shortly thereafter he immigrated to the San Francisco where he became an Assistant Pastor and an administrator for the Archdiocese. His career at The Catholic University of America began in 1936 when he came to pursue graduate studies in Philosophy, earning a masters in 1937 and a Ph.D. in 1939. In 1940, he joined the faculty an instructor in Philosophy., becoming assistant professor in 1944 and full professor in 1950. He became Catholic University Vice Rector in 1954, acting Rector in 1957, and Rector in 1958. His inauguration was on April 16, 1958 and was attended by the Apostolic delegate, Amleto Giovanni Cardinal Cicogani. McDonald's time as Rector was known for a massive rise in undergraduate students and the construction of many new buildings. He was also appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Washington in 1964. Following his tenure as rector in 1967 he was made Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco, retiring in 1979. He was awarded The President's Centennial Medal in 1988 by then Catholic University president Rev. William J. Byron, SJ. McDonald died in San Francisco at the age of 84 on January 7, 1989. The McDonald Collection consists of personal publications made during his career as a philosophy professor as well as Rector of Catholic University. There are also short essays and materials from his inauguration as Rector and as Auxiliary Bishop of Washington.

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McEntegart, Bryan Joseph. Collection. 1957, 1962. 10 items.

McEntegart served as the eighth rector of Catholic University, 1953- 1957. He was Bishop of Brooklyn, 1957-1968, and was named archbishop in 1966. Present are programs and copies of speeches from the valedictory Catholic University convocation held on his departure as rector, and an album containing nineteen photographs of his solemn dedication of Mater Christi Diocesan High School, Queens, New York.

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McKenna, Bernard Aloysius. Papers. 1915 1952. 4 inches.

Ordained in 1903 for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, McKenna came to Catholic University in 1915 as secretary to Rector Thomas J. Shahan and as first director of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. A member of the faculty of the School of Sacred Theology, he became a Catholic University trustee in 1930. In 1933 he returned to Philadelphia as pastor of Holy Angels Church. His papers include miscellaneous incoming correspondence, both personal and official, and photographs. Reference is made in letters, particularly those from fellow Catholic University trustee Edward J. McGolrick, to Catholic University and Shrine affairs and McKenna's role in them. Topics discussed include alumni affairs, donations, Shahan's death and funeral in 1932, McKenna's departure from Catholic University, and Joseph M. Corrigan's appointment as rector in 1936. Correspondents include Shahan, Patrick J. Healy, and Dennis Cardinal Dougherty.

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McKenna, Norman C. Papers. 1934-1971. 1.25 feet; 1 box. Donors: Norman C. McKenna, 1977 and William Connell, 1996.

A finding aid to the papers of Norman C. McKenna

Correspondence, reports, newsletters, clippings, and publications relating to the following activities of McKenna, an editor of Catholic and labor publications: Catholic Interracial Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, 1964-1971; Cana Conference of Washington, D.C., 1950-1962; Association of Catholic Trade Unionists, 1937-1951; and Christian Front newspaper, 1934-1948. Relating to the latter are letters from noted Catholic writers and the original of a drawing by G.K. Chesterton.

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McKenzie, Donald Francis. Papers. ca. 1850-1976. 11 feet, 9 boxes. Donor: Albert Acena, 1977.

This collection consists of clipping files, pamphlets, photos, books, souvenir booklets, and other memorabilia dealing with the Catholic, especially the American Catholic, hierarchy recording activities such as consecrations and installations in the period of ca. 1900-1976. Included are anti-Catholic pamphlets, tracts, and books dating from the mid-nineteenth century. These materials were collected by McKenzie, a Kansas City native and a long-time resident of Seattle, as an avocation over a forty year period.

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McMahon, James. Papers. 1870-1902, .5 feet; 1 box. Donor: McMahon Estate.

A finding aid to the papers of James McMahon

McMahon (1817-1901) was an Irish born priest who was friends with Archbishop John Hughes of New York. He spent 40 years there in mission work as well as investing in real estate. He retired to The Catholic University of America in 1891 and spent his last years there. He donated properties worth nearly $400,000 to Catholic University, with which McMahon Hall was built. The McMahon papers contains correspondence, deeds, mortgages, abstracts, financial statements, bills and receipts.

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McManus, Frederick Richard. Papers. 1926-2006, 62.5 feet; 50 boxes. Donors: Various, 1970-2018.

A finding aid to the papers of Frederick R. McManus

Frederick Richard McManus, 1923-2005, was a respected scholar, noted canonist, and tireless liturgical reformer. He was born 8 February 1923 in Lynn, Massachusetts, and earned an A.B. from St. John's Seminary in Brighton in 1947. Ordained that same year, he served in various posts in the Archdiocese of Boston, 1947-1951, before continuing his studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., receiving a J.C.B. in 1952, J.C.L. in 1953, and a J.C.D. in 1954. He went back to his alma mater, St. John's Seminary, serving there 1954-1958 as professor of canon law and moral theology. He then returned to Catholic University as professor of canon law, 1958-1993, remaining thereafter professor emeritus.

While at Catholic University, he edited the canon law journal, The Jurist, and served in various administrative positions. He was the dean of the school of canon law from 1967 to 1973, vice provost and dean of graduate studies from 1974 to 1983, and Academic Vice President , 1983-1985. Besides these duties, he served on the Bishop's Committee on the Liturgy of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) as director of the secretariat and editor of the committee's newsletter, 1965-1975. He was involved in all aspects of canon law from teaching and the liturgical committee to various other commissions, boards and associations, including the Canon Law Society of America (CLSA) and the Second Vatican Council. In addition, he published continuously, with books as well as contributions to journals such as American Ecclesiastical Review, Catholic World, Commonweal, The Jurist, The Living Light, Theology Today and Worship. The papers include correspondence, notes, subject files, meeting minutes, printed material, photographs, memorabilia, and miscellaneous material.

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McNamara, Robert Francis. Papers. 1854-1989. 15.25 feet; 32 boxes. Donor: R.F. McNamara, 1981, 1992, 1995.

A finding aid to the papers of Robert Francis McNamara

Robert F. McNamara was born in New York in 1910. He graduated with his B.A. from Georgetown University and earned his M.A. from Harvard University. In 1936, McNamara was ordained in Rome and celebrated his celebrated his 70th anniversary in 2006. McNamara became a professor of church history and was active in a number of historical associations including the American Catholic Historical Association (ACHA) and the Association for State and Local History. He served as editor for the Catholic Historical Review (CHR) from 1948-1955. McNamara wrote a number of works on church history and Catholic education. He also wrote various articles for the New Catholic Encyclopedia. These papers consist of correspondence, photographs, maps, student letters and diaries, records, research notes, and publications dealing with the North American College at Rome (NAC), its history, alumni, and operation, including the card file used by McNamara to write his book: The American College in Rome 1855-1955.

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McNicholas, John Timothy. Papers. 1912, 1925-1949. 1.25 feet; 3 boxes. Donors: Father Favret 1967, Xavier University 2009.

A finding aid to the papers of John T. McNicholas

John T. McNicholas was born in Kiltimagh, County Mayo, Ireland on December 15, 1877. He was the youngest of eight children. He emigrated to the United States with his family in 1881 to Chester, Pennsylvania. He attended elementary school at the Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Chester and St. Joseph's Prepatory College in Philadelphia. At seventeen, McNicholas entered the Dominican Order at St. Rose's Priory in Springfield, Kentucky. He was ordained at St. Joseph's in Somerset, Ohio on October 10, 1901. McNicholas earned a doctorate of Sacred Theology at Minerva. In 1904, McNicholas returned to Somerset to assume the role of master of novices. He then became the Regent of Studies, and professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Canon Law at the Dominican House of Studies, Immaculate Conception College, near The Catholic University of America until 1909. Following this position, McNicholas became the National Director of the Holy Name Society in New York City and the organization's first journal editor (Holy Name Journal). While in New York, he became the pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Church and the first prior of the adjoining convent. After eight years in New York, McNicholas was called to Rome to became the socius to the Master General of the Dominicans in Rome. He also taught Canon Law and Theology at Angelicum University. Ultimately he was named Master of Theology and granted an honorary office of provincial of Lithuania. The next year in July of 1918, McNicholas began his career as a Bishop. He was named the Bishop of Duluth, MN. In May of 1925, he was named to the Diocese of Indianapolis. He did not remain there long and was installed as Archbishop of Cincinnati August 1925. McNicholas remained in this position until his death in 1950.

In 1930, Archbishop McNicholas became the Episcopal Chairman of the Department of Education of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC). He held this role until 1935 and then again in 1942 to 1945. He also served as the President General of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) from 1946 to 1950 and held a ten-year chairmanship from 1933 to 1943 of the Episcopal Committee on Motion Pictures which later became the National Legion of Decency. McNicholas also held five terms from 1945 to 1950 as chairman of the Administration Board of the NCWC.

McNicholas's concern for national Church affairs led him to work at The Catholic University of America as part of a committee to investigate differences between faculty and the rector, Rev. James H. Ryan. In 1930, this committee investigated the disputes between the Theology faculty and the rector. The faculty, in particular JJ Rolbiecki, questioned the Ryan and the Board of Trustees reorganization of the graduate departments. The dispute led to Rolbiecki's dismissal; he was reinstated after the investigation. McNicholas continued as part of this investigation committee into 1931 with the case of the dismissal of Franz Cöln and Henrich Schumacher. The Archbishop maintained a connection to Catholic University through another committee--the Episcopal Visiting Committee or Pontifical Commission of the Sacred Sciences of The Catholic University. This committee was established to examine the ecclesiastical faculties in 1934. He was a part of this committee until his death in 1950. McNicholas was also a member of the Board of Trustees of the University.

The McNicholas papers consists primarily of correspondence and reports from his participation in the investigation committee and the Episcopal Visiting Committee at Catholic University from 1925 to 1949. The papers are broken into three series. The first, Correspondence, consists of letters to and from various clergy such as James H. Ryan and Joseph Corrigan, Rectors of Catholic University, Archbishop Michael J. Curley, chancellor of Catholic University, and various professors of theology and editors of the Catholic University Bulletin. The second series, Catholic University Records, consists of correspondence and reports rom the Episcopal Visiting Committee/Pontifical Commission. The third series, Newspaper clippings, consists of miscellaneous clippings by and about Monsignor John A. Ryan. The fourth series consists of a ring binder notebook of mimeographed notes for a Children's Retreat held from October 29 to November 2, 1912.

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Meagher, James Luke. Manuscripts. n.d. 2 1/2 inches. Donor: James L. Meagher, 1895.

An Irish-born priest ordained in 1875, Meagher was also known as an author. He incorporated the Christian Press Association, 1894, and the Christian Literature Union, 1895, becoming president of both. Present are: an incomplete draft of the introduction to his book, The Seven Gates of Heaven (1895); draft pages from Teaching Truth by Signs and Ceremonies (1882); a four-page sketch of the life of John Cardinal McClosky: a sermon on the duties of parents towards their children; and fragments from unidentified works, including 4 chapters entitled, "Reasons that are Mystical," "Reasons Relating to the Clergy," "Reason and Religion Looking Beyond the Grave," and, "Reasons of Ceremonies Among the Jews."

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Meyer, Robert Theodore. Papers. 1905-1986. 12.25 feet; 22 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid to the Robert Theodore Meyer papers

Born near Cleveland, Ohio, in 1911, Meyer graduated from John Carroll University with an M.A. in classical languages and gained his doctorate in classics at Michigan University. He first came to The Catholic University of America in 1947 as an instructor in German and comparative philology. He became assistant professor, then associate professor, full professor, and finally, in 1953, he became chair of the Celtic Studies Department. He was invited to lecture at Oxford University, 1961-1974. He gained the title of Professor Emeritus of the Department of Modern Languages from Catholic University in 1976 when he retired. He died on October 3, 1987 in Wales where he had been touring after a conference at Oxford. The collection contains diaries as well as personal and professional correspondence and miscellaneous materials.

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Millar, Margaret Richards. Papers. 1915(1918-1930)1940. 1.25 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: The Penelope House Shelter in Mobile, Alabama, 2016.

A finding aid to the papers of Margaret Richards Millar

Margaret Richards (1858-1947) was a Vermont native who grew up in Alabama and was educated at Bradford Academy in Massachusetts. She was married to Scottish immigrant Stocks Millar and lived with him on a ranch in Wyoming prior to his death in 1890. Thereafter, she spent several years in France and Germany with their children. In 1896, she converted to Catholicism alongside her son, future Jesuit Morehouse F. X. Millar (later a collaborator with John A. Ryan). In 1918, she was sent to France as a representative of the Committee on Special War Activities of the National Catholic War Council (NCWC), in order to organize and supervise service clubs for American soldiers. In 1919, she was sent as the only American Catholic delegate to the Women's Peace Conference in Switzerland, serving alongside Jane Addams. She helped organize the first conference of the National Council of Catholic Women, held in 1920. An active member of the NCCW and NCWC for the remaining years of her life, Millar passed away in 1947. This collection consists of correspondence, clippings, a diary, and photographs, and memorabilia.

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Mitchell, John. Papers. 1876-1931, n.d. 130 feet; 189 boxes. Donors: Robert Mitchell and Debra Claydon via Rev. Thomas Darby, 1943, Elizabeth Morris, 1967.

A finding aid to the papers of John Mitchell

The John Mitchell Photographic Collection

Mitchell, a legendary leader of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), was born 4 February 1870 in Braidwood, Illinois, to Robert Mitchell and Martha Halley. His mother died shortly thereafter and his father, a Scotch-Irish immigrant, died when the boy was only six years old. Reared by his father's third wife, Mitchell had little opportunity for education and assisted his stepmother in doing the neighborhood washing. He left home at age 10 and began working, first as a farm laborer and later as a coal miner. Though mostly working in Illinois, he also worked in both Colorado and New Mexico. In 1892 he married Catherine O'Rourke and they had several children.

Mitchell was first a member of the Knights of Labor and then, successively, legislative agent, organizer, vice president and president of the fledgling UMWA. He was also vice president of the American Federal of Labor (AFL) and member of the National Child Labor Committee, the National Civic Federation, Federal Milk Commission, Federal Food Board for New York City, New York State Labor Industrial Commission, New York State Food Administration, and the New York State Council of Farms and Markets. It was, however, as president of the UMWA, 1899-1908, that Mitchell would have his greatest impact. His leadership in the momentous Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 resulted in significant gains for coal miners and greater recognition for the UMWA. Often in poor health, Mitchell stepped down as UMWA president in 1908 and died in 1919. He is buried in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His published works include Organized Labor: Its Problems, Purposes, and Ideals (1903) and The Wage Earner (1912).

Papers reflect his myriad labor and civil affiliations and are organized into five series: Correspondence, 1885-1919; United Mine Workers of America, Minutes, Proceedings, Constitutions, and Reports, 1891-1908; Miscellaneous Minutes, Proceedings, and Reports, 1914-1919; Printed Matter, 1888-1912; and Photographs, 1896-1924. The correspondence includes drafts of articles and speeches, minutes of meetings, financial reports, and convention resolutions. Significant people, events, and conditions of the 'Gilded Age' are revealed, especially in the UMWA material, regarding such watershed issues as standardized wages, safe working conditions, and collective bargaining.

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Mohler, Bruce Monroe. Papers. 1881-1967. 36 feet; 57 boxes. Donor: Dorothy Mohler and estate, 1984-2001, 2014.

A finding aid to the papers of Bruce Monroe Mohler

Bruce M. Mohler was the director of the National Catholic Welfare Conference's Department of Immigration, a position he held from the department's inception in 1920, as the Bureau of Immigration, until his appointment as Director Emeritus shortly before his death in 1967. His service for Catholic Immigrants with the War Relief Services (later known as Catholic Relief Services), earned him a place as an important figure in the history of American Catholicism. His papers also reflect his life in rural Ohio in the early 20th century, his time stationed in France with the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) during the First World War, followed by his service in Poland as Deputy Commissioner of the American Red Cross. Lastly, these papers reflect his personal life, marriage to Dorothy Abts, and his relationship to the Catholic University of America.

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Mohler, Dorothy Abts. Papers. 1907-2000. 15 boxes; 19 feet. Donors: Various, 1994-2007, 2014.

A finding aid to the papers of Dorothy Abts Mohler

Dorothy Abts Mohler (1908-2000) was a sociologist and social work teacher who was also active in many Catholic charitable institutions. She was educated at the College of Saint Teresa in Minnesota and the National Catholic School of Social Service in Washington, D.C. She was editor of the journal Social Thought and longtime member of the faculty of the Catholic University of America. She was also a strong advocate for the archiving of Catholic social welfare records and a major financial donor to the Catholic University Archives. Her papers include memorabilia, correspondence, subject files, financial records, legal files, publications, and photographs.

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Montavon, William Frederick. Papers. 1925 1951. 4 boxes, 5 feet; 8 document cases. Donor: National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1959.

A finding aid to the papers of William Frederick Montavon

Mainly personal correspondence and addresses concerning the Church in Mexico and Spain during the 1920s and 1930s. Montavon, a former diplomat in Central and South America, was Director of the Legal Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), 1925-1951. His appointment coincided with persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico. He produced numerous articles on this subject and accompanied Fr. John J. Burke, general secretary of the NCWC, and Ruiz y Flores, Archbishop of Morella, on negotiations with Mexican revolutionary leader Calles that laid the foundation for an easing of religious restrictions in 1929. He also lectured and wrote extensively on Church-State relations in Spain, traveling there as special correspondent of the NCWC News Service for the Constitutional Assembly held after the establishment of the Republic in 1931.

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Motry, Hubert Louis. Papers. 1647(1918-1952)1952. 9 feet; 18 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid to the papers of Hubert Louis Motry

Hubert Motry was born in 1884 and attended the Pontifical Seminary Josephinum in Columbua, Ohio. He was ordained in 1909 and taught at Josephinum for 8 years. In 1917, he attended The Catholic University of America where he earned his Doctor of Sacred Theology and Doctor of Canon Law. He became a professor of Canon Law at Catholic University in 1922 and Dean of the School of Canon Law in 1937, a position he held until his death in 1952. He has published a variety of works on theology and canon law. He initiated the founding of the National Canon Law Society of America and the canonical review, The Jurist, of which he served on the editorial board for years. He was also honored as Domestic Prelate by Pope Pius XII in 1949. The collection includes his personal correspondence, financial information, and photographs, as well as professional correspondence from both Catholic University and other organizations, lecture notes, clippings, publications, professional addresses, map materials, and a number of Catholic University diplomas.

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Mother Teresa, Eileen Egan's, Collection. 1954-2000. 12 feet; 21 boxes. Donor: Eileen Egan, 1985-2000.

A finding aid to the Eileen Egan's Mother Teresa Collection

This is a collection of Mother Teresa, who was canonized in 2016, material collected over the years by Eileen Egan of New York City, author of the Christopher Award winning biography, Such a Vision of the Street: Mother Teresa, The Spirit and the Work (1985). Ms. Egan served for many years in the Indian Affairs division of Catholic Relief Services (CRS). She also assisted the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) in its overseas efforts and edited the international newsletter of the Co-Workers of Mother Teresa.

The Mother Teresa Collection features a wide variety of documents and memorabilia useful to persons studying her cause and career. Included are correspondence from the future Saint, audio cassettes of her lectures, press releases and newspaper clippings, photographs, and numerous books. Many of the latter are in Spanish, German, Dutch, and French. Of special interest are the compiled newsletters of both the international and American Co-Workers of Mother Teresa.

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Muench, Aloisius Joseph Cardinal. Papers. 1906(1946-1959)1963. 81 linear feet; 61 boxes. Donor: Justin A. Driscoll, 1972.

A finding aid to the papers of Aloisius Joseph Cardinal Muench

Born in 1889 in Milwaukee to German immigrant parents, Muench received his early education at the Seminary of Saint Francis de Sales in Milwaukee and was ordained in 1913. Receiving his master's and doctorate in 1919 and 1921, respectively, from the universities of Wisconsin and Fribourg in Switzerland, he also served as assistant pastor at Saint Michael's in Milwaukee and chaplain at both Saint Paul's University Chapel and Saint Mary's Hospital in Madison. In 1922 he became professor of dogma and social sciences at Saint Francis Seminary and in 1929 dean of the Department of Theology and Rector of the Seminary. He became the third Bishop of Fargo, North Dakota in 1935 and served as an able administrator for the next twenty-three years. His Catholic Church Expansion Fund saved many churches during the Great Depression. He founded a diocesan newspaper, convoked the first synod, and actively participated in the work of the Catholic Central Verein and the National Catholic Rural Life Conference. He also served on the Pontifical Commission for The Catholic University of America, The Bishops Commission for Peace among Peoples, and Pax Romana.

His 1946 Lenten Pastoral condemned the Morgenthau Plan for restricting Germany to a rural economy and was widely distributed there in German translation. Also in 1946, Pope Pius XII appointed him Apostolic Visatator for Germany and the United States Secretary for War, Robert Patterson, named him liaison officer between the U.S. Military Government and the Catholic Church in Germany, thereby providing the basis for a close working relationship with General Lucius Clay and his successors. Shortly thereafter, the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC) appointed him Military Vicar Delegate for Catholics serving in the American Armed Forces in Germany. The two years following Muench's arrival in Germany were marked by his active participation in war relief work as head of the Papal Relief Commission. Through his initiative, 10,000 CARE parcels were brought into Germany and his influence relieved clergy distress throughout wide areas of Germany. By 1951 Muench was Apostolic Nuncio and the first diplomat to present his credentials to a newly sovereign West Germany. In 1957, for recognition of his dedicated service to the German people, Theodore Huess, president of the West German Republic, conferred upon Muench Germany's highest honor, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit. In 1959, Pope John XXIII appointed him to the College of Cardinals, thus making him the first American to serve actively in the Roman Curia. He was a member of the Sacred Congregations of Religious Rites, and Extraordinary Affairs, as well as protector of numerous religious communities. He died in Rome in 1962 and was buried in Fargo.

The Muench Papers consist primarily of correspondence and writings with some diaries, notebooks, and printed material such as clippings and broadsides. The last part of the collection comprises the source material, including taped interviews with the Cardinal's associates, and a manuscript of Father Colman J. Barry's biography of Muench: American Nuncio: Cardinal Aloisius Muench (1969). Overall, the papers concentrate on the time period of 1946 to 1959 and are important not only as they relate to Muench's life, but also for their information concerning post-war German-American relations. This is especially true in regard to the Allied occupation of Germany which gave way to the restoration of that nation's sovereignty in 1949 and its gradual integration into the western alliance. They are particularly valuable to students of European military and diplomatic history, post-war relief work, Vatican diplomacy, and the recovery effort of the German Catholic Church.

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Muldoon, Bishop Peter James. Collection. 1901-1926. Microfilm Only: 3 35 mm Reels; 3 Inches. Donor: Dioceses of Rockford, IL 1954.

Born in Columbia, California in 1862 to Irish immigrants John and Catherine (Coughlin) Muldoon, educated at St. Mary's College in St. Mary, Kentucky and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland and ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1886. He served as chancellor and secretary from 1888 to 1895 to Archbishop P. A. Feehan and appointed titular bishop of Tamassus, auxiliary of Chicago, and vicar-general in 1901. In 1908 he was appointed bishop of the new Diocese of Rockford which had just been erected from the Archdiocese of Chicago. Muldoon played a prominent role in the social reform movement and served as Chairman of the National Catholic War Council, 1917-1918, where he became a nationally known figure. He worked closely with members of other religious groups and government agencies and his forcefulness and diplomacy ensured the success of the council and induced Cardinal James Gibbons to propose a peacetime organization comparable to it. The National Council Welfare Council was created in 1919 and Muldoon served as the episcopal chairman of its Social Action Department. When dissatisfied American bishops complained to the pope, the original approbation was revoked and Muldoon as well as Bishop Joseph Shrembs of Cleveland were among the most vigorous defenders of the NCWC. The Vatican finally agreed to restore the approbation in 1922 after the new organization was renamed the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Muldoon died in 1927 after a long illness.

3 100 Foot 35 mm reels of negative microfilm of Bishop Muldoon's diary covering the years January 1901 to June 1926.

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Mullin, Francis A. Typescript. 1936. 19 pages.

Entitled John Franckton, Printer, with Special Reference to his Use of Irish Type, the title page indicates that this was submitted for a Library Science course at the University of Michigan, whence Mullin received a M.A. in Library Science in 1936. Mullin served as director of Catholic University's library from 1936 until his death in 1947. Under his direction a department of library science was established at Catholic University. Accompanying the typescript are draft pages and mimeograph examples of early Irish type faces.

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Murray, Philip. Papers. 1936-1952. 123 feet; 184 boxes; 1 oversized box; 99 scrapbooks. Donor: The United Steel Workers of America, 1953-1960.

A finding aid to the papers of Philip Murray

Labor leader born in Blantyre, Scotland, 25 May 1886 to Irish immigrants William and Rose Ann (Layden) Murray. The family emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1902 and Phillip became a naturalized American citizen in 1911. He became a member of the international board of the United Mine Workers of America in 1912, president of the union's fifth district in 1916, and international vice president in 1920. During the First World War he served on Pennsylvania's Regional Labor Board and in 1935 was named to the National Industrial Recovery Administration. He was Chairman of the Steel Workers' Organizing Committee, 1936-1942, and its successor, the United Steelworkers of America, 1942-1952. Murray succeeded John L. Lewis as President of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in 1940, a post he held until his death in 1952. During the Second World War, Murray promoted the active cooperation of labor in the war effort. After the war, he pledged full support in the campaign to purge Communists out of the CIO ranks. Murray was married in 1910 to Elizabeth Lavery and they had one child, a son named Joseph William Murray.

Primarily correspondence and scrapbooks detailing Murray's years as head of the United Steel Workers of America. Said correspondence, 1943-1952, sixty feet, includes annual files on each USWA district, interoffice communications, material on the settlement of controls with steel companies and government relations. The collection includes the positive and negative reactions of the rank and file union membership and the general public to USWA policies and actions, particularly during strikes. The scrapbook series, 1936-1952, thirty feet, contains news clippings on all aspects of American labor from a vast cross section of the press. These papers are coldly organizational, portraying little of Murray's own mind apart from public expressions of it in speeches and press releases. Additional Murray material is on deposit in the Special Collections Department at Penn State University.

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National Catholic Education Association. Records. 1886 (1904-2020) n.d., 770 feet; 612 boxes. Donor: National Catholic Education Association and Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities offices, 1981-2020.

A finding aid to the National Catholic Education Association Records.

The National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), the nation's oldest and largest Catholic educational organization, was founded in 1904 from the merger of the Educational Conference of Seminary Faculties, the Association of Catholic Colleges, and the Parish School Conference. The vision of Catholic educational unity was embodied by Catholic University Rector Thomas J. Conaty and was implemented by the Reverend, later Bishop, Francis Howard, who served as first executive officer until 1928. Howard sought to maintain individual freedom while addressing prominent issues regarding the length and nature of elementary school curriculum, standardization of Catholic colleges, and the role of the nation's hierarchy in fostering Catholic educational unity. In 1929 Howard's successor, Monsignor George Johnson, moved NCEA from Columbus to Washington where he also served concurrently as Director of the Education Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC). Before his death in 1944, Johnson effected increased cooperation with both Catholic and non-Catholic educational organizations and promoted the integration of progressive and scientific methods of education with more traditional Catholic pedagogy. Johnson's successor, Monsignor Frederick Hochwalt, presided over robust growth with membership increasing from 3,400 to 14,700 by 1966 when he resigned. Hochwalt's departure thereby severed the formal relationship between NCWC and NCEA. The Reverends C. Albert Koob and John F. Meyer, his successors at NCEA, confronted challenges of Vatican II which fomented major reevaluations of Catholic policy and practices. They presided over significant changes in NCEA department structures: Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, Special Education, and College and University departments remained unchanged while the Major and Minor Seminary Departments merged. The School Superintendents Department was renamed the Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE) and departments of Religious Education and Boards of Education were created.

NCEA continues to provide progressive leadership and professional services to some 200,000 Catholic educators serving 7.6 million students on the national, state, diocesan, and local levels. It represents Catholic education in dealing with other professional bodies and produces numerous publications, including the association's official journal Momentum, to provide information regarding current and future issues and research. Changing patterns and trends in Catholic education are constantly evaluated and NCEA cooperates with the federal government in collecting educational statistics. Current administrative sections of the NCEA include departments such as Elementary, Secondary, Seminary, Special Education, Chief Administrators, and Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. In addition, NCEA has established a National Center for Justice and Peace Education, which promotes Catholic teachings on social justice, and the Fund for New Initiatives in Catholic Education to sponsor programs focusing on important Catholic education issues. Each spring thousands of Catholic educators come together at NCEA's Annual Convention, Religious Education Congress, and Exposition for assessment, direction, and revitalization. The delegates are addressed by prominent national and international speakers as well as state and local experts. Also, numerous exhibition booths display the latest educational equipment, supplies, and services.

Material currently on deposit include administrative records, primarily correspondence and subject files, of the first five administrators: Bishop Francis Howard, 1904-1928; Monsignor George Johnson,1929-1944; Monsignor Frederick Hochwalt, 1944-1966; the Rev. C. Albert Koob, 1966-1974; and Monsignor John Meyer, 1974-1986. As noted, Monsignors Johnson and Hochwalt served as directors of the Education Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), 1929-1966, and these records are also available for research in the Catholic University Archives. Additional files encompass those of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU),1905-1991; Annual Convention, including bound proceedings and Board minutes 1902 (1904-1966) 1995; Financial Records, 1906-1990; Seminary Department, 1958-1988; Special Education Department, 1973-1985; Elementary Education Department,1978-1985; Secondary Education Department, 1973-1995; Religious Education Department, 1977-1993; Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE), 1970-1989; National Association of the Board of Education (NABE),1965-1976; the Catholic Inter-American Education Conference (CIEC),1947-1979; and the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC), 1951-1978. Please note: only the first 100 feet of the collection has been processed at this time.

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National Catholic War Council. Records. 1891(1917-1935)1956, 137 feet; 110 boxes; 35 reels of microfilm. Donor: National Catholic Welfare Conference. 1952-1976.

A finding aid to the National Catholic War Council records

When the United States entered the First World War in 1917, it relied heavily upon the volunteer actions of private individuals and organizations to support the war effort. Among these was the Roman Catholic Church which was broadly perceived as an immigrant body whose loyalty and patriotism was suspect and certainly untested in battle. Responding to this challenge under the motto of "For God and Country," American Catholics led by Father John J. Burke created the National Catholic War Council (NCWC), the forerunner of the National Catholic Welfare Conference that is currently known as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the secretariat of the American Hierarchy.

The War Council represented the first coming together of the American bishops in voluntary association to address great national issues affecting the Church. It was able to deal successfully with such problems as meeting the spiritual and material needs of soldiers preparing for war and women and youth drawn to the cities and the factories. The American Hierarchy soon realized that this united and coordinated effort in wartime was crucial to more effective protection of Church interests in peacetime. This resulted in the creation in 1919 of the National Catholic Welfare Council (later Conference) which involved itself at the federal, state, and local levels of Catholic activity regarding legislation, education, publicity, and social action. Success in providing leadership for the growth and development of the Catholic Church in the United States induced hierarchies in many countries to replicate its organization and methods.

Although the records primarily span the years 1917 to 1935, they concentrate on 1917 to 1920 and contain files and file indexes of Bishop Peter J. Muldoon, chairman of the NCWC Administrative Committee, and those of Father John J. Burke, chairman of the Committee on Special War Activities (CSWA). They also contain the office files of the executive secretary of the CSWA and individual sub-committees: Reconstruction, Men, Women, Overseas, and Historical Records. Included in these files are administrative, financial, and legal records as well as personal correspondence, photographs, pamphlets, posters, news clippings, and memorabilia. The census of Catholic armed forces preserved on microfilm is of special interest. The records of the NCWC Knights of Columbus Committee on War Activities are not included.

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National Council for Catholic Evangelization (NCCE). Records. 1983-2002, 5 linear feet; 4 boxes. Donor: NCCE, 2004.

A finding aid to National Council for Catholic Evangelization records

NCCE was conceived as a professional association for diocesan directors of evangelization inspired by Pope Paul VI's Evangelii Nuntiandi. It operated in concert with the NCCB Committee on Evangelization and was best known for its role in the evangelization program "Go and Make Disciples." Records consist of administrative records, print programs, audio recordings, and memorabilia documenting both council activities and the NCCE annual conference. These materials span the roughly 20 year life-cycle of the organization.

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National Federation of Catholic College Students Moderator. Records. 1948-1986, 4 feet; 8 boxes. Donor: Eugene Dehner, 1986.

A finding aid to National Federation of Catholic College Students Moderator records

The National Federation of Catholic College Students (NFCCS) was a lay student organization that began in 1937 and ended in 1967. It was mainly concerned with expressing student grievances at Catholic colleges regarding international issues as well as defending political movements in the name of social justice. The organization was to foster leadership amongst men and women at Catholic Colleges to defend the positions of the Church. Until 1955, it worked directly under the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC), thereafter it worked with the NCEA national Chaplain. The NFCCS Moderator records contain correspondence and publications on NFCCS during the 1950s and 1960s. Many of the issues cover this organization and the Church's involvement with the civil rights movement. There is also extended correspondence on Rev. Eugene Dehner, the national Chaplain of the NFCCS. Lastly, there are materials on NFCCS conferences 1955-1964.

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National Migrant Worker Council. Collection. 1968(1968-1994)2008. 24 linear feet; 19 boxes. Donor: Diocese of Detroit, 2015.

A finding aid to the National Migrant Worker Council Collection

The National Migrant Worker Council was established in 1969 to help disseminate public health services to the migrant farmworker population. Founded by Sister Mary Mauritia Sengelaub, a Minneapolis hospital administrator, at the request of DHS under the Migrant Health Act of 1962, it was first known as the National Council of the Migrant Worker Apostolate, later as Sisters Concerned About Rural Poor (SCARP), and finally as the National Migrant Worker Council (NMWC). The NMWC had two major sub-organizations: the East Coast Migrant Health Project, which served migrant stream farm workers from FL to NY; and the Midwest Migrant Health Information Office (today known as MHP Salud). MHP Salud is best known for its Camp Health Aide project, which began in 1985 and helps local Migrant and Community Health Centers or community organizations establish and maintain health promotion programs, including programs for teens, substance abuse prevention and treatment, and a doula program.

The collection consists of professional correspondence, meeting minutes, bylaws, financial records, publications such as newsletters and directories, and photographs as well as video tapes and books. In addition to material from the National Migrant Worker Council and its two main sub-organizations, there are some papers from other affiliated groups including the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO); the Catholic Consortium on Migrant Health; and the Redlands Christian Migrant Association, for all of which ECMHP was the grantee of note.

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National Right to Life News. Collection. 1973-1999, 3.75 linear feet; 3 boxes. Donor: Sisters of Life, 2021.

A finding aid to The National Right to Life News Collection

The National Right to Life Committee is a pro-life organization that was founded in 1968. It is affiliated with state right-to-life organizations in all fifty states and focuses on pro-life education, legislation, and political action (NRLC Mission Statement).This collection contains all issues of the National Right to Life News from its first publication in November 1973 through December 1999. It also contains a copy of the National Right to Life Committee, Inc., Report from January 1977.

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National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Collection. 7.7 linear feet; 11 boxes. Donor: unknown.

A finding aid to The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Collection

Among the ten largest churches in the world, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception has been a prominent site of Roman Catholic worship honoring Mary, the patroness of the United States, since the 1920s. After securing the support of Pope Pius X in 1913, Bishop Thomas J. Shahan, the fourth rector of the Catholic University of America, launched a fundraising campaign that culminated in the laying of the cornerstone on September 23, 1920. The crypt opened for services in 1924, and workers had completed construction of the crypt by 1931. However, the Byzantine-Romanesque style upper church would not be completed until 1959 as a result of the Great Depression and World War II. Also in 1959, workers finished construction of the Knights' Tower, a gift of the Knights of Columbus. In 1990, Pope John Paul II named the National Shrine a minor basilica. Originally part of the Catholic University of America, the National Shrine incorporated separately from the university in 1948.

The collection consists of publications, printed material, clippings, and photographs documenting the activities of the National Shrine.

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Neill, Charles Patrick. Papers. 1883-1956. 7 boxes; 1 reel of microfilm; 4.9 feet. Donor: James Kerby Neill, 1956, 1958,1984.

A finding aid to the papers of Charles Patrick Neill

Born in Illinois to Irish Catholic immigrants, Neill grew up in Texas and graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, in 1891. He taught at Notre Dame until 1894 and received his doctorate from the John Hopkins University in 1897. He was Professor of Economics at The Catholic University of America from 1897-1905. From 1905 to 1913 he served as United States Commissioner of Labor and Commissioner of Labor Statistics in 1913. In these posts he provided federal mediation services in railroad labor disputes and drafted the Newlands Act (1913). He investigated the meat packing industry, which resulted in an inspection law in 1906, and prepared a report on child labor which fomented congressional legislation. Reputed as a skilled arbitrator, he was employed by Southeastern Railways (1915-1939) to handle labor issues, and also served on the United States Railroad Board of Adjustments (1919-1921). He was also interested in industrial safety and workmen's compensation laws. He was a member of numerous professional societies, including the American Statistical Association, the Girls' Reform School, and the Board of Charities of the District of Columbia. He died in Washington, DC on 3 October 1942.

The Charles Patrick Neill Papers consist of personal correspondence and other papers, 1904-1946, and a scrapbook, 1893-1903; professional correspondence, 1905-1942; lectures, class notes and publications from his teaching career at the University of Notre Dame, 1891-1894 and The Catholic University of America, 1897-1905; legal papers, news clippings, and other printed material dealing with his work for the United States Department of Labor, 1905-1913, the American Smelting and Refining Company, 1913-1915, and the Bureau of Information of Southeastern Railways, 1915-1939; and scrapbooks on microfilm concerning his Labor Department activities and his membership on the Railway Commission. Also included in the collection is a copy of a dissertation by Richard G. Balfe titled Charles Patrick Neill and the United States Bureau of Labor, Notre Dame University, 1956. Balfe notes that Neill systematically destroyed most of his personal papers during the last year of his life and little remains except for some press clippings and letters of congratulations.

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Neuhaus, Richard John. Papers. 1923(1941-2010)2016, 140 feet; 106 boxes. Donor: Christ in the City, 2016-2020. 

A finding aid to the Richard John Neuhaus papers

Documenting the life of Richard John Neuhaus, a Lutheran-turned-Catholic cleric who redefined the American political landscape within a religious framework, engaging in both liberal politics during the Civil Rights and Anti-War Movements and conservative politics later in life. Contained within this collection are his correspondence with other prominent contemporaries regarding a wide range of matters, newspaper articles and other writings, photographs, and personal items.

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Nevins, Frances (Sister Christine Marie of the Holy Spirit, OCD). Collection. 1930-2020. 10 feet; 8 boxes. Donor: Joan Ward Mullaney, 2013-2022.

A finding aid to the Frances Nevins collection

Frances Nevins (Sr. Christine Marie of the Holy Spirit, OCD) was a 20th century Carmelite nun. Materials in this collection include witness statements on Nevins, person correspondence, personal effects, photographs, as well as materials compiled by Joan W. Mullaney, author of Nevins' biography Frances Nevins: Mid-20th Century Carmelite Friend, Scholar, Wide, Nun, and Mystic.

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New Catholic Encyclopedia. Records. 1959-1979. 194 feet. Donor: Various, 1973-1983.

On 15 November 1959 the American Hierarchy commissioned The Catholic University of America to produce a New Catholic Encyclopedia (NCE) to be the successor of the original and prestigious Catholic Encyclopedia of the early twentieth century. Rather than a mere revisionary work, the NCE strove to produce a fresh approach to enduring topics, update antiquated materials, and introduce the newest concerns of the Roman Catholic faith in an ever changing world. Fifteen volumes, each containing a million words, were created in the 1960s, with later supplements, in order to define what is directly relevant to the Church and including Catholic contributions to art, science, literature, and culture.

The bulk of materials archived were created in the preparation of the original NCE volumes and include such critical records as correspondence and minutes and reports of the editors and staff that reflect policies, organization, administrative history, and functions. In addition, bibliography, art, contributor, contract, and rejected article files were retained. In 1984 permission was obtained to destroy some 300 feet of non-archival material entailing article copies, indexed galleys and printouts, page proofs, master lists and contributor index cards. An additional fifty feet of reference material was donated to the library for disposition.

During 1999, the copyright of these materials was transferred to The Gale Group. Please be aware that this collection is stored off site and may take up to 72 hours to retrieve.

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Newsom, Abraham. Digital Music Collection. 3.89 GB, 2,712 files, 1996-1999. Donor: Abraham Newsom, 2021.

A finding aid to the Abraham Newsom Collection

Abraham Newsom (1964- ) was born in San Angelo, Texas, but grew up in Dallas. He received his music education degree from Texas Tech University and taught music courses in various schools around Texas before entering the monastery. He has been a Benedictine monk at St. Gregory’s Abbey since 1992. This born-digital collection contains 12 items composed by Newsom and separated by musical subject.

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North American College in Rome. Photograph Album. n.d. 1 volume. Donor: Catholic University Library, 1922.

Containing interior and exterior shots of the original North American College on Via Dell'Umilta in Rome. Occupied by the College from 1859, this building became its graduate department after post-World War II reconstruction. Also included, interior and exterior shots of a villa at Grottaferrata in the Alban Hills used by the College as a summer home, 1882-1898; a photograph of Pope Leo XIII; and an uncaptioned photograph, which may be of William George McCloskey, the College's first rector, 1859-1868.

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Norris, James J., Vatican Council II. Collection. 1962-1966, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: J.J. Norris, 1965-1974.

A finding aid to the James J. Norris Vatican Council II Collection

Born August 10, 1907 in New Jersey, James J. Norris received his Bachelor's Degree in 1933 from The Catholic University of America. He found a position in 1936 working as the administrative assistant to Father Patrick O'Boyle, Director of the Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, a child welfare institution in New York City.While working there he began attending graduate school in 1938 at Fordham University's School of Social Service. In 1941, he received a position with the National Catholic Community Service (NCCS), where his primary function was to coordinate Catholic efforts when cooperating with the US Government. The same year saw him marry Amanda Clara Tisch. The couple would have four sons (James, Gregory, Peter, and Stephen). Only two years later, he became acting director of NCCS and resolved to make assistance for returning veterans from the war a primary concern. He was drafted into the armed forces in 1944 and returned to work for the War Relief Services (WRS) in 1945 where he worked with refugees from Europe and Africa. In 1947, he became director of the European branch of WRS and he and his family moved to Geneva. As a response to the amount of refugees fleeing from Eastern Europe, he helped create the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in 1951, of which he was named chairman. In 1959, Norris and his family returned to New York from Europe, where he would continue working for Catholic Relief Services (CRS - formerly War Relief Services, which changed its name in 1955).

In 1963, Norris was invited to be one of the lay auditors at the Second Vatican Council in Rome, where he seized the opportunity to lobby for the council to address the issue of poverty. Working with Barbara Ward and other proponents for Catholic action against world poverty, he was granted permission to address the Council while in session. On November 5, 1964, he became the first member of the laity to participate in a council debate when he introduced Chapter Four, Paragraph 24 "De Paupertate Mundiali" in the schema on the Church in the Modern World. After the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council, and the passing of the schema by the Vatican fathers in 1965, a pastoral constitution on the Church in the Modern World was created, entitled Gaudium et Spes. In a continued effort to create a permanent office focusing on world poverty, Norris became a member of the Post-Conciliar Commission on the Apostolate of the Laity in 1966, and in 1967, he and other advocates succeeded when the Pope announced the creation of the Pontifical Commission for Studies on Justice and Peace. Later, in 1971, he assisted in the creation and became a member of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, concentrating on coordinating various papal commissions. He also continued to work for CRS and other Catholic organizations until his death which occurred on November 17, 1976.

The James J. Norris - Vatican Council II Collection consists of his professional correspondence and the materials he used while serving as a lay auditor at the Second Vatican Council. The majority of the collection comprises his involvement in the Schema on the Church in the Modern World and the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity both as a lay auditor and as a member of a sub-commission from 1963-1967. However, there are also materials relating to other schemas of the council dating from 1960-1962 and a small amount of material directly related to the council but not produced by the Catholic Church, such as published correspondence and newspaper clippings dating from 1963-1966. The collection is divided into two series and a significant amount of the collection is written in either French, Latin, and more rarely, Italian, or Spanish.

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Novak, Michael John, Jr. Typescript. ca. 1978. 1 volume, xerox copy. Donor: Michael John Novak, Jr., 1979.

Copy of the first draft of Novak's, The Guns of Latimer: A True Story of the Massacre and Trial (1978), autographed and inscribed by the author. This is an account of the killing of nineteen Eastern European mine workers by sheriff's deputies during a peaceful protest in the village of Latimer Mines near Hazelton, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1887, and of the subsequent trial which exonerated the killers. An educator and writer, Novak has produced two novels and nearly twenty books in the areas of philosophy, theology and culture.

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Nuesse, Celestine Joseph. Papers. 1930-2010. 29 boxes; 38 feet. Donor: (all by Nuesse or his estate).

Catholic educational administrator and author born 25 November 1913 at Sevastopol, Wisconsin, a son of George and Salome Helen (Martens) Nuesse. Educated at numerous institutions, receiving degrees from the following: B.E. from Central State Teacher's College, Stevens Point, Wisconsin, 1934; M.A. Northwestern University, 1937; Ph.D. The Catholic University of America, 1944, L.H.D. 1982; and LL.D. Merrimack College, 1960. Nuesse was a high school teacher in Wisconsin, 1934-1940. He joined the faculty of the Sociology Department at The Catholic University of America where he has served as Instructor, 1945-1948, Assistant Professor, 1948-1952, Associate Professor, 1952-1964, Professor, 1964-1981, and Professor Emeritus since 1981. In addition, he has served as Dean of the School of Social Science, 1952-1961, Executive Vice President, 1967-1981, Provost, 1968-1979, and Provost Emeritus since 1981.

He was a special representative of the National Catholic Welfare Conference in Germany, 1950-1951, and a UNESCO committee and board member, 1950-1969. Memberships include the DC Council on Human Relations, American Catholic Historical Association, American Catholic Sociology Society (President 1954), American Sociology Association, Catholic Association for International Peace (President 1954-1956), Catholic Committee on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs, International Conference on Sociology of Religion (Past Vice President), National Catholic Education Association, Catholic Interracial Council of Washington (President 1962-1966). He has served as staff editor of the New Catholic Encyclopedia,1963-1966 and Chairman of the Board for supplements, 1973-1979. He is the author of several books including The Social Thought of American Catholics, 1634-1829 (1945) and The Catholic University of America (1990), and has contributed to many professional publications including The Catholic Historical Review and Washington History.

The Nuesse Papers consist of general correspondence, subject files, travel notes, class lectures, addresses and speeches, and research material for his publications. There are also files related to his Catholic University of America activities as both a teacher and an administrator as well as an editor for the New Catholic Encyclopedia. The subject files are indexed and reflect the broad nature of his aforementioned professional memberships and activities.

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O'Boyle, Patrick, Vatican Council II Collection. 1963-1965, n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid for the Patrick O'Boyle Collection

The long life of Patrick Cardinal O'Boyle was spent heavily immersed in the Catholic Church with particular attention devoted to charitable institutions, building projects, and racial integration. He was ordained in 1921 and in 1947 became the head of the newly established Archbishopric of Washington, D.C. He died in 1987. The collection consists of a number of materials he collected as a Council Father during the Second Vatican Council. The majority of the material is official council documents, including schema drafts, observations, proposed emendations, voting results, and interventions, along with correspondence usually concerned with accompanying council documents.

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O'Connell, Denis Joseph/Richmond Diocesan Archives. 1818-1924. Collection. 2 files, 12 reels of 35 mm microfilm; 1 foot. Donor: Diocese of Richmond.

Dating from the time of O'Connell's rectorship of the North American College in Rome, the correspondence consists of two files covering 1886-1894 and 7 reels of microfilm from the Richmond Diocesan Archives covering 1888-1903. There is also 5 additional reels of other Richmond diocesan material that comes to 5 reels of microfilm covering 1818-1924. The Roman correspondence not only concerns college matters but also clearly reflects O'Connell's activities as unofficial agent for the U.S. Church in Rome, a role frequently played by rectors of the college. Correspondents include Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid of Rochester, Bishop John Moore of St. Augustine, Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of Philadelphia, Archbishop William H. Elder of Cincinnati, Bishop John S. Foley of Detroit, and Bishop Edward Fitzgerald of Little Rock, who address matters regarding students enrolled by them at the college, or solicit the rector's aid in dealing with Roman authorities. A number of letters from Charles E. McDonell, secretary to John Cardinal McClosky of New York (and later Bishop of Brooklyn, 1892-1924), also discuss Henry George's mayoral campaign in New York, 1886, Edward McGlynn's activities on George's behalf, and the visit of Paolo Mori to the U.S. on a secret mission from the Pope. Also present are letters from Sebastian G. Messmer, Richard L. Burtsell, Thomas J. Shahan, Thomas O'Gorman, and John A. Zahn. O'Connell later became Catholic University rector, 1903-1909.

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O'Connell, Robert Lincoln. Papers. 1900-1972. 2 boxes; 1 foot. Donor: David Georgii, 2006-2008.

A finding aid to the Robert Lincoln O'Connell papers.

The Robert Lincoln O'Connell papers document the service of an Irish-American soldier who served as a combat engineer in the First Division of the American Expeditionary Force (A.E.F.) in World War I, 1917-1919. The papers include correspondence he wrote to his family during his service and include items such as passes, orders, publications, postcards, and photographs. There are also some materials, like copies of federal census forms and his 1972 obituary, gathered recently by family members and Archives staff to supplement the collection.

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O'Connor, John P. Student Government Association Papers. 1937-1967, n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: J.P. O'Connor, 1997.

A finding aid to the John P. O'Connor Student Government Association Papers

John P. O’Connor was involved with student organizing activities at Manhattan College. He belonged to the National Commission on Student Government, which was affiliated with the U.S. National Student Association (NSA) and Joint Committee for Student Action (JCSA). The International Union of Students was created at a congress in Prague in 1946. American delegates to the congress returned to the United States and that December organized the NSA at a congress in Chicago. 150 delegates to this congress were Catholic students who were members of JCSA that had been established in the spring of 1946 and was comprised of members of the National Federation of Catholic College Students and the Newman Club Federation. After 1948, there were objections to Communist domination in the International Union of Students and these spilled over into relations between JCSA and NSA during the next decade. Manhattan College was founded by the De La Salle Christian Brothers in 1853. This collection consists of papers relating to student organizing activities at Manhattan College, under the rubric of the National Commission on Student Government, circa 1954-1959.There are also materials related to the International Union of Students, created in 1946. These papers document the activities of all these organizations and student life at Manhattan College in the late 1950s. In addition to O’Connor’s subject files and serials and handouts used at Manhattan, this collection includes serials produced by these international and national student organizations.

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O'Connor, Martin John. Collection. n.d.(1919-1986)1992, 65 linear feet; 80 boxes. Donors: M.J. O'Connor, J.P. Gallaguer, 1971-1980, 2008. Boxes 1-49 stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.

A finding aid for the collection of Martin John O'Connor

Martin John O'Connor (1900-1986) was the long-time Rector of the Pontifical North American College in Rome (1946-1963), and the founding President of the Papal Commission for Social Communication (1948-1971). He also served as titular Archbishop of Laodicia (1948-1970) and papal nuncio to Malta (1965-1969). In 1968, he was named consultor to the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. After his retirement, O'Connor returned to the United States in 1979. He died in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on December 1, 1986. This collection comprises his personal papers, diaries, photographs, mementos, awards, and memorabilia.

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O'Farrell, Mary T. Manuscripts. 1898, 1900, 1903, 1912. 7 items. Donor: [?Mary T. O'Farrell].

Mainly correspondence of Patrick and Mary O'Farrell. Notes of Mary T. O'Farrell, the probable donor, identify Mary O'Farrell as her mother, and it seems likely that Patrick, a Washington, D.C. lawyer who served in the Union army during the Civil War, was her father. Present are: an 1898 letter from Patrick O'Farrell to Major Jerome Bourke, secretary of the America Protective League (a secret anti- Catholic organization), in which O'Farrell expresses outrage over the issuing of a U.S. postage stamp portraying Father Marquette in priestly garb--an example of the stamp is affixed to the letter; a letter from Benjamin Harrison to Patrick O'Farrell dated 1900, discussing a speech made by the former president (plus cover); and a letter from Mother Alphonsa Lathrop, foundress of the Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, thanking Mary O'Farrell for monetary support (plus cover). Also present is a copy of General Robert E. Lee's general orders, No. 9, in which he announced his surrender to his men on April 10, 1865 (plus cover). The latter is on writing paper bearing the imprint of the original Capitol.

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O'Gorman, Thomas. Papers. 1891-1902. 1 inch. Donor: William O'Brady, 1951.

Mainly letters received by O'Gorman, professor of Church history at Catholic University, 1890-1896, Bishop of Sioux Falls, 1896-1920. Topics addressed include: the Columbian Catholic Summer School; debate over Catholic University's orthodoxy, 1896; and the succession of the Archdiocese of New York, 1902. Also present is material relating to the 'Philippine Question', including a 1902 letter to John Ireland, written from Manila by G. A. O'Reilly, a newly appointed Catholic superintendent of schools. (The latter item is likely present because of O'Gorman's position on the Philippine Claims' Commission, sent to the Vatican by President Roosevelt in 1902 to arrange the purchase of landed estates held by Catholic religious orders resident in the Philippines before the islands came into U.S. hands.) Correspondents include Dennis J. O'Connell, Sebastian G. Messmer, John S. Foley, Maurice Egan, Richard L. Burtsell, William J. Onahan, and Conde B. Pallen. Also present are two history notebooks in Latin.

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O'Grady, John. Papers. 1870(1905-1966)1977, 17 feet; 35 boxes. Donor: Catholic Charities USA, 1970s.

A finding aid to the papers of Msgr. John J. O'Grady

Born in Ireland, in 1886, Father John O'Grady emigrated to the United States and became a priest the Diocese of Omaha, Nebraska. He was later sent to the Catholic University of America for further education, receiving a PhD in Sociology and Economics in 1915. He assisted mentor Msgr. William J. Kerby in organizing early National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC) meetings in 1912 and 1914. In 1915, O'Grady completed a second degree in labor economics at Catholic University and began teaching in the Sociology Department. He became Secretary of the Committee on Reconstruction for the National Catholic War Council in 1918. In 1920, he became Executive Secretary of the NCCC, a position he held until 1961. During his tenure, he was instrumental in the professionalization of Catholic social services, replacing volunteer leaders with trained social workers. He was also a strong advocate for social justice, lobbying for social reform based on Catholic principles. He supported such New Deal policies as the Social Security Act, child welfare, housing legislation, and a broader immigration policy. From 1934 to 1938, he also served as Dean of the newly founded School of Social Work at Catholic University. Following World War II, he was active in the resettlement of refugees. Msgr. O'Grady was commended by Pope John XXIII for his social justice leadership, especially for his work in community housing projects for minorities. He retired in 1961 and died in 1966. This collection of personal papers relates much to his work with Catholic Charities and includes correspondence, addresses, Congressional testimony, articles, pamphlets, books, an unpublished memoir, 1950-1951; Alice Padgett's unpublished biography manuscript, 1970-1977, and 'Come Now, Monsignor,' Sol Alinsky's unpublished O'Grady biography manuscript,1952-1955.

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O'Hara, Frank. Papers. 1922-1923, 1930-1931. 8 items.

O'Hara was an instructor and later professor of political economy at Catholic University, 1909-1938. Organizer and president of St. Anthony's Parish Credit Union, 1932-1938, he was also chairman of the Parish Credit Union National Committee which came under the control of the Social Action department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference.Three incoming letters reflect his work with parish credit unions. Written from the Credit Union National Extension Bureau and its affiliate, the Bureau Parish Committee, these concern the organization of the Catholic Rural Life Conference held in Kansas in 1931 in conjunction with the Parish Credit Union Institute of which O'Hara was, at that time, acting chairman. Also present are: material connected with O'Hara's teaching, including a class book for 1922-23; John A. Ryan's book review of Religion and Rise of Capitalism by R.H. Tawnley, clipped from the NCWC Editorial Sheet; and a letter from the Catholic Encyclopedia Revision Department discussing suggestions that O'Hara had made concerning their treatment of the subject of Political Economy.

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Onahan, William James. Scrapbook. 1893. 1 volume. Donor: Francis A. Smith, 1970.

Containing press clippings reporting proceedings of the Columbia Catholic Congress held in Chicago, September 4-9, 1893, this was compiled by Onahan, a Chicago businessman and civic leader who was the congress' organizing secretary.

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O'Neill, Helen. Christmas Cards. n.d. 3 items. Donor: Helen M. O'Neill, 1976.

Apparently dating from the early years of the twentieth century, these were sent to Anna or Eddie O'Neill, the donor's parents, by relatives. One of the cards was produced by the Shamrock Card Company of Dublin, Ireland, and it seems likely that the other two are also of Irish origin.

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Pace, Edward Aloysius. Papers. 1887(1887-1938)1963. 8 feet; 16 boxes. Donors: Msgr. Maurice S. Sheehy, 1957; Msgr. John K. Ryan, 1965; Very Rev. Walter J. Schmitz, 1970.

A finding aid to the papers of Edward Aloysius Pace

Edward Aloysius Pace was born on July 3, 1861 in Starke, Florida. While growing up in Florida, he went on to study at St. Charles College, Maryland, the North American College in Rome, where he was ordained in 1885, and the Universities of Leipzig, Louvain, and Paris. He received his doctorate in psychology in 1891. Before returning to Europe for his doctoral studies, Pace was the rector of the Cathedral of St. Augustine, Florida. However, in 1891 Pace began his long academic career at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Pace would remain at Catholic University until his death in 1938.

Throughout his long academic career, Pace occupied many roles within the university and beyond. He was dean of the school of Philosophy from 1895-1899, 1906-1914, and from 1934-1935. He taught classes in philosophy and psychology and established the first psychological laboratory at Catholic University. He became Director of Studies at Catholic University in 1912, General Secretary in 1918, and Vice-Rector September 23, 1924. Pace established several academic journals, including the Catholic University Bulletin, the Catholic Education Review, New Scholasticism, Studies in Psychology and Psychiatry, and Psychological Monograph. He also was the editor of the Catholic Encyclopedia of which he was the editor. He distinguished himself as a Thomistic scholar and many of his publications dealt with St. Thomas Aquinas. Pace also continued to publish articles on psychology and he integrated questions of Catholicism into his work on modern psychology. Pace wrote extensively on religious and higher education. He was the Vice President of the American Counsel of Education in 1924 and president in 1926. He worked with the Catholic Education Association (CEA), later the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), and the Department of Education of the National Catholic Welfare Council/Conference (NCWC). Pace was also a co-founder of Trinity College, a women's college in Washington, DC.

The Edward Pace Papers consist mainly of academic and professional papers from 1889 to 1938. The collection contains Pace's files from his work with the Institute of Pedagogy, the CEA/NCEA and the NCWC, Department of Education. Much of the correspondence pertaining to the University come from Pace's time as Director of Studies and Vice-Rector of the University. The papers also contain his academic writings from his graduate studies in Europe, and numerous copies and drafts of Pace's published articles and speeches on various subjects such as philosophy, higher education, theology, and psychology.

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Papal Autograph Collection. 1578-1865. .25 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: John D. Crimmins, 1914.

A finding aid to the Papal Autograph Collection

Letters and formal documents signed by several popes from Gregory XIII to Pius IX. Included are the rare signature of Gregory XIV as pope, an office he only held 1590-1591, and a bull of Clement XII, 1737 (with seal removed). Crimmins, a New York contractor and philanthropist, was a noted collector of books and manuscripts. He was also a trustee of Catholic University.

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Parker, James. 1941(1961-2013)2013. 8.75 feet; 7 boxes, Donor: Mary Alma Parker, 2010-2014.

A finding aid to the papers of James Parker

Parker (1932- ), a native of South Carolina, attended the University of South Carolina. He married Mary Alma Cole in 1953 and attended the Virginia Theological Seminary. He was ordained as an Episcopal Priest in 1957. He also earned a Master’s in Library Science from Rosary College. He served as a librarian for Maryknoll Seminary in Glen Ellyn, IL, and later for the Christian Brothers University in Memphis. By 1976, he was serving as parish minister in Albany, GA. In 1980, Rome decided that Episcopal priests, married and celibate, could convert. Bishop Bernard Law was appointed to oversee the process, and Father Parker was named as his assistant. In 1982, Parker was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest for the Diocese of Charleston, the first married, former Episcopal priest to do so. Papers includes personal and official correspondence, press clippings, and documentation that detail Parker’s involvement with the Continuing Anglican Movement and the Pastoral Provision from the 1970s to the present day.

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Peter, Carl J. Papers. 1953(1980-1989)1991, 7.5 feet; 6 boxes. Donor: Val J. Peter 1991, 1993.  

A finding aid to the papers of Carl J. Peter

Born in Omaha and educated at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Montana and the North American College in Rome, Carl Peter earned doctorate degrees in theology from the Pontifical University of Thomas Aquinas and the Pontifical Gregorian University. He served as assistant vice rector at the North American College until he came to The Catholic University of America in 1964, where he taught until his death in 1991. He served as chairman of the Department of Theology and then as Dean of the School of Religious Studies from 1977 to 1985. He was appointed to Pope John Paul II's International Theological Commission, a position he held from 1980 to 1991. He also served as president and vice president of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), as well as being a peritus to the American delegates to the Synods of Bishops in 1971, 1983, and 1985. He was a theological advisor to the Committee on Doctrine of the National Catholic Conference of Bishops (NCCB) and under its Committee on Ecumenical Affairs he was a member of the bilateral consultation with Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, particularly the Lutheran churches. Peter was a prolific writer and wrote numerous articles and books on theology. His papers include correspondence and other papers regarding his work in the CTSA, papers of the International Theological Commission, and correspondence, reports, etc. of the Synod of Bishops.

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Peebles, Bernard Mann. Papers. (1546)1907-1976. 29 feet; 23 boxes. Donor: Peebles Estate, 1976.

A finding aid to the Bernard Mann Peebles papers

Born in Virginia in 1906, Bernard Peebles was educated at the University of Virginia, Harvard University, and the American Academy in Rome. He went on to teach at University of Virginia, Fordham University, Harvard, and St. John's College of Annapolis, before he found a permanent position at The Catholic University of America in 1948. He became an associate professor of Greek and Latin and then a full professor in 1954. He served as Chair of the department from 1962 to 1970 and retired in 1971, although he remained active in teaching and editing for Catholic University as an Emertius Professor of Greek and Latin. He was an internationally renowned scholar who specialized in Roman and medieval Latin literature and was widely published in his area of expertise. He was a member of the American Philological Association, the Medieval Academy of America, the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs (CCICA), along with other academic associations. Peebles was murdered in an attempted robbery outside his home in Brookland, Washington, D.C. in 1976.

This collection contains copies of Peebles' articles and publications, his working copies with annotations and corrections, information on the geneaology of the Peebles family, academic subject files, materials from Peebles' time serving in the army during World War II, various items relating to the Benedictines, personal correspondence with both family and scholarly contacts, files and notes on Sulpicius Severus, as well as, class notes and lectures. Please note that this collection is stored off site so that it could take up to 72 hours for access.

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Peter, Val J. Vatican Council II Collection. 1958-1965, 3 feet; 7 boxes. Donor: NACR, 1971.

A finding aid for the collection of Val J. Peter

Father Valentine "Val" Peter was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on November 20, 1934. He earned doctorate degrees in both canon law and theology from Gregorian University, University of St. Thomas, and Lateran University, all in Rome. He was ordained in 1959 and attended the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. He served as the fourth Executive Director of Boys Town, from June 15, 1985, until his retirement on July 1, 2005. Peter also served on the boards or committees of more than 20 national and local organizations. The collection contains published and non-published documents associated with Peter's involvement in the Second Vatican Council, including schema from various commissions, as well as information about some of the efforts taken by the Council to reach out to the laity.

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Plumpe, Joseph Conrad. Papers. ca. 1946-1957. 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

A finding aid to the papers of Joseph Conrad Plumpe

Born in 1901, Joseph Conrad Plumpe studied at Josephinum College where he received both a B.A. and M.A. He was ordained in 1928 and went abroad to study classical philology. He earned his Ph.D from the German University in Munster. He returned to the United States and taught at Josephinum until, in 1941, he came to The Catholic University of America. Plumpe was an associate professor of the School of Sacred Theology at Catholic University where he taught Ecclesiastical Latin and New Testament Greek, until 1953. As a classical scholar, he belonged to the American Philological Association and the American Catholic Historical Association (ACHA). He also wrote publications on the study of early Christianity and classical authors for the Ancient Christian Writers Series, as well as the history of German-American Catholics. He died in 1957 in Ohio. The collection contains reviews of various works and professional and personal correspondence with many scholars and clergy.

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Potomac Technical Processing Librarians. Collection. 1923-2018. 2 1/2 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: PTPL, 1998-2019.

This organization was originally named the Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia Regional Group of Catalogers and Classifiers and has had its current name since 1960. The impetus for formation was a rally of catalogers, sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA), who held a dinner in Washington in 1923. There is no record of that meeting nor any minutes of meetings until 1933. The object was to address professional problems, to promote social interaction among the membership, and to cooperate with ALA in furthering the interests of the profession. The officers are a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers, together with the immediate past Chairman comprise the Executive Committee. The Advisory Council consists of the Executive Committee and two representatives from each region. The Advisory Council is charged with assisting the Executive Committee in planning the annual meeting and its program.

Records on deposit focus on the annual meeting and include correspondence, summaries of minutes, reports, constitutions, organizational charts, conference programs and VHS video tapes. Many of the meetings have dealt with issues such as subject headings, corporate entries, United Nations headings, and entry under pseudonym versus real name. A recurring topic is each new edition of Dewey.

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Powderly, Terence Vincent. Papers. 1864-1938. 171 feet, 268 boxes, 1 file cabinet. Donor: Family and others, 1941-2009.

A finding aid to the papers of Terence Vincent Powderly

Powderly, the son of Irish immigrants Terence and Madge (Walsh) Powderly, was born 22 January 1849 in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. He had seven brothers and four sisters and little opportunity for more than a rudimentary education. He was employed at a young age as a railroad switchman, and later apprenticed as a machinist. He joined the International Union of Machinists and Blacksmiths in 1871, later becoming local president. His union activities and the Depression of 1873 left him out of work and blacklisted as a union agitator. Powderly joined the Scranton, Pennsylvania, Local Assembly No. 88 of the Knights of Labor in 1876 and rose steadily until assuming the national leadership as Grand (later General) Master Workman, 1879-1893. The Knights came into national prominence during his tenure but was riven with a divisive power struggle that led to Powderly's removal and succession by John William Hayes.

In addition to his labor connections, Powderly served as a progressive mayor of Scranton, 1878-1884, practiced law, and became a political operative of the Republican Party. From 1897-1901, he served as Commissioner General of Immigration then moved on to be Special Immigration Inspector in 1906. Powderly followed these duties with a position as Chief of the Immigration Division of Information, 1907-1921, and finally became Labor Department Commissioner of Conciliation, 1921-1924. Beyond these professional positions, Powderly was a world traveler, amateur photographer, and author of Thirty Years Of Labor (1889) and his memoirs, The Path I Trod (1921, 1940). In 1999, Powderly was honored by being the newest inductee into the U.S. Department of Labor's Hall of Fame, joining figures such as Samuel Gompers, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones and Philip Murray.

Significant body of records in textual, photographic, and microfilm formats detailing the organization and development of labor, immigration policy and practice, and political patronage and infighting in late nineteenth and early twentieth century America. Organized into eight series: Knights of Labor, 1864-1924; Immigration and Labor, 1883-1938; Black Diamond Anthracite Coal Company, 1889-1916, Personal Papers, 1866-1937; Printed Matter, ca. 1870-1937; Miscellaneous, 1886-1937, Scrapbooks, 1873-1904; Photographs, n.d.; Mayor of Scranton Administrative Records, 1872(1877-1883)1916 ; Memorabilia, Artifacts, and Antique Books, n.d.. The Knights and Immigration series are especially rich treasure troves of primary source material while the Photograph series presents both a multifaceted wealth of social imagery and geographical landmarks. Please see the Terence Vincent Powderly Photographic Collection for more information on the photographic collection. The Powderly WRLC digital project can be accessed at WRLC's Terence Vincent Powderly Photographic Prints page.

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Preuss, Arthur. Papers. 1894-1936. 1 1/4 feet; 1 box. Donor: Rev. Rory T. Conley, 1999.

Preuss was a German-American editor and lay theologian, born in St. Louis in 1871 and died there in 1934. His father, Edward Preuss, was a convert and editor of the German Catholic daily Amerika of St. Louis. Arthur was educated at Canisius College, Buffalo and St. Francis College, Illinois, and worked for various German language papers before becoming longtime editor, 1894-1934, of the Chicago Review, which later became the Fortnightly Review. His magazine covered important contemporary issues affecting the Church and German-Americans, such as Americanization and Cahenslyism. From 1896 to 1934 he was literary editor for Herder Books, where he translated several German theological texts into English. He was a literary advisor to the Society of the Divine World Press and was a contributor to such Catholic papers as The Echo of Buffalo and The Wanderer of St. Paul. He was the author of three books: The Fundamental Fallacy Of Socialism (1908), A Study In American Freemasonry (1908), and A Dictionary Of Secret And Other Societies (1924). He refused many offers of honors except for a doctorate from the University of Notre Dame.

This collection consists of material, largely microfilm, collected by Reverend Conley while researching his CUA doctoral disseration on Preuss. There are 2 binders of Conley's handwritten notes; 6 reels of 35mm microfilm of The Echo of Buffalo, NY, to which Preuss contributed editorials, 1918-1936; 18 reels of 35mm microfilm of the Fortnightly Review of Chicago, later St. Louis, edited by Preuss, 1894-1934; and 14 reels of 35mm microfilm of Preuss' correpondence, 1900-1929.

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Ernest Primeau, Vatican Council II Collection. ca. 1962-1965, 6.5 feet; 13 boxes. Donor: E. Primeau.

A finding aid to the Primeau, Ernest, Vatican Council II Collection.

Ernest John Primeau was born in Chicago, Illinois, on September 17, 1909 and was educated at Loyola University from 1926 to 1928. Ordained on April 7, 1934, he became a Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.) at St. Mary's Seminary, Mundelein in 1936 and he taught mathematics and physics at Quigley Seminary in Chicago from 1937 to 1946. He received a Licentiate in Canon Law (J.C.L.) from the Lateran in 1948 and he served as the rector of St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Rome from 1946 to 1958. After spending two years, from 1957 to 1959, as a member of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, he returned to the United States to serve briefly as the pastor of Mt. Carmel Church in Chicago. On November 27, 1959 he was appointed as the bishop of Manchester, NH and he was consecrated on February 25, 1960. Shortly thereafter he was appointed as a member of the pontifical commission for the discipline of the clergy and the faithful, an act that signaled the beginning of his important contributions to Vatican II. His most significant role was played out as a member of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity. In spring 1964, he was elected to a sub-committee of the Secretariat that worked on the Declaration on Religious Liberty, which has come to be known as Dignitatis Humanae. Following the close of the council, Bishop Primeau called the Second Synod in Manchester in order to determine how the changes proscribed by the council would be implemented. He resigned as bishop of Manchester on January 30, 1974. In June 1975 he was reappointed to a five-year term to the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity. He died in Manchester on June 15, 1989.

The Ernest J. Primeau - Vatican Council II Collection includes preparatory materials that Bishop Primeau compiled for the pontifical commission for the discipline of the clergy and the faithful, documents that reflect his work with the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity and his personal involvement in the development of key Vatican II decrees and declarations, as well as correspondence pertaining to more general work at the council. It does not contain material relating to the administration of the diocese of Manchester during the council.

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Propagation of the Faith. Records. ca. 1966(1988-1990)1996, 40 feet; 32 boxes. Donor: Jean-Marie Jammes Estate, 2007.

This collection reflects the research of Father Jean-Marie Jammes into the activities of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the United States. It comprises correspondence between U.S. dioceses and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in France and records of U.S. religious orders copied from the Office of Pontifical Missions (OPM) Archives in Paris and Lyon. The copies represent materials spanning the period from the late 1700s to the early 1900s. Most of the material is in French but some are in German, Spanish, Latin and English. There are also indexes and other administrative materials related to the project as well as copies of pertinent secondary sources. Fr. Jammes was born in Lozere-Brajac, France, and was ordained in 1943. He worked with a military youth group known as the Chantiers de Jeunesse and at one point he was taken prisoner by the Gestapo while saying mass in the woods and was imprisoned for forty-five days. Moving to the U.S. after the war he had various positions before moving to Louisiana in 1973 where he was also pastor of St. Martin de Tours in Martinville. His investigation into the Society for the Propagation of the Faith began around this time and grew to encompass the ultimate goal of copying all materials related to the U.S. dioceses and the Society. The plan was to make three copies of each document , with one copy for the French archives, one for the Propagation of the Faith Archive in Rome, and one for each participating U.S. diocese. The majority of the work appears to have been done in the 1980s and early nineties. He retired in 1993 when he was in his early seventies and activity with the project seems to have declined thereafter. Please note that this collection is stored off site, so that retrieval could take up to 72 hours for boxes.

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Provost, James H. Papers. 1965-2000, 5 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Various, 2009-2012.

A finding aid to the James H. Provost papers

Provost (1939-2000) was a priest of the Diocese of Helena, Montana, and professor of Canon Law at The Catholic University of America. He did undergraduate studies at Carroll College in Helena and graduate studies at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, earning an M.A. and S.T.B. He was ordained in 1963 and received a doctorate in canon law from the Lateran University in Rome in 1967. He served in the tribunal for the Diocese of Helena from 1967 to 1979 and was Executive Coordinator of the Canon Law Society of American from 1980 to 1986. He joined the faculty of Canon Law at Catholic University in 1979 and served as Chair of the Department from 1987 to 1999. From 1980 until his death he was managing editor of the faculty's journal, The Jurist. The collection includes correspondence, memos, reports, press releases, news clippings, photographs, and awards.

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Purcell, Richard Joseph. Papers. 1860(1901-1950)1961, 21 feet; 49 boxes. Donor: Clara Purcell, 1969.

A finding aid to the Richard Joseph Purcell papers

Richard Joseph Purcell was born on December 19, 1887 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the only child of Richard Dwyer and Mary (Ready) Purcell. He received a BA in 1910 and an MA in 1911, both from the University of Minnesota, then obtained his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1916. He became head of the Department of History and Government at St. Thomas College in Minnesota, prior to joining The Catholic University of America as a lecturer in 1920 and becoming an Associate Professor in 1922. He served as Secretary of the Catholic University School of Philosophy and as Secretary of the University. He held the Guggenheim Fellowship from 1927 to 1928 for the study of Irish migration to America. By 1928, he was already a full professor and shared the headship of the History Department with Dr.Charles Hallan McCarthy. In 1939, Purcell became head himself, a position he held until 1943. From 1943 to 1946, he left Catholic University to aid the War Production Board as a policy analyst and historian. He returned to the History Department at Catholic University where he taught until his death in 1950. He was a member of the bar of the District of Columbia and the author of many publications on American History and the Irish in America. He married Clara Fick in 1923. The Purcell papers are mainly reference material, mostly undated, relating to American history in general or Irish-American relations, this includes an unfinished manuscript covering the Church and State relations in various states during the colonial period.

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Rahill, Peter James. Papers. 1952-1962. 1 box, 5 inches.

Ordained to the priesthood for the archdiocese of St. Louis, Rahill earned an M.A. at St. Louis University, 1947, and a Ph.D. in American Church history at Catholic University, 1954. He served as editorial director of the Catholic University Press, 1961-1965. Present are: Catholic University class materials including precis, reading lists and articles; press clippings, mainly reviews of Rahill's book, The Catholic in America (1961); a log of his 1957 pilgrimage to Europe; travel brochures and guides, 1962; a St. Louis University class record book, 1953, 1955; and a little miscellaneous correspondence. (For material Rahill gathered for his Catholic University Ph.D. thesis, The Catholic Indian Missions and Grant's Peace Policy see the Charles B. Ewing Papers, Coll. 44)

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Read, Harry Cyril. Papers. 1917-1968. 15.4 feet; 22 boxes. Donor: Mrs. Harry C. Read, 1958, and Mary Sue Grove, 2008.

A finding aid to the Harry Cyril Read papers

Harry Cyril Read, a Chicago-born Catholic newspaper editor and author, was also a soldier and noted labor leader. Between 1912 and 1945, he worked at several newspapers: the Cheyenne Leader, the Chicago Daily Journal, Chicago American, Chicago Herald-Examiner, Michigan CIO News, and the Wage Earner through 1945. He served as an assistant to the AFL-CIO secretary treasurer, 1945-1951, member of the CIO delegation to the San Francisco United Nations Conference in 1945, and alternate member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions in 1958, the year of his death. He was a member of several national and presidential councils and committees, biographer of Woodrow Wilson, and friend of Al Capone. Said papers include personal correspondence; research notes and material; manuscripts of both fiction and non-fiction, published and unpublished; and photographs of family as well as political and labor leaders reflecting Read's social activism and interest in crime.

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Religious Sisters of Mercy. Book of Customs. 1869, 1901. 1 volume.

From the Convent of Immaculate Conception of Our Lady of Mercy, Greenbush (now Rensselaer), New York. A handwritten volume signed by Bishop John J. Conroy of Albany, 1869, this contains interpretations and exemplifications of the Religious Sisters of Mercy's Rule, i.e., the code of regulations governing all facets of their religious life.

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Religious Communities and Missions Survey. Collection. 1987-1989, 2012. 10 feet; 8 boxes. Thomas Stransky via John Lynch, 2005.

A finding aid for the Religious Communities and Missions Survey collection

This is a collection of research materials and correspondence reflecting scholarly research into the history of American Catholic missionary work, undertaken in 1987 through a one page survey mailed to over 400 individual religious orders by Fr. Thomas Stransky, "rector emeritus" of Tantur Ecumenical Institute and former president of the Paulist Fathers. Working with tandem with the US Catholic Mission Association, Stransky encountered Sister Mary Jo Maher and Sister Angelyn Dries who, as religious scholars, went on to publish about these surveyed orders. Please be aware that this collection is stored off site and may take up to 72 hours to retrieve.

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Rivers, Clarence Rufus Joseph. Collection. 1964-2005, 5 feet; 4 boxes. Donors: Gerald Rape, Bonnie Leal, 2022.

Born in Selma, Alabama, in 1931, Rivers was the first African-American priest in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1956. An alum of Catholic University, Xavier, Yale, Union Graduate Institute of Cincinnati, and the L’Institute Catholique de Paris. An internationally known composer of American Catholic music, he was a pioneering force in the Catholic liturgical movement of post-Vatican II with his ‘American Mass Program.’ In 1964, at the annual meeting of the National Liturgical Conference in St. Louis, Father Rivers led the singing of his music including the song ‘God is Love’ at what was the first English Mass after the Vatican II Council. 
He created through his works in music, and art and writings the authentic blending together of the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church in America and African American Catholic culture. The collection includes documents, sheet music, magazine, books, audio visual formats, and a portrait. This collection is currently restricted. 

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Robinson, Joseph Flading. Papers. 1909-1974. 1 inch. Donor: Joseph F. Robinson, 1973-1974.

Mainly relating to activities of Catholic University alumni groups, the papers include: a clipping describing the Alumni Association's banquet held in 1915 to mark the University's twenty-fifth anniversary; correspondence and printed matter relating to fund raising activities and social events of the Association, 1936-1971; and the constitution, and fragmentary financial records of the Washington Chapter of the Catholic University Lay Alumni Association for 1920, when Robinson was the group's treasurer. Items dating from 1909-1913 consist of correspondence from Catholic University officials concerning Robinson's admission to, and course work at, the University, and photographs of a football match captioned, "Bliss vs. Catholic University, [1910]." A member of the football and track teams while at Catholic University, Robinson graduated in 1913 with a B.S in Civil Engineering, and eventually became superintendent of construction on the U.S. Capitol grounds.

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Robinson, William Callyhan. Papers. 1792-1916. 8 feet; 17 boxes. Donor: John B. Robinson, 1974.

A finding aid for the William Callyhan Robinson papers

William Callyhan Robinson was born in 1834 and educated at Wesleyan University and Dartmouth College where he graduated in 1854. He was ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church in 1859. After remaining in the Episcopal Ministry for some years, Robinson converted to Catholicism. He began studying the law and was admitted to the bar in 1864. After starting a practice in New Haven, Connecticut, he served in the Connecticut House of Representatives in 1874. He took charge of the Yale Law School in 1869 and became a full professor in 1872. He began writing publications about the law and taught at Yale University for 27 years. However, with the establishment of The Catholic University of America, he left Yale to head the newly formed Law Department at Catholic University in 1896, remaining at the university until his death in 1911.

The Robinson Papers consist of personal documents including genealogy, correspondence, family documents, diaries, student papers, financial records, photographs, publications, and newspaper articles. The professional materials include correspondence, lectures, manuscripts, galley sheets, sermons, speeches, clippings, and photographs. The papers also contain dockets, notes, papers, account books, and property lectures relating to the law, as well as, other official documents like diplomas, certificates and licenses.

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Roosevelt-Churchill Wartime Correspondence. Papers. 1942-1945. 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Harold D. Langley, 1982. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.

Photocopies of the wartime correspondence between American President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill. These were declassified in 1972 and reproduced at the Roosevelt Presidential Library at Hyde Park, New York, for use in the publication of Roosevelt-Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence, edited by Langley with Francis L. Lowenheim and Manfred Jonas, 1975.

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Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1933-1944. 3 inches; 3 reels, 35 mm negative. Donor: Roosevelt Presidential Library, 1955.

Three hundred feet of materials selected for microfilming from the Roosevelt Papers by Catholic University Archivist Father Henry Browne, in consultation with Herman Kahn, Director of the Roosevelt Library, relating to matters on a national scope dealing with the history of the American Roman Catholic Church.

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Rose Society of Brookland, D.C. Minutes. n.d. 1 volume.

Organized in 1912, this Society was designed to stimulate the beautification of gardens in the Brookland area and to promote general interest in the cultivation of roses. Inscribed by Margaret B. Downing, the Society's first secretary, the volume contains handwritten and typed minutes of regular, business, and annual meetings, 1912-1918. A list of original members is found on the first page. Interleaved are newspaper clippings reporting Society activities, a pamphlet containing its constitution and by-laws, and material concerning the Fifth and Sixth Annual Brookland Rose Shows held in 1916 and 1917.

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Russell, William Henry. Papers. 1913-1953, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.

A finding aid to the papers of William Henry Russell

William Henry Russell (1895-1953) was a Catholic priest, educator, and publisher in the early twentieth century. He was educated in Lawler, Iowa, at Mt. Carmel Parochial School, and Dubuque, Iowa, at Loras College, before entering the Grand Seminary in Montreal in 1916. In December of 1919, he was ordained as a priest. He returned to his alma mater, Loras, as a teacher, and then as a principal. In 1931, he was invited to teach and study for his Doctorate at The Catholic University of America. He taught Religion and Religious Education at the university for the next twenty two years, and served as the head of the Department of Religious Education from 1951 until 1953. His papers include grade books, personal and professional correspondence, and manuscripts and publishing information.

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Ryan, Abram Joseph. Poetry. 1869-1870. 9 items. Donor: John J. Maden, 1982.

Ordained in St. Louis, Mo., in 1860, Ryan was known for his work as a poet, journalist, and lecturer. A freelance chaplain with the confederate army, he wrote the poem, The Conquered Banner, following Appomattox. This and other poems earned him the epithet, 'Poet of the Confederate'. In 1868 he became editor of the Banner of the South, (Augusta, Georgia), and he was on the editorial staff of the Morning Star, (New Orleans, Louisiana), 1871-1881. Present are poems and fragments of poems in Ryan's hand, with a wrapper indicating that these were written by him for a Mary J. Everitt and were never published. Also included are newspaper clippings of Ryan's published poetry.

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Ryan, John Augustine. Papers. 1892-1945. 43 feet: 80 boxes. Donors: Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference; Lawrence Ryan; 1949-1950, 1957, 1981.

A finding aid to the papers of John A. Ryan

From the first decade of the twentieth century to his death in 1945, John Augustine Ryan was the Catholic Church in America's leading expert on social and economic questions and one of its strongest advocates for improving the living and working conditions of American workers. He was born in Minnesota in 1869, attended seminary and was ordained there in the 1890s, and earned a doctorate in Sacred Theology from Catholic University in 1906. Ryan taught in the seminary at St. Paul, Minnesota from 1902 until 1913 and then at Catholic University and Trinity College in Washington until his death. Ryan helped found the Catholic Association for International Peace in 1927. From 1920 until 1945, Ryan headed the Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Conference.

Ryan wrote sixteen books and hundreds of articles and spoke frequently to audiences around the nation and on radio. His books include: Living Wage (1906), Distributive Justice (1916), and A Better Economic Order (1935). In 1914, he engaged in a famous debate with Morris Hillquit over the advantages and disadvantages of Socialism. In the 1930s he gave radio addresses on economic and political issues. Two of his most prominent speeches in that era responded to Father Charles Coughlin's attacks on Franklin Roosevelt and his neutrality policy. (See Also: Social Justice Collection, edited by Father Charles Coughlin) In 1919, he wrote the advanced draft of the Bishop's Program for Social Reconstruction, which advocated national health and old age insurance, a minimum wage, factory safety legislation, and labor's right to organize.

The collection consists of personal diaries and journals from Ryan's seminary days; correspondence from 1925 to 1945, including letters written to him after his attack on Coughlin; drafts and copies of many of his writings; outlines and lecture notes from his courses; reference files; and scrapbooks.

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Ryan, Mary C. Papers. 1933-1942. 1 box, .25 feet. Donor: [?Martha Ryan Allen, 1972.]

Portfolio containing personal correspondence from family and friends, school reports of the Ryan children, medical bills, receipts for household items, and family photographs. A Washington, D.C. resident, Mary Ryan was the wife of Daniel Joseph Ryan who at one time headed the Bureau of Historical Records of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Only one item appears to relate to that organization, a NCWC News Service release entitled "Film Filth Leading Nation to Disaster, Prelate States," dating from 1934.

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Ryan, Patrick Joseph. Interview. 1975. 2 items; cassette tape; typed transcript.

Ordained in 1927, Ryan served in the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps, 1928-1958, becoming Chief of Chaplains in 1954. The interview, the first in a planned but uncompleted series, was conducted by then-Catholic University archivist George Hurneni, and covers Ryan's childhood and education in Minnesota, from his birth in 1902 to his recollections of St. Thomas' College where he received a B.A. in 1923 and St. Paul's Seminary where he earned a S.T.B. in 1927.

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Ryan Family. Papers. 1803 (1827-1951) 1995. 5 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: J. M. Goebel, 2002.

A finding aid to the Ryan Family papers

A collection of an Irish American family's correspondence, with the majority from the early nineteenth century through the Civil War. The content is mostly the Ryan Family's business interests, family in Pennsylvania and Connecticut. There is also correspondence concerning the family's political connections to many prominent Jacksonian Democrats, including John Ryan's active involvement during the 1876 election and campaigning for Democrats in Connecticut. Also included is the donor created inventory.

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Satolli, Cardinal Francesco. Papers (microfilm only). 1896, 1 35mm Reel Microfilm: 1 Inch. Donor: College of Saint Anselm, 1951.

Cardinal and first Apostolic Delegate to the United States, Satoli was born in 1839 near Perugia, Italy, and died in Rome in 1910. Ordained in 1862, he received a doctorate at Sapienza University in Rome and joined the Benedictines at Monte Cassino. He was Professor of Theology at the College of Propaganda, 1880-1892, and at the Roman Seminary, 1882-1886, and President of the Pontifical Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, 1886-1892, where he lectured on Canon Law. He promoted Neo-Scholasticism and Thomism in both teaching and writing. He became Titular Archbishop of Lepanto in 1888 and represented the Vatican in 1889 at the Baltimore ceremony which established the American Hierarchy and in Washington at the inauguration of The Catholic University of America. He also represented the Pope at the World Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1892, and was permanent Apostolic Delegate to the United States, 1893-1896. His final American visit was the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 and his addresses were published in Loyalty to the Church. The Collection is a microfilm copy of the account of the American voyage from 12 February to 13 March 1896. The itinerary included Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, and El Paso. There is also a summary of the inquest of accusations made against Bishop Gallagher of Galveston.

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Scheel, Nivard. Papers. 1944-1963, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Unknown, 1978.

A finding aid to the papers of Brother Nirvard Scheel

Nivard Scheel, C.F.X. was born November 8, 1925 in Baltimore, Maryland. He entered the Xavarian Brothers on June 30, 1943, in which afterwards he attained his A.B., 1949, M.S, 1951, and PhD 1961 in Physics at the Catholic University of America. He was president of Xavarian College in Silver Spring, Maryland, 1960-1966. He then went on to be principal at Nazareth High School in Brooklyn 1966-1968 before being appointed Assistant to the Acting Rector by Fr. John P. Whalen in 1967 at Catholic University. From 1968 to1969 he was Acting Rector of Catholic University before being appointed by President Clarence Walton as Vice President for Student Affairs in 1970. This particular collection contains Brother Scheel’s personal physics notes from his years as an undergraduate and during his years earning his doctorate. There are twenty-five copies of tests he took at Catholic University with corresponding notebooks for the class. There is also a copy of his original dissertation from 1961, with Dr. Herzfeld at the dissertation defense board and Theology and Psychology notes from his years as president of Xavarian College. Also, there are his statistical and experimental research and printouts of other physics articles from different scholarly journals.

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Schmidt, John Rogg.. Papers. 1908-1978, 6 feet; 6 boxes. Donor: J. R. Schmidt in 1981, 1988. Stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.

A finding aid to the papers of John Rogg Schmidt

John Rogg Schmidt was born in Germany in 1908. He was ordained and graduated from the Josephinium Seminary in 1928. He served as the Chancellor of the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, from 1935 to 1943. He began his graduate studies in Law at Catholic University and Georgetown University. He was appointed to the School of Canon Law at Catholic University and served as research assistant, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor between the years of 1943 to1974. Schmidt was editor of the Jurist from 1954-1958 and published reports of his research and reviews regularly in the Jurist and other professional journals. The Schmidt papers consist mainly of lecture and research notes, book reviews, published matter, draft articles, miscellaneous correspondence, clippings, photographs, books, and certificates. He died on May, 30, 1978 at Providence Hospital in D.C.

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Schmidt, Lois G. Memorabilia Collection. 1933-2000, 4 feet; 3 boxes. Donor: Mary Giunta, 2002-2003.

A finding aid to the Lois G. Schmidt Memorabilia Collection

Lois G. Schmidt was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1933. In 1947, she graduated from the primary school run by Catholic University on its campus. She later earned a double bachelor’s degree in science and music at Catholic University and then attended Brown University for her master’s degree in 1961. She taught at Marywood College in Scranton, Pa. and then taught chemistry at the Richmond Polytechnical Institute. In 1966, she became a scientific editor for the American Chemical Society. From there, Schmidt moved to the staff of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1967 and became senior editor until her retirement in 1993. Upon her death in 2002, Schmidt dedicated a gift of over $1 million which established the Albert C., Gertrude M., and Lois E. Schmidt Scholarship Fund at Catholic University. This scholarship is used to support students in the sciences and/or music who have a clear financial need. The collection contains to reel reel films, photographs, some loose and undated, diplomas, her graduation portrait (1947), Catholic University College Diploma (1955), Family photo with priest , her portrait, and parents portrait.

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Schmitt, Karl. Photographs. 1940-1943, 1945-1946, 2000. .25 inch: 1 box. Donor: Karl Schmitt, 2000, 2003.

A finding aid to the Karl Schmitt Collection

Karl M. Schmitt, born 1922, was raised in Louisville, Kentucky and entered The Catholic University of America in 1940. Mentored by Professor Manoel Cardozo. Schmitt pursued extracurricular activities in theater before entering the World War II draft in 1943. Re-enrolling at Catholic University upon his discharge in 1945, He took an interest in student government and was elected as President of the Baltimore Washington Chapter of the National Federation of Catholic College Students (NFCCS) during his senior year. Graduating in 1947 with a Bachelor of Arts in History, he went on to obtain an M.A. from Catholic University in 1949. He then pursued a distinguished teaching career as a history and government professor. After earning his doctorate from University of Pennsylvania in 1954, he worked for the U.S. Department of State in the mid-1950s. He joined the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin in 1958 where he spent the majority of his career until retirement. He is the author of several books on Latin American studies. The images in this collection were taken by Dr. Schmitt and fall into two time periods: pre-World War II and post-World War II.

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Schmitz, Walter J. Collection. 1884, 1932, 1947-1980. 3.5 Feet; 4 boxes. Donors: Various, 1978-2022.

Material includes xerox copies of Sisters of Charity documents from conferences of Mother Seton's Daughters, 1947-1961. Mainly addresses of John McNamara (Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, D.C. and moderator of the conferences), and reports, these were given to Schmitz by Monsignor Coyne, an assistant to McNamara. Also included, a volume, Mother Seton (1884), by Simon Brute, Bishop of Vincennes. The remainder of the collection is personal correspondence, 1952-1958, from Archbishop Patrick O'Boyle of Washington, D.C. (whom Schmitz assisted) to Sister Teresa of Jesus, a discalced Carmelite. During the period of this correspondence, Sister Teresa was transferred from her monastery in Roxbury, Massachusetts, to Pussan, Korea. Additionally, there is correspondence, statements, resolutions, press releases, photos, and other material primarily related to Catholic University in the late 1960s.

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Schroeder, Peter Joseph. Diary. 1870-1871. 1 volume. Donor: C. Edward Llufrio, 1949.

Kept in German by Schroeder while a student at the German College in Rome. Born in the Rhineland and ordained in Rome in 1873, Schroeder was a member of the first faculty of Catholic University, serving as professor of dogmatic theology, 1889-1898.

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Shahan, Thomas Joseph. Papers. Ca. 1813-1950. 28 feet: 50 boxes. Donors: Various.

A finding aid to the papers of Thomas J. Shahan

Shahan, the fourth Rector of The Catholic University of America, was born 11 September 1857, the son of Maurice and Mary Anne (Carmody) Shahan, in Manchester, New Hampshire (some sources say Salem, Massachusetts). He studied at the Sulpician College, Montreal, 1872-1878 and the North American College, in Rome, 1878-1882, where he was ordained a priest on 3 June 1882. He served as Secretary to the Bishop and Chancellor of his home diocese of Hartford, Connecticut, 1883-1888, and was asked to join the faculty at Catholic University as a lecturer in church history, but put off the appointment to study at the University of Berlin under Von Harnack and Von Trietschke and at the Sorbonne and the Catholic Institute in Paris and Roman Seminary which gave him a licentiate in canon law. He joined the faculty of Catholic University in 1891 and became a dedicated scholar with many published books, articles, and reviews. Shahan was appointed domestic prelate and Rector of Catholic University in 1909. Serving until 1928, his administration was the longest of any rector and credited with an expanded faculty, increased student enrollment, new building construction, and growing national prestige as a center for scholarship. However, formal exclusion of black students at Catholic University also began under Shahan.

He was instrumental in the creation of the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Catholic University Bulletin, and academic journals such as the Catholic Educational Review, the Catholic Historical Review, and the New Scholasticism. He was also a founder of such institutions as the Catholic Sisters College, the American Catholic Historical Association, the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae, the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and theNational Catholic War Council(and its successor, the National Catholic Welfare Conference). In addition, he was also a founder as well as president of the Catholic Education Association (later the National Catholic Education Association), and the National Conference of Catholic Charities (later Catholic Charities USA). During the First World War, Shahan offered the resources of the university to the United States war effort and after the war wounded soldiers were attended to at the Wounded Soldiers Rehabilitation School. Shahan received many awards and honors in his life, not the least of which was being installed in Baltimore as Titular Bishop of Germanicopolus on 15 November 1914. He was named an assistant to the papal throne in 1928 and died on 9 March 1932. He was eulogized as 'the Apostle of Encouragement' and buried in the crypt of his creation, the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

The collection consists of personal papers, such as student notes, financial records, and family and estate material, ca. 1889-1933; professional correspondence, with the bulk from his time as rector, ca. 1894-1932; writings and essays, including sermons and reviews, ca. 1892-1932; reference and research, including material on the Shrine and Irish Nationalism, ca. 1877-1932; photographs, with many portraits n.d.; and oversized items such as awards and degrees, n.d. It should also be noted that there is additional Shahan material in the Catholic University Archives, located in the records of the rector and at the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Archives.

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Shea, Daniel William. Papers. 1882-1930, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

Daniel William Shea was born in 1859. He entered Harvard University in 1882 and graduated in 1886 with a A.B. degree. He became a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives from 1886-1888. Shea studied advanced courses at the University of Berlin and received his Doctor of Physics in 1892. He was a Professor of Physics at the University of Illinois and, in 1895, he was appointed Professor of Physics at Catholic University. Dr. Shea served as the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences from 1906 to 1915. He was also the Librarian and President of the University Club of Washington for several years. Shea died in 1930. His papers contain correspondence, minutes, reports, lecture notes, and publications of Daniel William Shea relating to his role as Physics Professor, Dean of School of Science, and General Secretary of The Catholic University of America.

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Sheen, Fulton J. Collection. n.d.(1923-1985)2015, 6 feet; 7 boxes. Donors: Fulton Sheen, Unknown, Archbishop Myers, CUA, ca. 1946-1985, 2012, 2015..

A finding aid to the Fulton J. Sheen collection

Born in El Paso, Illinois, in 1895, Fulton Sheen attended St. Viator College and was ordained in 1919. He taught at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, from 1926 to 1950. In 1930, he began his radio program on "The Catholic Hour" which lasted till 1952. He also ran a weekly television series called "Life is Worth Living" from 1951 to 1957. He served as Bishop of Rochester, New York, from 1966 to 1969 and died in 1979. The first part of the Sheen collection, 1 box, is incidental and consists of his handwritten notebooks on Philosophy from the 1920s, newspaper clippings after 1930, and miscellaneous printed material, including booklets and pamphlets containing the text of his numerous Catholic Hour radio talks. Catholic Hour records in general are located within the records of the National Council of Catholic Men, part of the voluminous papers of the National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)/United States Catholic Conference housed at Catholic University. The second part, 3 boxes, contain materials relating to his service at the Vatican II Council, 1960-1965, on the Commissio Conciliaris De Missionibus. The third part has the 2011 two-volume positio created to support his canonization cause. The fourth part is Catholic University created publicity and exhibit material, 2003, 2015.

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Shields, Thomas Edward. Collection. 1896-ca. 1933. 1 box, .5 feet.

Professor of psychology and education at Catholic University, 1909-1921, Shields was perhaps the foremost Catholic educator in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Present are: a draft M.A. thesis (author unknown), Dr. Thomas E. Shields and his Educational Theories; twenty-five lessons from a correspondence course in the psychology of education begun by Shields in 1905; a pamphlet containing his 1895 doctoral dissertation, The Effect of Vapours upon the Blood Flow; and a lighthearted article in which he discusses coeducation.

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Skehan, Patrick W. Papers. 1930 - 1980. 2.5 feet. 5 boxes. Donor: Brother Aloysius Fitzgerald, F.S.C.

A finding aid to the papers of Patrick W. Skehan

Patrick Skehan was born on September 30, 1909 in New York City. He attended Fordham University receiving his B.A. in 1929, St. Joseph's Seminary where he was ordained on September 23, 1933. He received a doctorate from the Catholic University's Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures where he also taught Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac from 1938 - 1980. Between 1947 and 1956 he was a visiting lecturer and professor at Johns Hopkins University. In 1953, Skehan and a team of seven international scholars were assembled to work on the Dead Sea Scrolls. He was made Emeritus when he retired in August of 1980. He died a month later on September 9, 1980.

There are two series, correspondence and subject, which relate to his work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, his teaching in Catholic University's Department of Semitic and Egyptian Languages and Literatures, and his involvement with the Catholic Biblical Association, American Schools of Oriental Research, and the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.

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Sloyan, Rev. Gerard Stephen. Papers. 1912(1976-2016)n.d. Donor: Rev. Sloyan 1997, 2016.

Sloyan, a Roman Catholic Priest who was born in New York City in 1919, was interviewed by William Bean Kennedy as part of the Religious Educators Oral History: Religious Education History in the Twentieth Century in the United States: A Fourteen Volume Project in Oral History, 1992-1997. Sloyan's interview, which was volume 12, focused on his Catholic educational experience, especially biblical scholarship in the Catholic and ecumenical world and through his capacity as a teacher at both The Catholic University of America and Temple University.

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Smith, Henry Ignatius. Papers. Ca. 1920-1950s, 1 foot; 2 boxes. Donor: Margaret Kelly, 1957.

Born in 1886, Ignatius Smith came to The Catholic University of America as a student and was ordained in 1910. He received doctorates from Gonzaga in 1922, La Salle in 1951, and Seton Hall in 1953. He taught philosophy at Catholic University from 1920 until his retirement in 1956, during which time he was also Dean of the School of Philosophy. He was well-known for his excellent preaching ability, and was heard regularly on the national radio program, "The Catholic Hour." He founded "The Preacher's Institute" in 1932 to promote better preaching because he "felt sorry for the laity." He served as director and teacher in the Institute until his retirement from the University. The Ignatius Smith, O.P. Preaching medal is named after him due to his amazing ability. In 1956, Smith won the Cardinal Gibbons Medal for "distinguished and meritorious service to the United States of America, the Catholic Church, and the Catholic University of America." Smith was also the Archdiocesan Director of the Catholic Nurses and Chaplain of the Washington chapter of the Cosmoplitan Club for over 25 years. He died in 1957. The Smith Papers include printed articles, addresses, clippings, correspondence, essays, certificates, souvenirs, photos, and reprints. In particular, there is the 1942 bound typescript of a philosophical work entitled "Pillars of Patriotism" by Ignatius Smith with a preface by Joseph M. Corrigan, the Rector of Catholic University.

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Smith, John Talbot. Papers. 1883-1925, 3 feet; 7 boxes.

A finding aid to the John Talbot Smith Papers.

John Talbot Smith was a priest and novelist born at Saratoga, New York, on September 22, 1856. He was ordained at St. Michael’s Seminary in Toronto in 1881. He wrote several novels, including A Woman of Culture, and histories such as the History of the Diocese of Ogdensburg and History of the Catholic Church in New York. He was editor of the Catholic Review from 1889 to 1892 and founder of the Catholic Summer School of America located in Cliff Haven, New York. He died on September 23, 1923. The Smith papers consist of correspondence, printed material, financial records, lecture notes, sermons, and photographs.

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Snyder, Walter Francis. Master's Essay. ca. 1920. 2 volumes. Donor: University of Chicago, 1980.

Typescript of Snyder's 1920 Catholic University M.A. degree essay, The Popular Songs of Lower Brittany, with revisions made by the author, perhaps with a view to publication. Also, a manuscript, A Collection of Breton Popular Songs, containing Celtic verse used in the master's essay.

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Social Justice Collection. 1936-1942. 5 boxes; 6 feet. Donors: Robert J. Jacobs in 1991, Manhattan College in 2012..

Bound and loose issues of the national weekly newspaper/magazine Social Justice that was published by the National Union for Social Justice. The N.U.S.J. was the political vehicle of controversial radio priest Charles Coughlin which was primarily isolationist and anti-New Deal in focus. (See Also: John Augustine Ryan for more on Charles Coughlin) Especially noteworthy is the March 13, 1939 issue announcing the election of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli as Pope Pius XII.

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Society of St. Pius X. Collection. 1954-1997. 11 boxes; 5.5 feet. Donor: Frank Lomica, 2003.

A finding aid to the Society of St. Pius X. Collection.

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), is an apostolic Catholic organization founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, 1905-1991. The SSPX, a secular (non-vowed) religious congregation, also has members who are brothers, sisters, oblates, and Third Order members, and it supports under its umbrella vowed religious orders including Carmelites, Franciscans, Dominicans and Benedictines. The SSPX came into being in 1970 in opposition to the Second Vatican Council. To carry on his work after his death, Lefebvre consecrated four bishops without Church permission, resulting in much of the controversy surrounding the Society. Michael Davies, 1936-2004, retired British schoolteacher, may never have officially joined the society, but wrote numerous works supporting many of its positions. Frank Lomica was a member of the SSPX in the 1980s. The SSPX publication "Cor Unum" lists him as a seminarian in 1986. The collection consists largely of publications by the Society of St. Pius X; also Michael Davies writings, devotions, photographs, and publications critical of current Church and social trends.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. Records. 1888 (1947-1965) 1972. 7.5 linear feet; 15 boxes. Donor: SSVP-DC, 1970s.

A finding aid to the records of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was established to attend to the spiritual and material wants of the poor. This majority of this collection consists of administrative documents covering their charitable activity and organization in Washington D.C. and the surrounding area from 1947, when the archdiocese of Washington, D.C. became independent from the archdiocese of Baltimore, through the mid-1960s after a permanent office for the Central Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Washington, D.C. had been established, although there are some documents from both before and after these dates. The collection includes printed material produced by the world-wide Society, memorabilia, and audio-visual material.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), National Council of the United States. Records. 1851-2022. 160 feet; 127 boxes. Donor: SSVP, 2010-2022.

A finding aid to the records of Society of St. Vincent de Paul, National Council of the United States

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering personal service to the needy in the tradition of its founder, Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Included are organizational correspondence as well as records from executive meetings; publications of yearly reports and bulletins, dating back to the beginning of the Society in America; videotapes and audiotapes of meetings; membership files and regional files from different councils; financial files for the SSVP stores.

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Spalding, Martin John and John Lancaster. Collection. ca. 1840-1895, 1960, n.d.. 2 inch. Donor: W. Basset, unknown, 1971, 2000, n.d..

Mostly manuscript material written mainly in the hand of Martin J. Spalding, Archbishop of Baltimore, 1864-1872. This includes four lectures, titled On Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead, On Relics and Images, On the Honor and Invocation of Saints, and On the Celibacy of the Clergy, and an article titled The Church and the Country. A covering note, also in Martin's hand, states that the former were written around 1846 and that the latter was prepared for the Catholic Mirror at the end of the Civil War but not published "from prudential motives." Other items are the work of John Lancaster Spalding, first Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, and nephew of Martin J. Spalding. These consist of a number of draft poems, at least some of them translations from the German poet, Emanuel Geibel (1815- 1884). These poems may have been prepared for John's book, Songs from the German, first published in 1895. Certainly at least one of the poems present, a translation of Geibel's The bitter World's Sore Fret does appear in this publication. These papers appear to have been, at some time, in John's possession, a circumstance possibly explained by the fact that he published Martin's biography just after his (Martin's) death in 1872. In addition, there is some printed material. This includes two pamphlets, one in French titled L'Enseignement Primaire et L'Avenir de la France and dated 1885, and another in English titled Growth and Duty, Oration of the Right Rev. J. Lancaster Spalding with no date, as well as a copy of Rev. J.J. Cosgrove's 1960 book Most Reverend John Lancaster Spalding First Bishop of Peoria.

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Spalding, Martin John. Papers. 1860-64. 1 microfilm reel. Donor: Unknown.

Archbishop Spalding was born May 23, 1810 in Rolling Fork, Kentucky, the son of Richard and Henrietta Spalding. The family had arrived in 1790, migrating from Maryland, where they had originally landed in 1657. He was educated at St. Mary's College in Lebanon, Kentucky, moving on to St. Thomas Seminary in Bardstown, Kentucky, and even spending time in the Urban College in Rome. In 1834 he became the first American to receive their doctorate in theology, and was ordained that same year. He was appointed pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral at Bardstown in 1835, a position where he also taught classes at St. Joseph's College, moving to the presidency of the college by 1838. By 1844 he was named vicar-general of Louisville, where he assumed most of the administrative functions. This position made him a natural candidate for the See of Louisville, which he attained in 1850. It was here that Spalding presided over a number of crises, including a severe anti-Catholic riot in 1855.

During the American Civil War, Spalding maintained a policy of strict neutrality, supplying nurses and chaplains for both North and South. This policy made him unpopular among members of the church who had taken a partisan stance, and, upon Spalding's appointment as Archbishop of Baltimore, Secretary of State William Seward protested to Rome over his questionable loyalty. Following the war, Spalding advocated missionary work for both whites and recently freed blacks and expanded the archdiocese by 20 new churches. When Pius IX convoked the Vatican Council I, Spalding travelled to Rome, where he was elected to the Commission on the Faith and appointed to the Commission on Postulata, which was responsible for examining proposals before they came before the Council. Finally, on his return to Baltimore, Spalding welcomed the first priests of St. Joseph's Society, whose mission was the conversion of African-Americans. The Archbishop succumbed to illness February 7, 1872.

The collection consists of one 35mm microfilm reel, dated 1860-1864, which includes information on Louisville institutions, correspondence within the Diocese, and communication with the Propagation of the Faith, Society of Paris.

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St. Patrick's Day Parade of Washington, D.C. Collection. 1972 (1977–1998) 2019 . 2 boxes; 2.5 feet. Donor: Robert Monagan, 2020.

A finding aid to the St. Patrick's Day Parade of Washington collection.

The Washington, D.C., St. Patrick's Day Parade has been held annually since 1971, traditionally on the Sunday before the holiday (March 17th). The collection consists of planning documents created by the St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee; ephemera from the parades, such as invitations, programs, press passes, and parking permits; souvenir magazines; news clippings; correspondence; photographs; photographic negatives; and a small amount of miscellaneous materials.

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Stock, Leo Francis. Papers. 1896-1954, 2 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Agnes Stock, 1954-1955.

A finding aid to the Leo Stock papers.

Leo Francis Stock (1878-1954) was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and attended Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmittsburg, Maryland, where he earned his A.B. degree in 1896. He taught at Pittsburgh College, now Duquesne University, and McGill Institute in Moblie, Alabama. He received his Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America in 1920 and was an instructor and associate professor of American History there from 1919 to 1941. He was also part of the staff of the Historical Research Division of the Carnegie Institution in Washington, 1910 to 1945, and was President of the American Catholic Historical Society in 1928. He wrote and edited numerous works on American History and served as an editor and contributor to the Catholic Historical Review from 1921 to 1939. The Stock Papers contain his personal and professional papers, including his correspondence, addresses and speeches, academic notes and lectures, articles and reviews, the John Franklin Jameson Pictorial Scrapbook of Historians, newspaper clippings, and student papers.

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Stoddard, Charles Warren. Diaries. 1892-1895. 5 volumes.

Mainly documenting the personal life of Stoddard, author and educator. Previously professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, he held the post of lecturer in English Literature at Catholic University from 1888-1902. Entries provide insights on his religious fervor, personal friends, and Catholic University faculty and teaching. Included are some of his short poems.

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Storer, Agnes. Scrapbook. 1878-1918. 1 volume. Donor: Agnes Storer, 1939.

Containing letters written to the Storer Family, mainly to Agnes and her father, Horatio Robinson Storer, by members of the American Catholic hierarchy, as well as less prominent clergymen. Correspondents include: William Cardinal O'Connell; John Ireland, Archbishop of St. Paul; Patrick J. Ryan, Archbishop of Philadelphia; Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of Baltimore; Robert Seton, titular Archbishop of Heliopolis; Francis S. Chatard, Bishop of Vincennes; Paul James Francis Wattson, founder of the Society of Atonement; and James Andrew Corcoran, theologian, editor, and educator. Accompanying these letters are photographs or newspaper pictures of the writers. The content of the letters mainly runs to expressions of thanks or replies to invitations, extended by the Storer Family, to visit their beach house in Newport, Rhode Island. Agnes Storer appears to have been a writer who contributed to religious magazines such as The Rosary; she also donated generously to a number of Catholic charities and causes. Horatio, her father, was a prominent physician and numismatist.

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Strahan, Speer. Journals. 1920-1947. 5 volumes. Donor: Gerald Micketti, 1994.

Strahan's personal journals, including inserts, in both English and French, entailing notes, sermons, clippings, poetry, war diary, and a travel log. Strahan was a Notre Dame-educated priest of Fife Lake, Michigan, diocese of Grand Rapids. He was also a noted poet, Catholic University English professor, and World War II chaplain.

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Stransky, Thomas F. C.S.P. Papers. 1896-2017. 47 feet: 80 boxes. Donor: Fr. Stransky, 2019.

A finding aid to the Thomas F. Stransky papers.

Thomas Francis Stransky, CSP (1930-2019), was a Catholic priest, at various points a Vatican II peritus, president of the Paulist Fathers, and rector of the Tantur Institute, a proponent of ecumenism and an important voice in the postconciliar Church's rethinking of mission. Born in Milwaukee in 1930, Stransky was the fourth of Joseph and Anne Stransky's six children. He was ordained a priest in 1957 in the Paulist society, a missionary society dedicated to the conversion of the United States. Stransky's papers are largely focused on Catholic-Protestant and Catholic-Jewish ecumenism. He was an advisor to Augustin Cardinal Bea at the Second Vatican Council, and helped to draft the conciliar decree on non-Christian religions, Nostra Aetate. Drafts of conciliar documents, as well as press releases and newspaper clippings concerning the Council, make up a large proportion of this collection, as well as Stransky's own notes and personal correspondences. In addition to the Council, Stransky's collection shows interest in such topics as the World Council of Churches and the state of Israel.

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Street, Elwood Vickers. Papers. 1961-1970, 2 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: United Way of America, 1979-1980.

Elwood Vickers Street, a graduate of the University of Louisville, became a pioneer in social services. In 1928, he helped organize the local Community Chest in Washington, D.C. and served as Director until 1934. In 1939, he became Director of the United Ways in Richmond, Houston, and Bridgeport, until his retirement in 1956. Street served as a Professor of Social Service at Hartford Theological Seminary before returning to Washington, D.C. Street taught classes at Catholic University in social welfare and services. He became a consultant to the Health and Welfare Council. He also wrote articles and books on social welfare and the United Way. Street died at 87 in 1978. The Street Papers contain photocopies of Street’s correspondence and his 3,059 page manuscript, “The United Way,” as well as, a 55 page copy of the bibliography to his manuscript on the history of the United Way.

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Strunk, Steven. Papers. 1965-2011, n.d., 20 feet; 15 boxes. Donor: Elena Strunk, 2014. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.

A finding aid to the Steven Strunk papers

Strunk (1943-2012), an accomplished performer, instructor, and scholar, was educated at the Boston Conservatory of Music and the Juilliard School. He joined The Catholic University of America as assistant professor in 1973, becoming associate professor in 1977 and ordinary professor in 1992. The collection reflects his teaching and composing career, as well as scholarly articles and research interests and administrative duties.

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Therese of Lisieux (Saint). Collection. 1888-1897, 1915, 1935. 0.5 feet; 1 box. Donors: Maryann Postava-Davignon, Paul Le Bourgeois, 2021.

A finding aid for the Therese of Lisieux (Saint) collection

St. Thérèse of Lisieux OCD is known as Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, or the Little Flower of Jesus. She is widely revered for her simple approach to a fulfilling spiritual life and remains as one of the most popular saints within the history of the church. The collection mainly consists of correspondence, a publication, and glass positives from the 19th century relating to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The correspondence, or letters were exchanged between French Catholic church figures and an unnamed French Jesuit priest, covering the topic of the controversy around the doctored photos of St. Thérèse.

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Thomas More Society of America. Records. 1966(1977-2013)n.d., 6.25 feet; 5 boxes. Donor: Various, 2013.

A finding aid for the Thomas More Society of America collection

The Thomas More Society of America is a non-denominational, non-profit organization that promotes interest in the life and works of Sir Thomas More relevant to contemporary issues of moral, religious, and philosophical significance. They confer regularly with scholars, lawyers, judges, and other public figures. In addition, scholarly papers are disseminated to members through the newsletter and The Thomas More Gazette.More, a native of London and son of a high court judge was an international figure recognized for his intellectual gifts and immortalized in literature and stage as "A Man for All Seasons." As a lawyer, diplomat, scholar, royal councilor, and Chancellor of England, More faced issues familiar in the twenty first century, including private rights, personal freedom, and public responsibility. Records include board of directors minutes, correspondence, financial reports, publications, and photographs.

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Thorup, Jane Marie De Blois. Manuscript. 1939. 1 inch. Donor: Dorothy Mohler, 1979.

Draft of a rejected M.A. thesis: A Study of the Physical and Social Improvements of Twenty-Four Girls Who Attended Christ Child Farm For Convalescent Children During the Summer of 1938. This was submitted by Thorup while a student in Catholic University's School of Social Science.

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Tirone, Rosemary. Collection. 1.25 feet; 1 box, 1957, n.d. Donor: R. Tirone, 2007.

A finding aid to the Rosemary Tirone collection

Rosemary (Macri) Tirone attended The Catholic University of America starting in 1953, and graduated with a BSN in 1957. While at Catholic University, she was involved with the Alpha Alpha Chapter of the Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity, and the Laboure Hall Association, a Catholic University Nursing Society. This collection contains photographs, a scrapbook, Catholic University publications, and nursing caps.

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Tongue, William Richard Francis. Papers. 1936-1973, 10 feet; 7 boxes. Donors: Lucy E. Tongue, David McGonagle, 1978. Stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.

A finding aid to the William Richard Francis Tongue collection

William Richard Francis Tongue was a classical scholar born in New York in 1911. He received his A.B. from the University of Pennsylvania (1933), his M.A. at Duke University (1934), and his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania (1936). He taught at several colleges and universities before serving at The Catholic University of America from 1960 to his death in 1977. He was also a Research Fellow at Yale University and at the American Academy in Rome. He produced a translation and commentary on St. Jerome's Chronicon which was published by Catholic University Press. The William Richard Francis Tongue Papers encompass a variety of documents related to his academic life. Many of the documents are course material from classes he taught in Greek and Latin. Also included are brick stamp squeezes from the Cosa excavation done in 1948.

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Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact. Comic book collection. 1946-1972, 2006. 16 boxes: 8 feet. Donor: Wingate Snell, Chiyono Sata, 1970, 2003.

A finding aid to the printed version of the collection, 1946-1972, 2006

A finding aid to the digital version of the collection, 1946-1963

"The Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact was a Catholic comic book published by George A. Pflaum and provided to Catholic parochial school students between 1946 and 1972."

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Ursuline Convent, Charlestown, Massachusetts. Collection. 1833-1903. 5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Arthur T. Connolly.

A finding aid to the papers of the Ursuline Convent

WRLC's Ursuline Digital Collection

Scrapbook history, correspondence, a notebook, a novelle, journals, pamphlets, clippings, a photograph, and a sketch concerning the Ursuline Convent on Mount Benedict in Charlestown, Massachusetts, established in 1817. The collection documents the history and work of the Ursuline Community in the Boston area, the Convent's foundation, its destruction by an anti-Catholic mob in 1834, and the subsequent prosecution and acquittal of the rioters. Material within the collection shows the strong anti-Catholic sentiment existing in New England in the 1800s.

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Vatican I Council. Register. 1869. 1 volume.

Seventy-eight page printed register of cardinals, patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, and abbots entitled to sit in the council, signed by J[ames] Roosevelt Bayley, who attended the council as Bishop of Newark and became Archbishop of Baltimore in 1872. Accompanying this are notes, mainly lists in Latin of those proposed or elected to the council's four deputations on faith, ecclesiastical discipline, religious orders, and eastern churches and foreign missions.

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Vatican Council I - (Councilii Vaticani). Photographs. Collection 1869-1870.

Finding aid to the First Vatican Council Photograph Album

First Vatican Council Photograph Album

This collection consists of a leather-bound album with a woolen cover, containing 30 pages of carte de visite albumen prints. This album features prints of Pope Pius IX, and 730 cardinals, patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops, and abbots who attended the Vatican Council I from 1869-1870. It was donated to the Archives by St. Paul's College in 2005.

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Vatican Council II - Bound Printed Documents Collection. 1960-1965. 11.25 feet; 9 boxes.
Donor: Leahy and Marcinkus, ca. 1966.

Finding aid to the Vatican Council II - Bound Printed Documents Collection

The Second Vatican Council was held in Rome from October 11, 1962 through December 8, 1965. The Council was called by Pope John XXIII in response for the calls for reform within the Church. The main goals were to unite Catholics, to clearly define the role between the bishops and the pope, to renew the Church, and reach out to the modern world. This collection, in Latin, is of liturgical documents and documents on scripture compiled before and after the council. Also included are liturgical statements from nations around the world, divided by region within these volumes. Overall, this collection is an important record of the Council collected by the American delegation in Rome.

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Vatican Council II Pat Martin (Post) Audiovisual. Collection. 1973-1975. 3.25 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Pat Martin, 1995.

Finding aid to the Vatican Council II Pat Martin (Post) Audiovisual

A collection of post Vatican II mixed media, mostly from the TeleKetics media division of the Franciscan Communications Center of Los Angeles, California. It contains 1970s era film reels, strips and LP recordings designed for evangelization and educational outreach to laity.

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Vatican Council II - Print and Photograph Collection. Collection. 1958-1982. 4 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Unknown.

Finding aid to the Vatican Council II - Print and Photo

This is a collection of mostly printed materials, with a few miscellaneous photos, from the Vatican II Council that includes booklets that were printed by the council, as well as leaflets and correspondence. There are also newspaper clippings and magazines,including full newspaper from the time period in English and Italian. Lastly, there are two books of English translations of selected Vatican II documents.

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Vietnam War Protest Petitions. Collection. 1968-1971. 6 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: The Rev. John B. Sheerin, 1979.

Finding aid to the Vietnam War Petition Collection

Questionnaire forms and letters regarding the 1968 Draft Act as well as some two thousand petitions, correspondence, and newspaper clippings resulting from the collaboration of the Reverends William Nerin and John B. Sheerin to solicit American clergy and Religious to condemn the Vietnam War. Responses include both those who favored the petition and opposed the war and those who opposed the petition and supported the war.

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Walsh, Mary Elizabeth. Papers. 1932-1985, 45 feet; 36 boxes.

Finding aid to Mary Elizabeth Walsh papers

A native of Savannah, Georgia, Mary Elizabeth Walsh (1905-1987) pursued graduate studies in Washington, D.C. at the National Catholic School of Social Social (NCSSS), 1927-1929, and served as a juvenile caseworker for the Catholic Charities of Toledo, Ohio, from 1929 to 1932. She then returned to Washington to work on a doctorate in Sociology at The Catholic University of America where she served as Msgr. Paul Hanly Furfey's research assistant in 1933, became an instructor in 1936, and earned her Ph.D. in 1937. Her dissertation 'Saints and Social Work' focused on methods used by recent saints in dealing with the poor. She did field work with Gladys Sellow and Father Furfey on the Il Povrello settlement house in Washington, 1937-1940, and then was in charge of her own settlement house, Fides House, from 1940 to 1958. She wrote American Social Problems in 1942 and was co-author with Furfey of Social Problems and Social Action published in 1958. She was appointed assistant professor at Catholic University in 1943, associate professor in 1947, and ordinary professor with tenure in 1962. She also lectured in nursing education 1947-1948 and retired from Catholic University in 1971. The Walsh papers reflect her decades of educational, religious, and social activist efforts including teaching, research, and field work. They contain correspondence, both personal and professional, as well as reference and research material, calendars and address books, student notes and papers, memorabilia, financial records, and printed material. Please note that this collection is stored off site so that it could take up to 72 hours for access.

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Walsh, William Thomas. Papers. 1914(1930-1949)2004, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: Stephen Millies, 2016.

Finding aid to William Thomas Walsh papers

Walsh (1891-1949) became a high school reporter for the Waterbury American at age sixteen and in 1910, age nineteen, while attending Yale, his first book, ‘The Mirage of Many,’ was published as a warning against socialism. He graduated in 1913 from Yale, where he had studied violin and conducted the university's symphony orchestra. In 1914, he married Helen Gerard Sherwood. In 1918, Walsh was a field-reporter on the Mexican Border for the New York Daily and later that same year began his teaching career at Hartford Public High School in Connecticut. He headed the English Department at the Roxbury School in Massachusetts, 1919-1933, and was an English professor at Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, 1933-1947. He regularly spent summers in the Catholic archives of Spain to conduct research for his books. His most noteworthy works include biographies on Isabella of Spain, Philip II, and St. Teresa of Avila. In 1933, Fordham University awarded him an Honorary Doctorate in Literature and Notre Dame awarded him the Laetare Medal in 1941. In 1943, he received the Cross of Commander of the Order of Alphonso X from the Minister of Education of Spain. The Walsh Papers contains his personal correspondence that reflects his career as an author and an educator within the Catholic community. There are also manuscripts and notes of some of his works.

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Walton, Clarence Cyril. Papers. 1910-1995, 30 feet; 15 boxes. Donor: C.C. Walton and Estate, 1977, 2005.

Finding aid to Clarence Cyril Walton papers

Walton (1915-2004), a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, grew up in a traditional Irish-American working class family. During the Great Depression he obtained a scholarship to the University of Scranton where he earned his Bachelors magna cum laude, he earned his masters at Syracuse University in History, and his doctorate at The Catholic University of America. He served in the Navy during World War II and married Betty Kennedy, whose father was a career navy man, and had two children Thomas and Mary Elizabeth. Following the war he taught history and political science at Duquesne University and the University of Scranton. In 1954 he became dean of the School of Business Administration at Duquesne. Four years later Walton moved to Columbia University where he became Associate Dean, professor and director of the doctoral program for the Graduate School of Business. In 1964 he was appointed dean of the School of Graduate Studies and head of the Center on Urban and Community Affairs. In 1969 Catholic University Board of Trustees appointed Walton as the University's first lay president where he tackled student unrest with the Vietnam War, reformed the administrative structure of the university, and secured a fourteen million dollar grant in establishing the Boys Town Center (now Aquinas Hall). He also served as chairman of the Presidential Panel on Non-Public Education from 1970-1972, and was a major contributor on creating President Nixon's higher education policy. One of his accomplishments as an academic was helping create the field of study on American Business Ethics, founding the Washington Seminar on Business Ethics and Executive Training Programs at US Steel, Prudential Insurance, and IBM. He was also the author of fourteen books on the subject and received sixteen honorary doctorates. Following his retirement from Catholic University in 1978, Walton became a professor of ethics at the American College in Byrn Mawr, Pennsylvania. until his retirement at seventy in 1985. He was also a professor at Villanova and continued to write on business ethics until his death on April 13, 2004 at his family home in Pennsylvania. The collection has personal correspondence, research on American Business Ethics, and materials from the different academic institutions where Walton worked. Included are materials from Columbia University, in particular from the 1968 student strike, and from Walton's tenure as the first lay president of The Catholic University of America, 1969-1978. There are also photos from his tenure at Catholic University as well as personal family photographs.

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Washington Catholic Evidence Guild. Collection. 1933-1983. 1.5 feet; 3 boxes. Donors: Harry Kirk, D. Noel, 1984, 2011.

A finding aid to the Washington Catholic Evidence Guild

The Guild was a lay movement founded in London in 1918 that sought to educate non Roman Catholics on the teachings of the church by means of public assemblies. Through the efforts of publishers Frank and Maisie Ward Sheed the movement spread to the United States in 1931 and was ultimately represented in several cities: Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo, Hays (Kansas), New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Waterbury. The Washington Guild was formed by Paul Ward, CSP, and Catholic University faculty members Charles Hart and William Russell. One of the most active participants was Harry J. Kirk (1889-1987) who served as President (1940-1942). He was a member of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (1931-1977) and Treasurer for the National Conference of Catholic Charities (NCCC) in the 1950s, now known as Catholic Charities USA. As a lay organization, the Washington Guild was disbanded in 1948 although some Paulists continued to meet for a time. Overall, the guilds went into decline with only that of New York City surviving into the 1980s when it too passed from the vale. This collection was compiled by Mr. Kirk and consists of correspondence (photocopies and typescript), proceedings, press releases, handbills, questionnaires, and newspaper clippings. Included are many personal typewritten notes and biographical material on the donor and his family. The proceedings of the meetings include notes, minutes, and questionnaires regarding individual responses on street speaking. There are also some photographs.

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Webber, John. Digital Music Collection. 1979-2021. Webber Folder: 120.4 GB, 77,590 files. Donors: John C. Webber and Carolyn Gehl, 2021.

A finding aid to the John Webber Collection

Webber (1949- ) served in the Royal Marines Band Service, 1963-1972. Before traveling to the United States, Webber received FTCL and LTCL (post-graduate performance diplomas) diplomas in music theory and composition, and flute teaching, respectively. Once in the United States, he received his M.A. in music theory and composition from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (1976) and his DMA in music composition from The Catholic University of America (1979). He taught music theory, piano, and composition at a number of universities in the United States and United Kingdom. Webber has founded and conducted various orchestras, and his music has been performed on both radio and television in Europe and the United States. The New York born John Gehl (1937-2020) received a B.A. in English and philosophy from University of Toronto. He went on to receive an M.S. in Information and Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology. His libretti and plays have been produced by various Atlanta and Oakland theater companies. The collection has been arranged into two series. The first consists of various compositions from Webber and the second are collaborative compositions between Gehl and Webber.

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Weinberg, Jules. Papers. 1946-1960. 2 feet; 4 boxes. Donor: Weinberg Estate, 2009.

A finding aid to the Jules Weinberg papers.

Weinberg was a labor activist and journalist who worked towards building union activity in both the United States and Pakistan. He began his career with the Xavier Labor School in New York City, and was later employed by the CIO across the eastern seaboard, the Asia Foundation in Pakistan, and the Department of Labor in Washington, DC. The Jules Weinberg Papers span the years 1946-1960, and consist mainly of correspondence, notes, articles, newspaper clippings, and professional documents associated with his labor related work for these organizations.

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Weiss, Paul. Papers. 1955-1970. 4 feet; 8 boxes. Donors: P. Weiss, CUA School of Philosophy, 1969-1973.

Manuscript copies in typescript of his publications such as volumes 1-3 and 5 of Philosophy in Process as well as Sport: A Philosophic Inquiry and Philosophy in Art.

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Whalen, John Philip. Papers. 1949--1978. 6 feet; 9 boxes. Donor: CUA, 1997.

A finding aid to the John Philip Whalen papers.

John Philip Whalen served as a Catholic University Professor, Rector, Managing editor of the New Catholic Encyclopedia, and Executive President of the Consortium of Universities. The Whalen Papers contain files including correspondence, reports,grant applications, and miscellaneous printed material.

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Whelan, Thomas J., Sr. Collection. 1927 (1929-1933) 1951, .25 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: Thomas J. Whelan, Jr. 2010.

A finding aid for the Thomas J. Whelan Sr. Collection.

Thomas J. Whelan, Sr. (1911-1974) was born to Irish immigrant parents in New York City. An outstanding athlete, he attended Catholic Schools and was named All New York City in football, basketball, and baseball. Tommy arrived at Catholic University in August 1929 on a football scholarship and excelled in football in all four years at CUA while carrying a full academic load. He set a college record by scoring touchdown runs of 65 yards or longer in 14 consecutive games . After graduation, he played one year of football for the Pittsburgh Pirates at Forbes Field under the new owner, Art Rooney. The team was renamed the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1936. In 1937, he married Harriet Dye and they had two sons, Patrick and Thomas, Jr. He partnered first with Dutch Bergman and then Ben Zola in operating taverns in Brookland, NE, near Catholic University. In 1960, Tommy, who was active in the Democratic National Committee, became an advance man for John F. Kennedy in his campaign for President of the United States. In 1961, Tommy was appointed to the position of Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Park Police, Department of Interior. In 1963, he was assigned to the Congressional Liaison Office of the Department of Commerce. He retired from the Federal Government in 1972. The collection contains an oversize photograph and digitized images from two scrapbooks. The images from these scrapbooks are from Whelan's high school, college, post-college career, showcasing his accomplishments in athletics, especially football.

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Williams, Clarence Russell. Typescript. ca. 1932. 2 inches.

Draft of an apparently unpublished work, The Backgrounds of the Spanish American War by Williams, an educator, author, and historian who specialized in the study of European, pre-World War I diplomacy and the Spanish-American War. An examination of the war's diplomatic background, the typescript considers in particular the handling of the "Cuban Question" by Presidents Cleveland and Mckinley. Also, related correspondence, mainly between Williams and the Navy and State Departments concerning use of Departmental archives.

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Willis, Hugh Warren. Papers. 1952, 1967-1972. 1.25 feet: 1 box. Donor: H. Warren Willis, 1972, 2002.

Willis's 1952 High School Diploma via the Affiliation and Extension Program of The Catholic University of America (CUA) as well as correspondence, notes, reference material, and draft copies of his 1971 Catholic University doctoral dissertation, The Reorganization of the Catholic University of America During the Rectorship of James H[ugh] Ryan (1928-1935).

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Woodson, Cecilia Parker. Collection. 1880(1890-1918)1984, 1.25 feet; 1 box. Donor: T. O’Neil, 2018.

A finding aid for the Cecilia Parker Woodson Collection

The Cecilia Parker Woodson Collection contains correspondence, photographs and memorabilia related to the Parker-Woodson family. The bulk of the correspondence is from Walter Woodson to Cecilia Parker during their courtship and early marriage and to Cecilia Woodson from Charlotte Virginia Woodson while the latter lived in Peru with family friends Mary and William Montavon until her death in 1918.

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Woroniak, Alexander. Collection. 1967-1994. 2 1/2 feet; 2 Boxes. Donor: Woroniak Estate, 1998.

Born 1917 at Lvov in present day Ukraine, Professor Woroniak received his LL.M. from the Ivan Franko University of Lvov in 1939. He subsequently joined the faculty there as Assistant Professor. After World War II, he went to Germany to work as Sub-area Director, Legal Counselor, and Senior Researcher for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and International Refugee Organization. In 1950, he immigrated to the United States, working in New York as an accountant and comptroller. He earned his M.S. at Columbia University in 1953 and continued with several more years of postgraduate studies there. He also taught at the Ukrainian Technical Institute in New York from 1955 to 1958.

He joined the faculty of The Catholic University of America in 1958 as Assistant Professor. He was promoted Associate Professor in 1967, Ordinary Professor in 1971, and served as Chairman of the Department of Economics and Business from 1974 until retirement in 1988, though he stayed on as Professor Emeritus until 1991. He developed the department's areas of business management and accounting, directed the masters' program in accounting and the program in statistics and quantitative analysis. Woroniak specialized in comparative economic systems and technology transfer, particularly in regard to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He wrote extensively, presented numerous conference papers, and served as a consultant for both private and government organizations.

Collection consists primarily of his published and unpublished research material, including books, articles, book reviews, and project reports. Much of this was sponsored research via both government and private sources. There is also some related correspondence and proposals.

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Wright, Lawrence F. Collection. ca. 1917-1921. 0.9 linear feet; 1 box. Donor: Wright Family.

A finding aid to the Lawrence F. Wright Collection.

Lawrence Frederick Wright, a member of The Catholic University of America class of 1921, compiled the 78 images in this collection during his years at Catholic University from 1917 to 1921. The images are black and white, with Mr. Wright the photographer for many of them. Subjects include Catholic University buildings and grounds, students and professors on campus, and student events. Many of the images appear to have been used in the 1917-1921 editions of the Cardinal, the Catholic University yearbook.

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Yannarell, Nicholas T. Photographic and Ephemera Collection. 1926(1952-1956)1997, 0.75 feet; 2 boxes. Donor: N. Yannarell, 2007.

A finding aid to the Nicholas T. Yannarell Collection

Memorabilia, publications, slides, and photographs, primarily from Mr. Yannarell's time as a student at Catholic University from 1952-1956. A native of Hazelton, PA, he met his wife, Christina Frawley at Catholic University. Both have been involved with Catholic University Alumni activities, including his service on the Recruitment Committee for the Senators Club, a social and philanthropic organization for Catholic University engineering and architecture graduates.

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Young Catholic Messenger.Collection. 1891, 1895, 1909, 1913-1914, 1925-1970. 6.5 feet; 13 boxes. Donor: Various, 2006-2024.

A finding aid to the The Young Catholic Messenger

The Young Catholic Messenger was the inaugural publication of the Pflaum Publishing Company, founded in 1885 in Dayton, Ohio, by George Pflaum, Sr. Pflaum produced religious and civic themed reading materials distributed to students in the Catholic parochial schools that later included the Junior Catholic Messenger, Our Little Messenger, and the Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact. In the early years the YCM issues tended to be shorter and more literary in focus, while later on the number of pages per issue increased as more news and current events were included. The YCM ceased publication in 1970.

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Zeender, John K. Papers. ca. 1892-2002. 7 feet; 13 boxes. Donor: John K. Zeender, 1996-2002.

A finding aid to the John K. Zeender papers

Correspondence and research material regarding German Catholicism, in particular the Center Party of 1879 to 1933, collected by Dr. Zeender, who taught and published widely on this subject. Included are books, booklets, and article tear sheets as well as forty-five reels and/or rolls of microfilm of German historical documents, personal papers, and newspapers.

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Ziegler, Aloysius Kieran. Papers. 1916-1975. 4.5 feet; 10 boxes. Donor: Aloysius K. Ziegler, 1977, 1981.

A finding aid to the Aloysius Kieran Ziegler papers

Aloysius K. Ziegler was born in 1895. After earning his B.A. from St. Francis Seminary in 1919, he was ordained and began graduate studies at University of Wisconsin and The Catholic University of America. He received his Doctorate of Sacred Theology in 1930. In 1934, Ziegler joined the faculty of the Greek and Latin Department and the History Department of Catholic University. He served as the Head of the Department of History from 1941 to 1960 and as the editor of the Catholic Historical Review from 1936 to 1957. Ziegler was also Regional Chaplain and Moderator of the National Federation of Catholic College Students (NFCCS) after WWII. After retiring in 1966, he continued to serve as a Senior Lecturer in the Greek and Latin Department. He died in 1979. The Ziegler papers contains correspondence, minutes, and photographs. The bulk of correspondence (ca.1940-1950) relates to Ziegler's administration as Head of Department of History at Catholic University.

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Zimmerman, Lawrence J. Research Notes. 1970. 1 inch. Donor: Lawrence J. Zimmerman, 1970.

For an M.A. thesis examining the Pierce-Sheffer stroke function in logic. Zimmerman was investigating the possibility that another definition or function existed that would explain the two known and, at times, conflicting stroke functions. Present are a summary of the basic ideas of the thesis, a detailed outline for it and a development of the associated calculus, and correspondence to friends and teachers in which Zimmerman discusses his work. Zimmerman engaged in graduate work at Catholic University in 1967 and again in 1970. He withdrew from the university before receiving a degree and his thesis apparently was never published.

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