Listed below are all of the manuscript collections held by Catholic University. The staff is now compiling descriptions of each collection. As they become available, they will be added to this page (quarterly updates). This guide is intended as an introduction to the manuscript collections held at Catholic University and is not meant as a replacement to the guidance of Catholic University archivists. There are restrictions on some of these collections. For more information, please feel free to contact us.
ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLYA-B | C | D-E | F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T-V | W-Z
Abortion Parental Consent Legal Research Case Files. 1970s-1990s. 15 feet; 12 boxes.
- Adriazola, Maria del Rosario. Slide Collection. 1940s-1950s. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Aiken, Charles Francis . Papers. 1886-1924. 3 feet; 7 boxes.
- All Hallows College (Dublin, Ireland). Records. 1842(1842-1877)1957. (Microfilm Only). 5 inches; 3 reels.
- Allen, H.G. Papers. 1860. 1.25 feet: 1 box.
- Allers, Rudolph. Collection. 1923-1999. 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Alpha Delta Gamma (CUA). Fraternity. Scrapbook. ca. 1958-1966, 2 feet: 1 box.
- American Bishops. Engravings. ca. 1910. 1.5 feet; 1 box.
- American Catholic Historical Association. Records. 1917-2024. 139 feet; 111 boxes.
- American Catholic Lay Network. See: Leadership Council of Catholic Laity (LCCL)/ American Catholic Lay Network (ACLN).
- American Citizenship, Commission on. Collection. 1938-1970. 8 feet; 13 boxes.
- American College in Louvain (ACL). Records. ca. 1860-2011. 90 feet; 64 boxes. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Boxes 1-61 stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
- American Hierarchy Annual Meetings. Collection. 1890-1969. 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Americanist Controversy Scrapbook. 1898-1899. .5 foot; 1 box.
- Ancient Order of Hibernians. Collection. 1878-2016. See: Hibernians, Ancient Order of.
- Ancient Order of Hibernians, D.C. State Board. Collection. 1996-2014.
- Anti-Catholic Literature. 1925, 1928. .5 foot; 1 box.
- Archdiocese for the Military Services USA. Collection. 1889(1983-2021)n.d. 9 feet; 6 boxes.
- Arthur 'Scotty' Cranston. Memorabilia. 1947(1947-1951)2011.1 foot; 1 box, 1 framed item.
- Arundell, C. Rogers. Scrapbooks. 1898-1904. 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU). Records. 1909-2022. 78 feet; 62 boxes.
- Autographes des cardinaux des XVII, XVIII, et XIX siecles. Collection. 1653-1879, 2.5 inches; 1 box.K
- Baldus, Simon Alexander. Papers. 1907-1956, n.d. 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Ball, William Bentley. Papers. 1712(1922-2020)n.d., 27 feet, 25 boxes.
- Baltimore Archdiocese History and Baronius' Annales Ecclesiastici Collection . ca. 1828. 1 folder.
- Baraga, Frederic Iraneous. Papers. 1954. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Bassett, William, Vatican Council II Collection. 1963, 1971, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Beacon, The. Paterson, NJ, Diocesan Newspaper. 1971-1981, 10 feet; 5 boxes.
- Benoit, Canon Peter. Travelogue (Copy) 1875, 2 inches; 1 binder.
- Bergman, Arthur 'Dutch.' Memorabilia. 1934-1999. 5 feet: 3 boxes. See also museum.
- Binz, Leo, Vatican Council II Collection. 1960-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Blake, Peter Jost . Papers. 1949- 1987, 6.25 feet; 5 boxes.
- Bland, Joseph Marion Andrew P. IV. Scrapbook. 1937-1941, 1 volume.
- Borgolte, Augustin. Letter. n.d. , 1 item.
- Bouquillon, Thomas Joseph. Papers. 1864-1904, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Brady, Leo F. Papers. ca. 1939, 1 inch; 1 box.
- Brennan, John F. Collection. 1933-1937. 2 feet; 1 box.
- Brien, Dolores, and Dolenski, Leo. Correspondence and Photographs. 1965-1974. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Broderick, Francis Lyons. Research notes. ca. 1963. 1 inch; 1 box.
- Brookland Citizens' Association . Papers. 1928-1956. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Brooks - Queen Family. Papers. 1773-1979, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Brophy, John. Papers. 1917-1963, 33.5 feet; 61 boxes.
- Brown, Clement. Collection. 1945, n.d., 1 inch; 1 file.
- Brown, John L. Book Collection. ca. 1918-1994. 14 feet; 11 boxes. Boxes stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
- Brune, Clarance Marion. Papers. ca. 1895-1935, 2 feet; 5 boxes.
- Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions (BCIM). Records (Microfilm Only). 1874-1980, 411 reels.
- Byron, Joseph. Humanae Vitae Controversy. Collection. 1968-1977, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Byron, William James. Papers. 1977-1992, 9 feet; 7 boxes.
- CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine NCWC/USCC). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Cahill, Mother Generose. CUA Photograph Collection. ca. 1915-1945, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Callahan, Patrick Henry. Papers. 1911-1940, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Callan, Josephine McGarry. Papers. 1912-1978, n.d., .5 feet; 1 box.
- Campaign for Human Development (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Collection stored off site, extra Retrieval time needed.
- Campbell, James Marshall. Papers. 1905(1931-1976)n.d., 10 feet; 8 boxes.
- Caporale, Rocco, Vatican Council II Collection. n.d.(1963-1965)2004, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Carbone, Jerry . Collection. 1955-1960, .25 feet: 1 box.
- Carini, Dominic J. Alumni Memorabilia and Photograph Collection. 1946-1951, 0.5 feet; 1 box.
- Carroll, James. CUA Scrapbook. 1916-1920, 1.5 feet; 1 box. See also ACUA Photograph Collection (WRLC).
- Carroll, John. Papers. 1755-1815, 6 feet; 5 boxes
- Casey, Sophie Pearse. Collection. ca. 1908-1940, 4.5 inches; 1 box.
- Cassidy, Agnes Claire. Diary, 1912-1913, .5 inch.
- Catholic Biblical Association (CBA). Records. 28 boxes; 35 feet, 1947-2021, n.d.
- Catholic Boy's Brigade. Collection. ca. 1920-1996, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC . Records. 1825-1970, 34 feet; 49 boxes.
- Catholic Charities USA. Records. 1881 (1920-2015) 2015, 375 feet; 302 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Catholic Climate Covenant. Records. 1939(1989-2016)n.d. 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Catholic Commission on Intellectual & Cultural Affairs. Collection. 1946-1997, 36 feet; 29 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra Retrieval time needed.
- Catholic Committee of the South. Collection. 1953, 1970s-2008, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Papers. 1905-2003, 136 feet; 109 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas - District of Columbia Court. Papers. 1913-1999, 32 feet; 24 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed .
- Catholic Educational Exhibit, World's Colombian Exposition, Chicago, IL. Photograph Scrapbook. 1893, 1.5 feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Educational Review. Records. 1911-1969, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Catholic Education Press. Collection. 1911-1962. 14 feet; 9 boxes.
- Catholic Encyclopedia. Records. Ca. 1905-1914, 19 feet; 16 boxes.
- Catholic Evidence Guild, The Washington. Scrapbooks. See: The Washington Catholic Evidence Guild.
- Catholic Heroes of the World War. Scrapbook and Related Materials. Collection. 1928-1933, n.d., 1.25 linear feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Historical Society of Washington, D.C., Collection. 1993-2016. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Indian Missions. Records (Microfilm Only). See: Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions.
- Catholic Interracial Council of New York, Inc. Records. 1921-1998, 57 feet; 88 boxes.
Catholic Lantern Slides. Collection. 1910s-1920s. 1 foot; 1 box.
- Catholic Lay Devotional. Collection. 1885-2021, 5.75 feet; 5 boxes.
Catholic Periodical and Magazine Collection, 1970s-1990s. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Serials of the 19th century in the United States. Records. 1949-1984, 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Catholic Sisters College Photo Scrapbooks. Collection. ca. 1911-1922, 1 foot; 1 box.
- Catholic Sodality Collection. Ca. 1941-1967. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Textbook Collection. 1890-1942. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Catholic Theological Society of America. Records. 1946-2023, 40 feet; 32 boxes.
- Center for the Rights of the Terminally Ill. Records. ca. 1973-2000. 7 feet; 6 boxes.
- Century of Catholic Life in Minnesota. Scrapbook. 1950- 1951, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults Project. Collection. 2008. Digital.
- Chinese Government Tokens of Friendship to the Catholic University of America. ca. 1938, 2 items.
- Chinese New Year Collection. 1929, 2 items.
- Christ Child Society Records. 1880-1999, 45 feet; 76 boxes.
- Churchill, Winston. 1942-1945. See: Roosevelt Churchill War Time Correspondence.
- Circle One Catholic. Records. 1959-1981, 2 inches.
- Civil Rights Protest - Catholic University. Photographs. 1964, .25 feet; 1 file.
- Class of 1957 (CUA) Memorabilia. 1953-1957. 1 inch; 1 box.
- Clemens, Alphonse H. Papers. ca. 1950-1970, 8 feet; 12 boxes.
- Clements-Gray Family Memorabilia Collection. 1902-1961, .5 inches; 16 items.
- Cline, Catherine Ann. Papers. n.d.(1946-2003)2007. 10 feet; 16 boxes.
- Cohen, Lucy M. Papers. 1789(1966-2003)2010. 50 feet; 40 boxes.
- College Theology Society (CTS) . Records. 1953-2025. 27 Boxes: 34 Feet.
- Collins, Richard E. Photographs. ca. 1960, .5 inches; 17 items.
- Coln, Franz Joseph. Papers. 1897-1949, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Committee for the Revision of the New Testament. Records. 1936-1944, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Communications Department: Media Relations (USCCB), 1953, 1958-2005, 17.5 feet; 14 boxes. See United States Conference of Caholic Bishops.
- Communications Department: Office for Film and Broadcasting (USCCB).1966-1990, 120 feet. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Conaty, Thomas J. Collection. (1881-1915)2013. .25 feet; 1 box.
- Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (USCCB). 1921-1982, 53 feet; 41 boxes. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), Episcopal Committee on. 1934-1991. 15 feet; 23 boxes. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Congress of Industrial Organizations . Records. 1934-1958, 59 feet; 117 boxes.
- Connolly, Arthur Theodore. Papers. 1878 1914, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Connolly, Cornelius Joseph. Papers. 1932-1958, 1.5 inches; 1 box.
- Convey, John. Papers. 1983-2015. 3.75 feet; 3 boxes.
- Cooke, Paul Philips. Papers. 1884(1950-1995)2000, 3 feet; 6 boxes.
- Cooper-Herzfeld Ethnographic Field Notes. Collection. 1924- 2006. 47 feet; 66 boxes.
- Cooper, John Montgomery. Papers. 1898-1962, 38 feet; 72 boxes.
- Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Collection. 1911-1976, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Corrigan, Joseph Moran. Collection. 1901, 1933-1942, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Cort, John. Papers. 1913-2006, 18.5 feet; 37 boxes.
- Cowan, Clyde Lorrain. Papers. 1939-1974, 10 linear feet; 18 boxes.
- Co-Workers of Mother Teresa in America. Records. 1954-2000, 27 feet; 41 boxes.
- Crannell, Hall L. Papers. 1965-2003, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Crandell, Albert, WW I Scrapbook. ca. 1918, 1 foot; 1 box.
- Creagh, John (Rev.). Canon Law Studies Collection. 1892-1930, .25 feet; 1 box.
- Cronkite, Glenn W. Collection. Ca. 1932-1982, n.d., 1 foot; 1 box.
- Cudmore, Patrick. Papers. Ca. 1871, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Curran, Charles. Collection. 1964-1997, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Currier, Charles Warren. Papers. 1856-1918, 8 feet; 16 boxes.
- D'Antonio, William. Papers. 1966-2017. 33 feet; 27 boxes.
- Daughters of Isabella. Records. 1897(1903-2006)2006, 118 feet; 86 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Daughters of Mother Jones. Collection. 1989-1991, 1995, 2 inches; 1 box.
- Davis, Cyprian, O.S.B. Papers. 1927-2015, n.d. 47.5 feet; 38 boxes.
- Deer, A. Brian. Bibliographies. 1974, 2 volumes; 1 box.
- Deferrari, Roy J. Papers. 1870, 1925-1966, 11.6 feet; 29 boxes.
- De Segur, Gaston. Letters. 1872-1882, .5 inch; 1 box.
- Deverall, Richard L.G. Papers. ca. 1920-1959, 15 feet; 30 boxes.
- District of Columbia University Professors' Resolution. 1928, 1 inch.
- Dixon, Blase. Papers. 1909-1928, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Doherty, Edward Woods. Papers. 1970, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Dolan. Luis, C.P. Papers. 1921(1960-2000)n.d., 117 feet; 210 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed .
- Dolores Brien-Leo Dolenski. Correspondence. 1965-1974. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Dorsey, Anna Hanson McKenney. Papers. n.d. , 1 folder.
- Dorsey, Catherine Kegler. Scrapbook. 1931 1939, 1 folder
- Douglas, Elizabeth Kuhns. Nuns Habits Research Collection. 1930-2001, .5 feet; 1 box.
Doyle, James and John. CUA Alumni Collection. 1920s, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Doyle, Joseph. Collection. 1918-1923. 3 feet; 2 boxes.
- DuBourg, Louis William Valentine. Letter. 1817. 1 item.
- Dubois, Leon L. World War I Collection. 1909, 1916-1918. 2 boxes, plus oversize items; 5.5 feet.
- Ducibella, Joseph William. Papers. ca. 1933-1941, 4.5 inches; 1 box.
Duhn, Hugo R. Humanae Vitae Controversy. Collection. 1968-1978, 2.5 feet; 1 box.
- Dunne, G.W.E. Map Collection. 1862-1900, .5 foot; 1 box.
- Eastertide Proceedings at St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Photograph Album. 1950. 1 foot; 1 box.
- Eberts, Bernard L. Scrapbooks. 1920-1940, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Education Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Education for Parish Service (EPS). Records. 1979-2011. 63 feet; 50 boxes. Boxes 1-49 stored off site, please allow extra time for retrieval.
- Egan, Jacqueline. Collection. 1985-2004, n.d. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Ellis, John Tracy. Papers. 1896(1920-1992)2003. 58 feet; 46 boxes. Donor: Monsignor John Tracy Ellis, 1957-1992 and others, 2020, 2024.
- Emmaus Eucharistic Community of Stamford, Connecticut. Collection. 1969-1972. .2 feet; 1 box.
- Evening Herald (Dublin). Newspaper Collection (Microfilm Only). 1812-1814, 3 reels.
- Ewing, Charles. Papers. 1870(1870-1883)1951, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Executive Department/Office of the General Secretary (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Fahey, Joseph. Papers. 1960s-2016, n.d. 2 feet; 2 boxes.
- Family and Child Services of Washington, D.C. Records. 1882-1984, 15 feet; 31 boxes.
- Farrow, Jon Villers. Papers. 1927(1927-1976)n.d., 6.5 linear feet; 12 boxes.
- Faulhaber, Cardinal Michael. Papers. 1924-1952, n.d. 5 feet; 1 box.
- Februaraufstand. Collection. 1934, 1 folder.
- Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commission. Records. 1967-1997, 14 feet; 11 boxes.
- Fenian Brotherhood. Records. 1850-1921, 4.5 feet; 9 boxes, 4 reels.
- Fenton, Joseph. Diaries. 1948-1966, 5 inches; 1 box. Donor: Joseph Komonchak, 2009.
- Filipino-American Catholic Devotion. Collection. 1996-2011, .025 feet; 1 box.
- First Vatican Council Photograph Album. Photographs. See Vatican Council I - (Councilii Vaticani). Photographs. Collection 1869-1870.
- Fitzgerald, James J. Manuscript. 1884, 1927-1946, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Flick, Lawrence Francis. Papers. n.d.(1875-1938)1978, 45 feet; 34 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Foley, Albert Sidney. Doctoral Dissertation. 1952, 1 volume.
- Foley, Leo O. Papers. 1963-1983, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Foley, Michael. Photographs. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Ford, Anna LeCompte. Papers. 1852-1897, Loose items.
- Fotitch, Tatiana Zurunitch. Papers. 1959-1961, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Frank, Clara. Memorial Collection. n.d., 5 inches; 1 box.
Frank Walker Hicklin III. Collection. ca. 1930-2001. 2 feet; 2 boxes.
- French, Bernard Semple. Papers. 1.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Friends Meeting of Washington. Nicaragua Slides. 1980s, 1 box; 1 inch.
- Frith-Garesche Postcard Collection. 1906 1941, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Furfey, Paul Hanly . Papers. 1803(1896-1992)n.d., 161 feet. 129 boxes.
- Garrigan, Philip J. Papers. 1888-1906, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Geary, James Aloysius. Papers. 1893-1958, 4 feet; 8 boxes, 1 volume.
- George Washington Bicentennial Observance . Collection. 1905-1934, n.d., 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Gibbons, James Cardinal. Collection. 1869-1962, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Gignac, Francis T., S.J. Collection. 1970-1990, n.d., .5 feet; 1 box.
- Ginzberg, Ellen. Papers. ca. 1972-2000, 33 feet; 26 boxes. Collection stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
- Glendon, Mary Ann. Papers. 1948-2020, 37.5 linear feet; 27 boxes.
- Goettleman, Paul. Photograph Collection. ca. 1960-1972, n.d., 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Goguen, Henry. Papers. 1913-1986, n.d., 4.5 feet; 9 boxes.
- Government Relations (USCCB). 1956-2001, 42 feet; 34 boxes. See United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 25 year restriction
- Green, Msgr. Thomas J. Papers. 1965-2015. 10.25 feet; 9 boxes.
- Griffin, John Joseph. Certificates of Membership. 1904, 1908,1909, 1 folder.
- Grosz, Bishop Jozsef. Trial Transcription. 1951, 1 folder.
- Guilday, Peter. Papers. 1704(1884-1947)1947, 55 feet; 110 boxes; 9 reels microfilm.
- Haas, Francis Joseph. Papers. ca. 1913-1955, 65.5 feet; 131 boxes.
- Hallinan, Paul J., Vatican Council II. Collection. 1959-1966, 3 feet; 6 boxes.
- Hamilton, Ralph Hayes. Travelogue Collection. 1918-1968, 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Hannan, Philip Matthew. Collection. 1956-2013, 1.25 linear feet; 1 box.
- Hartke, Gilbert Vincent Ferrer. Collection. 1882-1994, n.d., 84 feet; 67 boxes.
- Hatzfeld, Helmut A. Papers. 1892-1979, 10 feet; 8 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed .
- Hayes, John William. Papers. 1880-1921, 24.5 feet; 49 boxes.
- Haynes-Lofton Family. Papers. 1882-1974, 35 feet; 69 boxes.
- Health Affairs Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Healy, Patrick Joseph. Papers. ca. 1908-1937. n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Healy-Leffson Alumni Collection. 1941-1990, n.d. 1 foot; 1 box, 1 plaque.
- Heidgerken, Loretta. Papers. 1942-1977, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Helmsing, Charles, Vatican Council II Collection. 1964-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Henry, Hugh Thomas. Papers. 1887-1942, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Hermens, Ferdinand Aloys. Collection. 1955-1998, 18 feet; 16 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra Retrieval time needed.
- Herzfeld, Karl. Papers. 1886(1948-1967)2001, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Hibernians, Ancient Order of (AOH). Collection. 1878-2016, 7 feet; 5 boxes.
- Hickey, Margaret A. Papers. 1917-1921, 1 folder.
- Higgins, George Gilmary . Papers. 1919-2002, 274 feet; 483 boxes.
- Higgins, Martin Joseph. Papers. 1935, 1948-1961, 1968, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Hilger, Sr. Marie Inez. Collection. 1924-1972, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Hispanic Affairs (formerly Spanish Speaking) (USCCB). 1972-2002. 13.75 feet; 11 boxes. See United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 25 Year Restriction.
- Hitz, Gilbert A. Photographs and Ephemera Collection. Ca. 1922-1926, .25 feet; 1 box.
- Hoge, Dean. Papers. Ca. 1966- 2012, 49 feet; 39 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Holm, Herman Theodor . Papers. n.d.(1874-1932)1968, 10 feet; 8 boxes.
- Holy Shroud of Turin. Photographs, loose items.
- Horn, Carl A. Collection. 1915- 1916, 1.5 linear feet; 1 box.
- Howard, Bishop Francis. Papers. 1886(1898-1944)1959, 43 feet; 35 boxes. Collection stored off sie, extra retrieval time needed.
- Howlett, W.J. Memoirs. n.d. , 1 folder.
- Hughes, John. See: New York, Archdiocese of.
- Humanae Vitae Controversy. Joseph Byron. Collection. 1968, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Humanae Vitae Controversy. Shane MacCarthy. Collection. 1968, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Hurley, Mark Joseph. Vatican II Collection. 1962-1963, 1 box; 2.5 inches.
- Hyvernat, Henri. Papers. 1877-1942, 38 feet; 57 boxes.
- Immigration Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- International Catholic Organizations Network (ICON). Records. 1953-2012, 21.5 feet; 17 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra Retrieval time needed.
- International Federation of Catholic Alumnae (IFCA). Records. 1914-2024, 51 feet; 38 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Irish College in Rome. Records (Microfilm Only). 1832-1849, 3 reels.
- Irish Home Rule Political Cartoons. Collection. 1843-1888. 2 feet; 1 box. .
- Irish Repeal Campaign Cartoons. 1843-1844, n.d., 1 folder.
- Italian Episcopal and Papal Conclave Letters and Piuxs IX/Risorgimento. Collection. 14th - 19th centuries, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Iturbide - Kearney Family. Collection. 1797-1977, 5.5 feet; 6 boxes.
- Jenkins, Michael. Memorial Scrapbooks. 1915 1916, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Jesuit Tomb Photographs. n.d., 1 folder.
- John Paul II Miscellany. Collection. n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Jones, Mary Harris "Mother". Collection. n.d.(1899-1932)1981. 1.5 linear feet; 3 boxes.
- Jordan, Edward Benedict . Papers, 5 feet; 11 boxes.
- Josephite Fathers. Papers (Microfilm Only). 25 reels microfilm.
- Jubilee USA Network . Records. 1986(1997-2019)n.d., 33 feet; 24 boxes.
- Kane, John F. Collection. 1943-1946, n.d., 5 inches; 1 box.
- Keane, John Joseph. Collection. 1868-1918, n.d., 3 feet; 3 boxes.
- Keelan, William S. Naturalization Certificate. 1860, 1 folder.
- Keenan, Joseph Daniel. Papers. 1935-1988, 20 feet; 39 boxes.
- Kehoe - Hammond. Correspondence (Microfilm Only). 1858-1890, 1 reel microfilm.
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald. Speech. 1956. 1 folder.
- Kenny, Michael. Papers. 1900, 1930s-1987.58 feet; 49 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Kenrick, Francis Patrick. Letters. 1821, 1823, 1827. 2.5 feet; 1 box.
- Kerby, William Joseph. Papers. 1883-1949, 5 feet; 10 boxes.
- Kerby (William Joseph) Foundation. Records. 1936-1973, 8.5 feet; 17 boxes.
- Kerr, Walter and Jean. Collection. 1938-1990, n.d., 4 feet; 3 boxes.
- Komonchak, Joseph. Papers. 1912(1947-2007)n.d., 34 feet; 23 boxes.
- Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth (USCCB). 1987, 1991-1993. 38 feet; 31 boxes. See United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Lambert, Louis Aloysius. Papers. 1863-1914, 4 inches; 1 box.
- LaRose, Pierre. Heraldry Collection, 1 foot; 1 box.
- Leadership Council of Catholic Laity (LCCL)/ American Catholic Lay Network (ACLN). Papers. 1972(1986-1995)1996, 4 feet; 9 boxes.
- Leahy, William, Vatican Council II Collection. 1959-1999, 14 feet; 11 boxes.
- Lee, Thomas Sim. Papers. 1860-1916, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Legal Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Lenahan, Thomas A. Papers. 1925-ca. 1955, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Leon Marcellus Grant, Sr. Memorabilia. 1915(1917-1921)1951,.5 foot; 1 box.
- Liebow, Elliot. Papers. 1946-2002, 25 feet; 51 boxes. Extensive restrictions.
- Liederbach, Clarence A. Papers. 1971, 1977, 1 folder.
- Ligutti, Luigi, Vatican Council II. Collection. 1959(1960-1966)1971. 8.5 feet; 17 boxes.
- Lindesmith, Eli Washington John. Papers. 1846-1922, 17 feet; 34 boxes.
- Lionie, Mother Marie. Photo. 1912, 1 item.
- Liptak, David Q. Papers. 1944-2018, 6 feet; 5 boxes.
- London Playbills. Collection. 1945-1962. 2 inches: 1 file.
- Long Island Pro Life. Collection.1959-2003. 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Luby, Thomas Clarke. Papers. 1807-1959, 5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Luce Library Theatre. Collection, 6 feet; 4 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Luddy, John. Notebooks. 1867-1869, .25 linear feet; 1 box.
- Lyne, Mary Hope. Scrapbook. 1934, 5 inches; 1 box.
- MacCarthy, Shane. Humanae Vitae Controversy. Collection. 1968, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- MacLean, Donald Alexander. Papers. 1900 -1956, 16 feet; 12 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Madden, Richard Robert. Papers. 1641(1851-1891)n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Magner, James Aloysius. Papers. ca.1920-1994, 125 feet; boxes, films, slides, etc. Portions of collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Manning, Frank. Collection. 1966-1967, 1 file.
- Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1870-1948, 2 reels.
- Manternach, Janaan and Carl J. Pfeifer. Papers. 1940s-2010s, 12 Boxes: 15 Feet. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
March for Life Collection. 1974-1998. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Margot, Antoinette. Papers. 1831-1928, n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Marian Convocation. Collection. 1954, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Maroon, Fred J. Photograph Collection. 1950-1961, 1982-1999. 12 feet; 22 boxes.
- Masonic House of the Temple Library. Roman Catholic Reference Files. 1927-1997. 25 feet; 1 box.
- Matera, Frank J. Papers. 1968-2012. 3.75 feet; 3 boxes.
- Marthaler, Berard L. Papers. 1962-1993, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- McAlister, Joseph Bernard. Audio Collection. 1980-1995, 5 feet; 1 box.
- McCarthy, Charles Hallan. Papers. 1786(1864-1935)n.d., 4 feet; 8 boxes.
- McCormick, Patrick Joseph. Papers. 1860-1953, 9 feet; 19 boxes.
- McDonald, Fergus. Research Notes. ca. 1946. 5 inches; 1 box.
- McDonald, William Joseph. Collection. 1945-1989, 5 inches; 1 box.
- McElwee, Joshua. Vatican Collection. 2013-2023, 2.5 Feet; 2 Boxes.
- McEntegart, Bryan Joseph. Collection. 1957, 1962, 5 inches; 1 box.
- McKenna, Bernard Aloysius. Papers. 1915-1952, 4 inches; 1 box.
- McKenna, Norman C. Papers. 1935-1971, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- McKenzie, Donald Francis. Papers. ca. 1850-1976, 11 feet; 9 boxes.
- McLean, George Francis. Papers. 1951-2014, n.d., 75 feet; 60 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- McMahon, Edward L. P. McMahon, Jr. Collection. 1967-2009. .25 foot; 1 box.
- McMahon, James. Papers. 1874-1902, .5 feet; 1 box.
- McManus, Frederick Richard. Papers.1926 -2006, 62.5 feet; 50 boxes.
- McNamara, Robert Francis . Papers. 1854-1989, 15.25 feet; 32 boxes.
- McNicholas, John Timothy. Papers. 1912, 1925-1949, 1.25 feet; 3 boxes.
- Meagher, James Luke. Manuscripts. n.d., 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Meehan, Mary Catherine. Papers. 1947-2022, 71 feet; 57 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Meyer, Robert Theodore. Papers. 1905-1986, 12.25 feet; 22 boxes.
- Michalowicz Alumni Collection. 1937-1949. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Millar, Margaret Richards. Papers. 1915 (1918-1930) 1940. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Mills, Elizabeth F. Scrapbooks. 1944-1951, 2 boxes: 4 feet.
- Miscellaneous Catholic Family Life. Collection. ca. 2001, n.d., 2 inches; 1 file.
- Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart. Records. 1888-2022, n.d., 630 feet; 824 boxes. Significant portion, mostly audiovisual, of collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Mitchell, John. Papers. 1876-1931, n.d., 130 feet, 189 boxes.
- Mohler, Bruce Monroe. Papers. 1881-1967. 36 feet; 57 boxes.
- Mohler, Dorothy Abts . Papers. 1907-2000. 15 boxes; 19 feet.
- Montavon, William Frederick. Papers. 1925 1951, 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Moore, Robert. Collection. 1947(1968-1979) n.d., 2 feet: 1 box.
- Moran, Martin J. Collection. ca. 1953-2016. 4 feet; 3 boxes.
- Mother of God Community Garden. Collection. 1982-1990, 1996. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Mother Teresa, Eileen Egan's. Collection. 1954-2000, 12 feet; 21 boxes.
- Mother Teresa, Co-Workers of. Collection. See: Co- Workers of Mother Teresa.
- Motry, Hubert Louis. Papers. 1647(1918- 1952)1952. 9 feet; 18 boxes.
- Muench, Aloisius Joseph Cardinal. Papers. 1906(1946-1959)1963, 81 feet; 61 boxes.
- Muldoon, Peter James. Diary (Microfilm Only). 1901-1926, 3 reels.
- Mullaney, Joan Ward. Collection. 1960s-2016. 1 box: 1.25 feet.
- Mullin, Francis A. Typescript. 1936, 1 folder.
- Murray, Paul T. Papers. 1950-2024. Digital Only.
- Murray, Philip. Papers. 1936-1952, 123 feet; 185 boxes, 99 scrapbooks.
- Museum Autograph Collection. 1607-1918, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- National Catholic Community Service (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Catholic Education Association. Records. 1886(1904-2020)n.d., 774 feet; 615 boxes.Stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
- National Catholic News Service (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD). Records. 1978-2018. 50 feet; 40 boxes.
- National Catholic School of Social Service (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Catholic Students Coalition. Records. ca. 1985 -2011, 27 feet: 21 boxes. Stored offsite, extra retrieval time needed.
- National Catholic War Council. Records. 1891(1917-1935)1956, 137 feet; 110 boxes; 35 reels microfilm.
- National Catholic Welfare Conference. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Catholic Welfare Council. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). Records. 1961- 2017, 140 feet; 109 boxes.
- National Conference of Catholic Bishops. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Council for Catholic Evangelization (NCCE). Records. 1983-2002, 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- National Council of Catholic Laity (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Council of Catholic Men (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Council of Catholic Women (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- National Federation of Catholic College Students Moderator. Records. 1945-1986, 4 feet; 8 boxes.
- National Migrant Worker Council (NMWC). Collection. 1968(1968-1994)2008, 24 feet; 19 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- National Right to Life News. Collection. 1973-1999. 3.75 feet; 3 boxes.
- National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Collection. 1910-1996, 7.7 feet; 11 boxes.
Natural Family Planning Collection. 1970s-1990s. 12 feet; 10 boxes.
- Neill, Charles Patrick. Papers. 1883-1956, 4.9 feet; 7 boxes.
- Neuhaus, Richard John. Papers. 1923(1941- 2010)2016, 140 feet; 106 boxes.
- Nevins, Frances (Sister Christine Marie of the Holy Spirit, OCD). Collection. 1930-2020. 10 feet; 8 boxes.
- New Catholic Encyclopedia. Records. 1959-1979, 194 feet; 184 boxes, 29 reels microfilm. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- New York, Archdiocese of. John Hughes. Papers (Microfilm Only). 7 reels.
See also: Catholic Interracial Council of New York, Inc. - Newsom, Abraham. Digital Music Collection. 3.89 GB, 2,712 files, 1996-1999. Donor: Abraham Newsom, 2021.
- Newton, Randolph Rodney. Papers. 1904-2000. 2 feet; 2 boxes.
- Nichols, Joseph. Papers. 1960- 1995,.5 feet; 1 box.
- North American College in Rome . Photograph Album. n.d., 2 feet; 1 box.
- Norris, James J., Vatican Council II Collection. 1962-1966, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Novak, James J. Papers. 1967-1995. 12.5 feet; 10 boxes.
- Novak, Joseph. Collection. 55 feet; 46 boxes. See also 'Embodiment. '
- Novak, Michael John, Jr. Typescript. ca. 1978, 1 folder.
- Nuesse, Celestine Joseph. Papers. 1930-2010, 29 boxes; 38 feet.
- Oben, Freda Mary. Papers. ca. 1965-2008, n.d., 49 feet; 39 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- O'Boyle, Patrick, Vatican Council II Collection. 1963-1965, n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- O'Brien, Jack. Collection. 1932-1961, n.d., 2 feet; 1 box.
- Observance of the 15th Centenary of the Council of Ephesus 431- 1931. See: Scranton, Diocese of.
- O'Connell, David M. Collection. 1998-2010. 12.5 feet; 10 boxes.
- O'Connell, Denis Joseph. Roman Correspondence. 1886-1894, 1 folder.
- O'Connell, Robert Lincoln . Papers. 1900(1917-1919)1972, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- O'Connor, John P. Collection. 1937-1967, n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- O'Connor, Martin John. Collection. n.d. (1919-1986)1992, 65 linear feet; 80 boxes. Boxes 1-49 stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- O'Donnell, Sister Anne. Papers. 1949-2015 4 boxes; 5 feet.
- O'Farrell, Mary T. Manuscripts. 1898, 1900, 1903, 1912, 1 folder.
- O'Gorman, Thomas . Papers. 1891-1902, I inch; 1 box.
- O'Grady, John Papers. 1870(1905-1966)1977, 17 feet; 35 boxes.
- O'Hara, Edwin Vincent. Papers. ca. 1905-1956, 16 reels microfilm.
- O'Hara, Frank. Papers. 1922-1923, 1930-1931, 1 folder.
- Onahan, William James. Scrapbook. 1893, 5 inches; 1 box .
- O'Neill, Helen. Christmas Cards. n.d.,1 folder.
- Oral History. Collection. n.d.,1.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- O'Shea, William Doyle. Papers. 1912-1914. 1 folder
- Pace, Edward Aloysius. Papers. 1887(1887- 1938)1963, 8 feet; 16 boxes.
- Papacy - Vatican Affairs. Articles & Clippings. ca. 1870-1950, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Papal Autograph Collection. 1578-1865, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Parker, James. Papers. 1941(1961-2013)2013. 8.75 feet; 7 boxes.
- Peebles, Bernard Mann. Papers. (1546)1907- 1976, 29 feet; 23 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Peter, Carl J. Papers. 1953(1980-1989)1991, 7.5 feet; 6 boxes.
- Peter, Val J. Vatican Council II Collection. 1958-1965, 3 feet; 7 boxes.
- Plumpe, Joseph Conrad. Papers. Ca. 1946- 1957, 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Poels, Henry. Collection. 1982, 2022. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Pohle, Joseph. Memorial. 1894, 1 inch.
- Pontifical North American College in Rome. Collection. 1878-1888. 3.25 feet; 2 boxes.
- Potomac Technical Processing Librarians. Collection. 1923-2018, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Potvin, Raymond. Papers. 1958-2005. 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Powderly, Terence Vincent. Papers. 1864-1938, 171 feet; 268 boxes, 1 file cabinet.
- Powderly, Terence, Vincent, Lantern Slide Collection. 1850(1904-1919)1922, 6 feet: 29 boxes.
- Preuss, Arthur. Papers. 1894-1936, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Primeau, Ernest, Vatican Council II Collection. ca. 1962-1965, 6.5 feet; 13 boxes.
Pro Life Periodicals and Newsletters. 1970s-1990s. 18 feet; 14 boxes.
- Propagation of the Faith. Records. ca. 1966(1988-1990)1996, 40 feet; 32 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Provost, James H. Papers . 1965-2000, 5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Purcell, Richard Joseph . Papers. 1860(1901-1950)1961, 21 feet; 49 boxes.
- Rahill, Peter James. Papers. 1952-1962, 5 inches, 1 box.
- Read, Harry Cyril. Papers. 1928-1957, 15.4 feet; 22 boxes.
- Reilly, George Francis. CUA Memorabilia. 1932-1933, 1 inch; 1 file.
- Reilly, Marie. Papers. 1919-1920. 5 inches; 1 box.
- Religious Communities and Missions Survey. Collection. 1987-1989, 2012. 10 feet; 8 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Religious Sisters of Mercy. Book of Customs. 1869, 1901, 2.5 inches; 1 box.
Religious Task Force on Central America, Central America Report. Collection. 1982-1991, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Revision of the New Testament. See: Committee on the Revision of the New Testament.
- Richmond, Diocese of. Denis J. O'Connell. Papers. See: O'Connell, Denis Joseph. Roman Correspondence.
- Rivers, Clarence Rufus Joseph. Collection. 1964-2005, 5 feet; 4 boxes. Restrictions.
- Robinson Family. Papers. 1853-1944. 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Robinson, Joseph Flading. Papers. 1909-1974, 1 folder.
- Robinson, William Callyhan. Papers. 1792-1916, 8 feet; 17 boxes.
- Roman Catholic Traditionalist Printed Materials. 1960s-2023, 24 feet; 19 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Rooney, William. Collection. n.d., 1.25 feet; 3 boxes.
- Roosevelt-Churchill Wartime Correspondence. Papers. 1942-1945, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1933-1944, 3 reels microfilm.
- Rose Society of Brookland, D.C. Minutes. n.d., 1 folder.
- Russell, William Henry. Papers. 1913-1953, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Russo, Anthony. Collection. 1949, 1 inch; 1 file.
- Ryan, Abram Joseph. Poetry. 1869-1870, 1 folder.
- Ryan, John Augustine. Papers. 1892-1945, 43 feet; 80 boxes. Boxes 1-64 are currently being digitized by ProQuest and will be out for 3-4 months (October 2021 - January/February 2022).
- Ryan, James Hugh. Scrapbook. 1947, 1 item.
- Ryan, Mary C. Papers. 1933-1942, 3 inches; 1 box.
- Ryan, Patrick Joseph. Interview. 1975, 1 folder.
- Ryan Family . Papers. 1903(1827-1951) 1995. 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Rybcvzyk, Paul- Sigma Pi Delta Fraternity. Collection. 1969-1976. 1.25 feet; 1 box. (See also CUA Museum collection).
- Sabatura, JoAnn. CUA Memorabilia Collection. 1965-1966. 1 inch; 1 file.
- Sabbagh, Br. Stephen, OFM, Slide Collection. 1955-1987, n.d.. 10 feet; 8 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Satolli, Cardinal Francesco. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1896. 1 reel.
- Scheel, Nivard. Papers. 1944-1963, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Schmidt, John Rogg. Papers. 1908-1978, 6 feet; 6 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Schmidt, Lois G. Memorabilia Collection. 1933-2000, 4 feet; 3 boxes.
- Schmitt, Karl. Photographs. 1940-1943, 1945-1946, 2000. .25 inch: 1 box.
- Schmitz, Walter J. Collection. 1884, 1932, 1947-1980. 3.5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Schroeder, Peter Joseph. Diary. 1870 -1871. 1 inch; 1 box.
- Scranton, Diocese of. Observance of the 15th Centenary of the Council of Ephesus 431-1931. Photograph Album. 1 item.
- Sendry, Joseph. Papers. 1965-2002. .5 feet; 1 box.
- Seymour, Msgr. Francis. Catholic Print Ephemera Collection. 1910-2017. 7.5 Feet; 6 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Shahan, Thomas Joseph. Papers. 1813-1950, 28 feet; 50 boxes.
- Shea, Daniel William . Papers. 1882-1930, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Sheen, Fulton John. Collection. n.d. (1923-1985)2015, 6 feet; 7 boxes.
- Shields, Thomas Edward. Collection, 1896-ca. 1933, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Siefert, George Joseph. Papers. Ca. 1920-1980s, 9 feet; 7 boxes.
- Sinise, Gary, Gibbons Medal Speech. 2017. 1 item.
- Skehan, Patrick William. Papers. 1930-1980. 2.5 feet; 5 boxes.
- Slayter, Noah. CatholicU Memorabilia Collection. 2021-2024, 2.5 Feet; 2 Boxes.
- Sloyan, Rev. Gerard Stephen. Oral History Transcript. 1994. 2 inches; 1 folder.
- Small Christian Communities. Collection. 1997-2018., 20 feet; 16 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Smith, Bernard. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1849-1892, 15 reels.
- Smith, Henry Ignatius . Papers. Ca. 1920- 1950s, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Smith, John Talbot. Papers. 1883-1925, 3 feet; 7 boxes.
- Snyder, Walter Francis. Master's Essay. ca. 1920. 5 inches; 1 box.
- Social Action Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Social Justice Collection. 1936-1942, 6 feet; 5 boxes
- Society of St. Gregory in America. Papers. 1937-1988, 1 folder.
- Society of St. Pius X. Collection . 1954-1997. 5.5 feet; 11 boxes.
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) of the Archdiocese of Washington . Records. 1888(1947-1965) 1972. 7.5 linear feet; 15 boxes.
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP), National Council of the United States. Records. 1851-2022, 160 feet; 127 boxes.
- Spalding, Martin John and John Lancaster. Papers. ca. 1840-1895, 2 inches; 1 box.
- Spalding, Martin John. Papers (Microfilm Only). 1860-1884, 1 reel.
- Spensley, John William. Papers. 1886-1915, 1 foot; 2 boxes.
- Sr. Vincentia Joseph and Sr. Ann Patrick Conrad Collection. 1943-2018, 58 feet; 46 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- St. Patrick's Day Parade of Washington, D.C. Collection. 1972 (1977–1998) 2019. 2 boxes; 2.5 feet.
- Stock, Leo Francis. Papers. 1896-1954, 2 feet; 5 boxes.
- Stoddard, Charles Warren. Diaries. 1892-1895. 5 inches; 1 box.
- Storer, Agnes. Scrapbook. 1878-1918. 2 volumes; 1 box.
- Strahan, Speer. Journals. 1920-1947. 4 inches; 1 box.
- Stransky, Thomas F., C.S.P. Papers. ca. 1950-2000s. 47 feet: 80 boxes.
- Street, Elwood Vickers. Papers. 1961-1970, 2 feet; 5 boxes.
- Strunk, Steven. Papers. 1965-2011, n.d., 20 feet; 15 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Teresa, Mother. See: Co- Workers of Mother Teresa in America. Records. 1971-1994. or Mother Teresa. Collection. 1954-1992. or Raymond Dempsey Mother Teresa Collection. 1989-1993, n.d.
- Therese of Lisieux (Saint). Collection. 1888-1897, 1915, 1935. 0.5 feet; 1 box.
- Thomas More Society of America . Records. 1966(1977-2013)n.d., 6.25 feet; 5 boxes.
- Thorup, Jane Marie De Blois. Manuscript. 1939. 1 inch.
- Tilghman, Charles. Collection. 1951-2018. 1.5 feet; 1 box.
- Tirone, Rosemary. Collection. 1.25 feet; 1 box, 1957, n.d.
- Tongue, William Richard Francis. Papers. 1936-1973, 10 feet; 7 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Treasure Chest of Fun & Fact. Collection. 1946-1972, 2006. 13 feet; 26 boxes.
- Trisco, Robert. F. Msgr. Papers. 95 Boxes: 119 Feet, 1951-2023.
- Tully, Andrew. Photographs. Collection. ca. 1951-1955, 1 folder.
- Tumulty, Alice Long. Alumni Collection. 1940, 2014. 1 folder
- United States Catholic Conference. See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Records. 1919-2019, 2,056 feet; 1,438 boxes, 40 volumes, 2,500+ audio-visual items.
- Urban Nagle. Collection. 1928-1934. 2.5 inches; 1 box.
- Ursuline Convent, Charlestown, Massachusetts. Collection. 1832-1903, 5 inches; 1 box.
- Vallillo, Anthony L., Jr., CUA Memorabilia Collection. 1967-1969, 2 feet; 1 box.
- Vatican Affairs. Articles & Clippings. See: Papacy-Vatican Affairs.
- Vatican Council I. Register. 1869, 1 box.
- Vatican Council I - (Concilii Vaticani) Photographs. Collection. 1869-1870. 2 boxes.
- Vatican Council II - Bound Printed Documents Collection . 1960-1965. 11.25 feet; 9 boxes.
- Vatican Council II - Collections Census. Collection. 2012-2103, (Electronic format).
- Vatican Council II - Charles Helmsing. 1962-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes. See also: Helmsing, Charles, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Pat Martin (Post) Audiovisual. Collection. 1973-1977. 3.25 feet; 2 boxes.
- Vatican Council II - Ernest Primeau. Collection. ca. 1962-1965, 6 feet; 12 boxes. See also Primeau, Ernest, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Fulton J. Sheen. Collection. 1920- 1985, n.d. 2 feet; 4 boxes. See also Sheen, Fulton, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Leo Binz. 1960-1965, 2 feet; 4 boxes. See also Binz, Leo, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Luigi Ligutti. 1962-1965, n.d., 8.5 feet; 17 boxes. See also Ligutti, Luigi, Vatican Council II Collection..
- Vatican Council II - James J. Norris. Collection. 1962- 1966, 2.5 feet; 5 boxes. See also Norris, James J., Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Patrick O'Boyle. Collection. 1963- 1964, n.d., 1 foot; 2 boxes. See also O'Boyle, Patrick, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Paul J. Hallinan. Collection. 1959 -1966, 3 feet; 6 boxes. See also Hallinan, Paul J., Vatican Council II. Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Print and Photograph Collection . 1958-1982. 4 feet; 2 boxes.
- Vatican Council II - Rocco Caporale. Collection. n.d.(1963-1965)2003, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes. See also Caporale, Rocco, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - Val J. Peter. Collection. 1962-1963, 3 feet; 6 boxes. See also Peter, Val J., Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - William Bassett. 1963, 1971, .5 feet; 1 box. See also Bassett, William, Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vatican Council II - William Leahy. Collection. 1955-1967, 14 feet; 11 boxes. See also Leahy, William K., Vatican Council II Collection.
- Vernacular Society. Newsletter. 1951-1964. 25 feet; 1 box.
- Vietnam War Protest Petitions. Collection. 1968-1971, 6 feet; 4 boxes.
- Voice of the Faithful. Collection. 2003-2007, n.d., 5 feet; 4 boxes.
- Wallace, Fr. William A. Collection. 1942-1945, 2003, .025 feet; 1 box.
- Walsh, Mary Elizabeth . Papers. 1932-1985, 45 feet; 36 boxes. Collection stored off site, extra retrieval time needed.
- Walsh, William Thomas . Papers. 1914(1930-1949)2004, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Walton, Clarence Cyril . Papers. 1910-1995, 15 feet; 30 boxes.
- Ward, Justine Bayard. Collection. ca. 1880-1978, 4 feet; 4 boxes.
- Washington, Archdiocese of. Catholic Charities. Records. See: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC.
- Washington Catholic Evidence Guild. Collection. 1933-1983, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Washington City Canal Lottery Ticket. ca. 1796-1800. 1/8 inch.
- Washington, George. See: George Washington Bicentennial Observance.
- Wayman, Dorothy Godfrey. Papers. 1904- 1955, 2 feet; 5 boxes.
- Webber, John. Digital Music Collection. 1979-2021. Webber Folder: 120.4 GB, 77,590 files. Donors: John C. Webber and Carolyn Gehl, 2021.
- Weber, Joseph. Papers. 1791-1939, 1.5 feet; 3 boxes.
- Weinberg, Jules . Papers. 1946-1960. 2 feet; 4 boxes.
- Weiss, Paul . Papers. 1955-1970, 4 feet; 8 boxes.
- Whalen, John Philip . Papers. 1949-1978, 6 feet; 9 boxes.
- Whelan, Thomas J., Sr. Collection. 1927 (1929-1933) 1951, .25 linear feet; 1 box.
- Williams, Clarence Russell . Typescript. ca. 1932, 2 inches; 1 box.
- Willis, Hugh Warren . Dissertation. 1952 -1972, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Wippel, Msgr. John F. Papers. 1958-2021, 18 boxes, 24 feet.
- Woodson, Cecilia Parker. Collection. 1880(1890-1918)1984, 1.25 feet; 1 box.
- Woroniak, Alexander . Collection. 1967- 1994, 2.5 feet; 2 boxes.
- Wright, Lawrence F. Collection. ca. 1917-1921, .5 feet; 1 box.
- Yannarell, Nicholas T. Photographic and Ephemera Collection . 1926(1952-1956)1997, 0.75 feet; 2 boxes.
- Young Catholic Messenger. Collection. 1891, 1895, 1909, 1913-1914, 1925-1970. 6.5 feet; 13 boxes.
- Youniss, James. Papers. 33 boxes; 43 feet. 1961-2019, n.d.
- Youth Department (USCCB). See: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Top of Page
- Zeender, John. Papers. ca. 1892-2002, 7 feet; 13 boxes.
- Ziegler, Aloysius Kieran. Papers. 1916-1975, 4.5 feet; 10 boxes.
- Zimmerman, Lawrence J. Research Notes. 1970, 1 inch.